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John Doom

Question about modding KOTOR2

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😀 Hello there, I'm a new user, 10+ years of modding experience and some in modding KOTOR2.

I'm planning to do something with you guys, but before deciding to announce it, I'd like to know how much time it would take to:

-make a new area the size of Telos 081;

-make a new area the size of a cantina;

-make a new race/character model;

--make a new model for an area.

Edited by John Doom

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1 hour ago, Sith Holocron said:

You're better off simply doing it and then announcing it.

Nope, I'm planning a collab, it's a complex project.

Now, does anyone have an actual answer?

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Nobody can give you an answer. This is the "how long is a piece of string?" of modding. The time required is entirely contingent on the specifics of what you want to do, your relevant skills/proficiencies, and how much free time you have to devote to it. Maybe you could do it in a week, maybe you'd still be working on it in a decade.

If you want collaboration then there is no reason not to lay out what it is you have in mind. Then people might actually be able to give you some informed opinion on how feasible what you want to do is, and what sort of effort would be required. But right off the bat, the fact that you think it requires a team means the likelihood of it ever seeing the light of day is low.

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😀 Will do! When I'll finish writing the concept, I'll make a proper thread to present this project.

In the meantime, thanks for the answer.

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