Guest Plastic

Star Wars Quote Wars

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Guest HK-47

Quote: *Tobin's voice* You cannot stop him! NOTHING can! -Tobin to the Exile regarding Nihilus aboard the Ravager- KotOR2

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Quote: *Tobin's voice* You cannot stop him! NOTHING can! -Tobin to the Exile regarding Nihilus aboard the Ravager- KotOR2

Haha, I have you now, bucket of bolt :P


Quote: *Tobin's wuss voice* You cannot stop him! ONLY KYLE can! -Tobin to the Exile regarding Nihilus aboard the Ravager- KotOR2 Re-edited

Edited by MrPhil

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Guest hkmandalore47

You will not. If you do, my silence will be broken. And then Atton, you will be broken. - Kreia to Atton about finding his secret. KotOR II

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Guest DeadMan

On the contrary. Thanks to you, the weakling Jedi who scorned me will soon be erased from history, replaced by a new race of warriors. Strong warriors. Warriors who know that the Force is not a shield to protect the useless, but is in reality a weapon to empower the worthy! - Desann to Kyle just before their final duel.

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"Perhaps you would like to demonstrate the powers of a Sith Master?"

- Uthar Wynn to Revan upon the latter claiming his rightful place in the Sith Empire.

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"Imperial Scum!"



-A bunch of rebels bumping into Kyle Katarn. Star Wars Empire: Soldier for the Empire

Edited by MrPhil

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Guest HK-47

"Imperial Scum!"



-A bunch of rebels bumping into Kyle Katarn.


Statement: And they were never heard from since.




Quote: *Kyle's voice* Kyle Katarn at your service. -Kyle to Jaden: Jedi Academy.

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Statement: And they were never heard from since.




Quote: *Kyle's voice* Kyle Katarn at your service. -Kyle to Jaden: Jedi Academy.

Quite the opposite, he joined them :P , though that may be only to get the girl :cool:

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Guest bendarby24

i command you to kill that man, do it now! - clone wars that captin dude who was a traiter

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Guest HK-47

i command you to kill that man, do it now! - clone wars that captin dude who was a traiter


Statement: Captain Argyus.




Quote: *Space core* I know! I know! I know! Spell it. Space: S-P-AAACE. Space.- Space core: Portal 2.


Rapid Retraction: Oh wait.




Quote: *Kyle's voice* I will kill you!- Kyle to Luke: Jedi Academy Re-edited P1

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Guest hkmandalore47

I hate you! - Anakin to Obi-Wan


not really, i love you HK :P

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Guest HK-47

I hate you! - Anakin to Obi-Wan


not really, i love you HK :P



Comforting Statement: That's okay. It won't be long before I correct that issue.



Quote: (Kyle & Rosh in the Raven's Claw) *Rosh's voice* You are so evil...

*Kyle hit's eject button ejecting Rosh into space* *Rosh* Aaaaaahh!

*Kyle* Yes. I'm evil. I'm sooo evil. -Rosh and Kyle:Jedi Academy Re-edited x-mas special

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Obi-Wan: I do hope he's not going to try anything foolish...

Captain Typho: I'd be more concerned about her doing something, than him.

*Obi-Wan enters in a trance and sees the future*: THEN YOU ARE AN IDIOT!

RotS Re-edited

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Zayne: Can-- can you hear what they're saying? [...]

Hierogryph:"...Failed Padawan..." "...Slew classmates..." "...Fugitive is Armed and..." Umm...

Zayne: Dangerous?

Hierogryph: No. "Deranged"

KotOR - Commencement

Edited by MrPhil

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Guest hkmandalore47

Alright men, load your weapons. - Stormtrooper Captain, ANH

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Quote: *3PO's voice* Fine. Go that way. You'll be rusty in a week you near-sighted scrap pile. -C-3PO to R2 on Tatooine: ANH

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The auto-prune messed up and got rid of a whole load of people.


"They are no match for Destroyer Droids!"

- Nute Gunray, Episode I

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The thing supposed to delete inactive users and spambots. Sadly, it got rid of more than just the inactive people.


"This army is for the Republic"

- Taun We, Episode II

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