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Guest Dark_Ansem

What is hard-coded into the game

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Guest Dark_Ansem

does anyone know what is entirely hard-coded into the game and can't really be changed?

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Guest Dark_Ansem

I'm talking about The Sith Lords, you are right.

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Guest milestails

I do know that some text in menus and cutscenes etc. are hard-coded because modders have tried to change the interface color from the green that Obisidian came up with.

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Guest Dark_Ansem

I read somewhere that there's a workaround for feats (besides the obvious Force power exploit), I'm interested also in making the bonuses of the various lightsaber forms scale with your character, and in general, use that critera. I do not understand, however, why force forms are locked, since they are classified as force powers and not as feats (big surprise for me).

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Guest Dark_Ansem

it also appears that the various alignment masteries are hardcoded...

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Guest DeadMan
I do not understand, however, why force forms are locked, since they are classified as force powers and not as feats (big surprise for me).

Not only saber forms, but ALL passive Force powers are hardcoded.

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Guest Dark_Ansem

even saber forms then? but I suspect no new forms can be added, right?


what about feats? I'm sure they cannot be added, but what about edited?

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even saber forms then? but I suspect no new forms can be added, right?


what about feats? I'm sure they cannot be added, but what about edited?


Other way around. Feats can be added, but they cannot be edited.


By default, any new feats you add do pretty much nothing for you, and you can't really change that. You can use them as placeholders in scripts though.


Like Atton's Fighting Spirit in actuality does nothing... it basically serves as a boolean for his OnDeath script to see if he has that script... THEN, if he does, he'll be revived automatically when the conditions are right.

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Guest Dark_Ansem

ah! so one could do a fighting spirit for the main character, for example?

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Guest Dark_Ansem

I mean in principle, it would be different. all passive feats work like fighting spirit?


do you know about value caps for attributes, bonuses to attributes, AC/BAB etc? I think attribute cap is 99, but I could be wrong.


EDIT: sorry, but it just dawned on me: what about more values for regeneration, both health and power: do they require script editing of 2da editing is enough?

Edited by Dark_Ansem

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even saber forms then? but I suspect no new forms can be added, right?

// DJS-OEI 3/25/2004

// The Ancient Lightsaber Form provides bonuses to saves,

// which we handle as decreases to the DC.

if( IsFormActive( oTarget, FORM_LIGHTSABER_ANCIENT_I ) ||

IsFormActive( oTarget, FORM_LIGHTSABER_ANCIENT_II ) ) {

// +1 bonus to save.

nMod -= 1;


else if( IsFormActive( oTarget, FORM_LIGHTSABER_ANCIENT_III ) ) {

// +2 bonus to save.

nMod -= 2;


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Guest Dark_Ansem

but are they selectable in-game? apparently my information was outdated!

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The attribute cap is 251 because anything over that will cause game crush.

The forms might be selectable in game since they are classified as force powers, but they are used as if they are feats, so this might cause problems.

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Guest Dark_Ansem

attribute like strength/wisdon is 251? if so I don't have to worry :P


what kind of problems?

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By "problems" I mean that you might not be able to create new forms because they are used like feats. But then again, they might be fine because they are force powers.


And yes, I mean attributes such as Strength and Wisdom, etc.

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Guest Dark_Ansem

like in Oblivion. well that's good, we can make overpowered characters :P or rather, more overpowered than already is...


what about bonuses to AC/attack defense? do you know?

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Guest Dark_Ansem

I could not find a script that describes:

Area of effect spells

"Spell" resistance, even in negative (as intented in D&D term, completely resisting a power, not simply succeeding the saving throw")


to increase the regeneration caps I can simply alter the correct .2da file (and create a corresponding tlk entry), regeneration_e or something?

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