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MOD:Grif Vindh's Roleplay Padawan Mod

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Grif Vindh's Roleplay Padawan Mod

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Roleplay Padawan Mod by Grif Vindh
Version 1.0, 7 October 2004


This mod is based on Achilles' excellent Padawan Mod, which is in turn based on Talchia's groundbreaking Padawan Mod. Both of these mods allow you to start the game as Jedi class, and both do the job well.

What I wanted to do is to alter the beginning of the story so that the PC-as-Jedi on Taris made sense. The game does not treat the character as a Jedi until a pivotal moment on Dantooine: so how is it he's running around with a lightsaber on Taris, deflecting blaster bolts and stunning people?

I have used the "training module" (the attack on the Endar Spire) as an opportunity to explain why this Jedi is on Taris, and why he never tells anyone -- including other Jedi -- that he already is one. It's not a perfect explanation, but it works, and I think it's fun.

This is primarily a role-playing mod -- it puts the Padawan mod it is based on context in a way that will (hopefully) mesh with the rest of the story better.


1. Uses the basic components of Achilles' Padawan Mod. This means that your character will:

    - start the game at third level (initial class and two jedi levels)
    - be given one short lightsaber of the appropriate color

2. It breaks from Achilles' mod, however, in that you do not get Jedi robes. This is (hopefully) explained in-story.

3. The introductory dialog has been completely rewritten to set up why your character has become a Jedi and why he will ultimately fail to point that out when he's talking to the Jedi Masters on Dantooine.

4. The Endar Spire module has been modified to reflect your new status. The story is mostly the same, but the context is entirely different.

5. Two responses to Carth's initial conversation on Taris have been modified slightly to fit in with the new backstory.

6. Where possible, I have tried to move the "learning the rules" conversation branches and pauses that appear throughout the game, especially in the beginning. Unfortunately, I was only able to find the ones in the dialog branches (and I had to leave the dialog branches alone in the Starboard portion of the Endar Spire module, because I kept breaking them).

What It Doesn't Do

1. None of the new dialog options have sound files attached to them. Maybe someday.

2. This mod is really of interest only if you're bothered by inconsistency of being a Jedi, going to Dantooine, and then being made a Jedi. The only reason to use this mod is if you're interested in the backstory and would like to see it fit a little better into the game itself. Also, it's a lot of fun to hack Sith guards to pieces with your lightsaber, and in the tutorial module you can do this without much trouble.

3. While I have *tried* to remove as much of the "tutorial" portion of the game as possible, there is still enough hanging around to piss you off if you've been through it twenty times already.

4. After you leave the Endar Spire, the "new storyline" sort of stops. If I get ambitious and people are interested, I'll try to expand it to Taris. Someday. Maybe. If it doesn't make me cry.

Files Modified

These files were based on Achilles' Padawan Mod, but were altered to conform to the new storyline:

end_trask.utc - Trask Ulgo's character file
end_trask01.dlg - Dialog file that triggers the scripts and sets up the story
make_consular.ncs - assigns XP, Class, and Inventory for Consulars
make_guardian.ncs - assigns XP, Class, and Inventory for Guardians
make_sentinel.ncs - assigns XP, Class, and Inventory for Sentinels

These files were taken from the Endar Spire module and altered to keep the story consistent:



To install this mod, copy all the files except for this readme into the Override folder in your KotOR directory. Once you have done this, start a new game.  After the movies play, you'll be taken to the new introduction and storyline.

Please note: when this mod is installed you will *not* be able to play the "original" storyline -- if you wish to play a Soldier, Scout or Scoundrel beyond level 1, you cannot do so with this mod.


To uninstall this mod, delete the files listed above from your Override directory.

Reporting Bugs and Making Suggestions

If you find any bugs with this mod, or would like to make a suggestion, you can contact me at this email address:  [see read-me for contact information]


I would like to thank Talchia for the original mod that inspired Achilles' work.

I also want to thank Achilles for the outstanding work on his version on the mod, and for giving me permission to use his mod as the foundation of mine.

I would also like to think the creator of the KOTOR Tool for making my life a heck of a lot easier when I was working on this.



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