
Accurate Coordinates [TSL]

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Hello, I am attempting to create "animated cutscenes" (By animated I do mean custom static cameras and moving NPCs) though I am having a problem doing such.


I am currently using the mod "Handy Force Powers" which pretty much adds in the functions of the Whereami armband mod as a Force Power, so to set the coordinates first I am placing the NPCs and the coordinates into the git to ensure that they work first. While I can get the coordinates correct to actually place my NPCs I cannot seem to get the correct orientations so that they face the direction I want them to. A very similar problem occurs with Static Cameras, while I can put them where I want them I cannot get them to point in the right direct.

Would anyone know of any better coordinate mods or tips on how I can get accurate coordinates in TSL?

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Armbands are more "approximate" than accurate. Typically though the quaternions they output should be more or less in the right direction. Or at least that's my recollection from the odd occasion I've used either StarAdmiral's "Utility Armbands" in K1 or Darth333's "WhereAmI Armband" in TSL.

If you want truly precise values, you'll have to derive them by loading the module into Max/GMax/Blender.

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Also remember that the whereami armband and I assume the force power as well give you the orientation of the player character and not the orientation of the camera. So make sure to go into first person to accurately rotate your character before getting the rotation.

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11 minutes ago, Kexikus said:

the orientation of the player character and not the orientation of the camera

Speaking of which, that's actually one thing the armbands are really good for - positioning when right up against collision. Since characters have a "personal space" boundary around them, it can sometimes be difficult to gauge exactly where they can move in close proximity to collision when working in Max, etc. I found this when doing some adjustments for the post-Lehon crash cutscene in K1. For one shot where I had Mission walk to a console, she wouldn't obey using a target co-ord taken from Max, because she couldn't actually reach it, even though it seemed to me like she had heaps of room. So I hopped into the game and jammed the player as far as they could get into that corner. Using the armband's position resulted in Mission correctly doing what she was told because the waypoint was now a few centimeters further back on walkable geometry.

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Thank you both, through this thread I was reminded by how Fallen Guardian actually edited Darth333's K1 Utilities to properly find the "quaternions"  that the Kotor orientations use. In the end, I believe I have found something which can help me with my issue and I can now work on getting those static cameras.

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