Effix 550 Posted April 25, 2022 View File Effixian's Taris Arena Changes -------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic -------------------------------------------- TITLE: Effixian's Taris Arena Changes AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- ~ JDub96 and Effix present, a Knights of the Old Republic mod ~ This mod tries to make the Taris Arena contestants look more interesting, mainly by giving them new variations of the Combat Suit. There's also a Combat Suit variation for the player, that's in the first aid container in the corner of the room (near Twitch). Somewhat like souvenirs, Kebla of the Equipment Emporium sells replicas of the new Combat Suit variations that the arena contestants wear. I've split this mod up into 2 parts. A: The NPCs wear new combat suit variations, the player can loot its own version and Kebla sells the replicas. B: Further changes to make the NPCs more unique: - Gerlon Two-Fingers gets a scruffy beard - Ice gets a more unique Echani inspired head - Marl gets a unique head with beard - Twitch gets a different texture to make him look a bit more menacing - Bendak gets a different texture based on my TSL mod "Mandalorian Reskins" Important: - Kebla's store will only update if you use a save in which you haven't been to the Upper City South yet - The changes inside the cantina will only work with a save in which you haven't been inside the Upper City Cantina yet ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip. Part A: Simply copy the files from the subfolder "Part A - Combat Suits" to your game's Override folder. Part B (optional, but requires Part A): Run "TSLPatcher - Install Effixians Taris Arena Changes - Part B.exe" and point it to your main game's folder. --------- BUGS --------- None known. -------------------------- COMPATIBILITY -------------------------- Not compatible with other mods that change or include the same files. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- 1. Remove from the Override folder: g_a_class4010.uti g_a_class4011.uti g_a_class4012.uti g_a_class4013.uti g_a_class4014.uti ia_Class4_008.tga ia_Class4_009.tga ia_Class4_010.tga ia_Class4_011.tga ia_Class4_012.tga k_ptar_a02ae_en.ncs keblastore.utm org_tar_a02ae.ncs PFBC08.tga PFBC09.tga PFBC10.tga PFBC11.tga PFBC12.tga PMBC08.tga PMBC09.tga PMBC10.tga PMBC11.tga PMBC12.tga tar02_bendak021.utc tar02_deadeye022.utc tar02_gerlon021.utc tar02_ice021.utc tar02_marl021.utc tar02_twitch021.utc If you've added Part B, also remove: N_Bendak.tga n_gerlon.mdl n_gerlon.mdx N_Gerlon.tga n_ice.mdl n_ice.mdx N_Ice.tga n_marl.mdl n_marl.mdx N_Marl.tga N_Twitch.tga 2. If you haven't installed any mods after this mod you can get the following files from the mod's backup folder and put them back in your override folder: appearance.2da heads.2da portraits.2da ------------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------ You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. -------------------- THANKS TO -------------------- - JDub96 for the overall mod concept and thinking up the different combat suit variations - DarthParametric for an improved script - Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool - Camo pattern by Fauzy Ramadhan @ vecteezy.com ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/effix ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Submitter Effix Submitted 04/25/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites