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MOD:Torthane's The Veridian Echo

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Torthane's The Veridian Echo


The Veridian Echo Mod Read-me


I. Introduction

II. Description

III. Installation Instructions


V. Credits and Thanks

VI. Legal Notes


I. Introduction


Thank you for downloading The Veridian Echo Mod! I hope it will bring new flavor to Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.

This mod has taken me six months to make and is still not finished. I am releasing this working but unfinished version with a promise to make a patch for it in the near future. Please forgive the rough edges and enjoy!


II. Description


So, what the heck is The Veridian Echo Mod? The VE mod is an attempt to re-balance the game play in KOTOR II to make it faster paced and more challenging while placing a higher concentration on advanced tactics and teamwork. In addition to the game play changes I have also worked a good deal on reskinning most of your party members. Some of the changes are subtle while others stand out, but I hope that they are an improvement over the original party member skins. There are few other small reskins included as well. The mod also includes a completely redone weapon set meaning that all of the games included weapons have been modified to deal more damage. The weapon boost effects both your enemies and your weapons making the fights more intense and more oriented around dealing damage before your opponent does. The bosses in the game have been given boosts too and are much more formidable opponents now. The GUI has been cleaned up to make it a little less in your face. Combat sounds have also been given a makeover. The mod also comes with several new items and weapons.


III. Installation Instructions


Installation is completed in four steps:


1. I highly suggest you empty your 'override' folder of all files. If the 'override' folder is not empty I cannot guarantee the VE Mod will work. I apologize that this mod does not use the TSL Patcher tool; some of the .2da files have so many lines changed that it would take me many hours to input all of the data. Perhaps later when I have freer time, I will remedy this problem.


2. Extract the files inside the mod's 'override' folder into the game's 'override' folder.


3. If you wish to install any of the extra skins or game play modifiers do that now. Other mods can be installed over the VE Mod now too if you wish. Please note though that no third-party mods or tweaks are guaranteed to work with the VE Mod.


4. Run KOTOR II and start a new game. Enjoy!




Q. Can I load a game in progress and still have the changes provided by the VE Mod? 

A. Some of the changes will be present such as skin changes and general game play changes. Some other changes will not take effect though such as any weapons you had when you loaded your game will not be boosted, party members will not have their custom equipment if you had already recruited them, and other changes.


Q. The game crashed. What do I do? 

A. As stated above this release has not been fully tested and there may be many bugs that I missed. So

if you run into a problem, email me at and I will try to help you out.


Q. I keep getting my butt kicked in game. What can I do? 

A. First check the difficulty level and turn it down if it isn't already. Next rethink your strategy, set up traps with mines, take advantage of Atton's sneak attack ability, use blasters and keep your distance, or use force powers like revive. If that doesn't work use weapons or force powers that stun your opponent and don't sacrifice damage for defense. If even that doesn't work then I can't help you anymore. Sorry!


Q. The game is too easy. Can I make it more difficult? 

A. Try playing on hard or install the realistic combat folder. If that isn't tough enough try the masochistic combat folder. If that doesn't work for you, go join the army, normal life isn't enough of a challenge.


Q. A lot of the portraits are the same. 

A. I know. I didn't have time to finish them all. The patch will have the rest.


Q. How do I uninstall the VE Mod? 

A. Delete its files from the 'override' folder.


Q. Why don't the Asian and Black female PCs have the new undies? 

A. Because I didn't have time to reskin them yet. The patch will include some.


Q. Can I have my Female PC wear Visas’ or the Handmaiden's undies? 

A. As long as your female PC is Caucasian then go to the 'extra choices' folder and follow the instructions.


Q. Can I have my male PC wear Visas’ or the Handmaiden's undies? 

A. As long as.......NO!


Q. The realistic combat is not realistic. 

A. I didn't have time to test it so you get what you get. The idea is that it is more realistic than normal. I.e.; stuff does more damage.


Q. Atton has a line down the middle of his face. What's the deal? 

A. The line is due to a strange mapping error that I have tried to fix forever, but have

found no solution. I apologize for the line and assure you that I am still trying to fix it.


Q. I have a suggestion for the future releases of the VE Mod. Do you want to hear? 

A. Sure, email your suggestion to [See read-me in game folder for contact information] and I'll try to look it over.


Q. Can I use some of the files in this mod for another mod? 

A. Please read section VI.


Q. Why are some of the item pictures missing? 

A. Once again I didn't have time to finish them. The patch will fix this.


Q. Visas’ undies are too skimpy. Can I fix this? 

A. Don't tell her to take off her clothes.


Q. Why so much about underclothes? 

A. Who's asking the questions?


Q. Why isn't the mod perfect? 

A. Guess.


V. Credits and Thanks.


Torthane [See read-me in game folder for contact information] - All of the mod files except for the ones mentioned below.


Shem - This mod makes use of some of his excellent saber and force power sounds from his ultimate sound mod.


EmteeMoe - For his modified Mira wire mesh.


Xcom - For his enhanced grenades script.


Justin R. Durban ( - For his dark side and light side music.


Achilles - For giving me inspiration to make the re-balance portion of this mod.


NemaSenumi - For her excellent Disciple reskin found in the 'extra choices' folder.


NemaSenumi - For beta testing the mod for me!


A huge thanks goes out to all the people at Holowan Laboratories who helped, encouraged, and showed interest all throughout the development of this mod! Thank you, Fred Tetra for the KOTOR tool! And of course, thank you! Yes, you! Thank you for downloading this mod!


VI. Legal Notes


This mod is not supported in any way by Lucasarts, Bioware, or Obsidian Entertainment.


You may freely alter or modify these files for your own personal use. 


If you wish to use any or all of these files, modified or not, for a public mod please contact me just to double check, and please include me in the credits.


If you wish to use NemaSenumi's Disciple reskin, please try to contact her at Or contact me and I will email her.



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