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NPC Edits

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So... I'm toying with the idea of going through the modules of the games and editing the NPCs and enemies to have more consistent equipment. This was born of Col. Tobin switching from his Onderonian military uniform to Bronzium light armor. When I messed around with the Tobin files, I tried switching his heavy repeater to a heavy blaster pistol but that seemed to break the cutscene in the palace. Regardless, I wasn't sure if prop weapons are commonly used by enemies or just by NPCs we never fight.

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Really? I wouldn't have guessed that. I would have assumed that the prop weapons didn't actually work as proper damaging weapons.

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I could possibly be remembering this wrong. My memory of this had something to do with making the loading screen for the area. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, folks.

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It's important because I'm also going to be making my own version of Malkior's Blasters Reloaded that's going to involve removing the blaster feats from enemies and NPCs as well. I just don't want to break anything since the prop weapon Tobin had seemed to be part of making that cutscene work.

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15 hours ago, JDub96 said:

Regardless, I wasn't sure if prop weapons are commonly used by enemies or just by NPCs we never fight.

I remember that the Red Eclipse slavers on the landing pad and inside the EH, Ubese and other thugs on Nar-Shaddaa have prop weapons in their .utc files. You can use FindRefs to see whether prop weapons are commonly used or not.

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