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Replacing Alien Voice with Audio Files

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Hi guys,

As the title says, I'm trying to replace some alien voice with real speech audio files. Anyone has an experience in this subject?

I realise I can edit the default alien sound override within the DLG files, but I can't replace with another sound file. The dialog triggers but no sound is playing while the character is speaking.


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If you want to switch to unique lines then you'll need to use the VO_ResRef option rather than the Sound one that generic gobbledygook uses. That requires a uniquely named file in the DLG-specific sub-folder of the module the DLG comes from in StreamWaves (K1) / StreamVoice (TSL). The sub-folder name can be found in the Voiceover ID field in the DLG header.

The audio is a mono MP3 with a fake WAV header. SithCodec can inject the fake headers into MP3s you give it -


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Thanks a lot @DarthParametric!

I indeed forgot the subfolder structure in streamwaves.

Apparently it also works with raw .wav files. Is there some versions of the game that are only compatible with mp3 (with fake wav header)?


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