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DeNCS Decompiler failure?

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I've recently decompiled k_pdan_saber17.ncs and got the below: 

void main() {
    ActionDoCommand(ExecuteScript("k_pdan_player01", GetFirstPC(), 0xFFFFFFFF));
    DelayCommand(2.0, SetDialogPlaceableCamera(30));

Is 0xFFFFFFFF an error? 

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More specifically, you can enter integers in multiple number systems:

  • Binary - e.g. 0b10101010 (starts with 0b or 0B, valid digits are 0 and 1)
  • Octal - e.g. 0252 (starts with 0, valid digits are 0-7)
  • Decimal - e.g. 170 (starts with 1-9, valid digits are 0-9)
  • Hexadecimal - e.g. 0xAA (starts with 0x or 0X, valid digits are 0-9,A-F,a-f)

Remember, all values are 32-bit. Values are signed, with the exception of object types (they are unsigned pointers).

I think DeNCS gave you hex output because that is the default value for the last parameter of void ExecuteScript(string sScript, object oTarget, int nScriptVar = -1).

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