
Anyone know/have the Dialogue Information For The K1 Tutorial?

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I kinda feel like tampering with it, just needs the actual numbers of the verbal responses so I can shut Trask up *eyes him while brandishing a mallet, and duct-tape* as pappy used to say;  "Faint heart never filled a flush." ;) have some idea, but the numerous "can you repeat that" or "okay" responses get worrisome, namely because I worry I might be tampering with the wrong one in TalkEd, when I don't want to while programming in my personalized sarcasm ;) 

By the numbers I mean, so I can find his responses, in override. Having a difficult time doing that actually...same with Carth's responses for the tutorial. I want to try and remove all the 4th wall stuff. So that's it's all gone.

Reference videos do help a bit lol, the whole (select left-click) does narrow it down a bit, not completely. Mostly, I kinda want to try and shut him up a little. I also want to attempt to try and add additional responses to the tutorial part of Endar Spire for the roleplaying value, like what was doing later on, partually inspired by what @CarboCationdid, but different in that I'd like to add more dialogue reminiscent of one of one of my favorite shows/reruns (grew up watching Maverick as a little girl with my grandparents), this applies especially to the smuggler/scoundrel. Now before anyone may groan lol, the idea is simple a shiftless conartist who happens to be a conwoman or conman that's been press-ganged into serving the Republic, and is more than a little bitter about it. However the story goes is entirely dependent on the player. Responses can be either laissez faire (do as you will), or downright sarcastic/kiss off I'm not interested in helping/I'm going my own way, or downright mean.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell. Is it feasible, not sure, like to try though. With the Scout, I'd see more of a Paladin/Have Gun will travel type basically. Haven't given that one much thought though.

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Just convert the .tlk into .txt using FairStrides' tools and then memorize the response you don't like and search for it in the .txt. The responses in the very first conversation start with String 10327, anyhow.

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Wow, thank you @JayDominus, I've been using fraps to try and help as well, and writing down the responses too into word. @Fair Strides tools are very helpful. Reason for asking is, it's like a few people have pointed out, the original responses are very bland, and I totally want to do something that has the smuggler responses be more sarcastic/in line with the Maverick show characterization in particular. In that the Mavericks were professional gamblers/conmen. Now with the player character she or he will have dialogue that what I'd like to do is put it into three or more parts ranging from responses such as:

Let me guess, she’s the high and mighty “Jedi” that the Republic’s sooo worried about. As my dear father would say; “There are a thousand stories about this ship, and most of them are as boring as hell.” 

Plan to change main character's starting background history from Deralia (spelling?) to Cademimu, since I'm also an old school extended universe fangirl will include smatterings of mentions of places like Axilla (spelling?), Spira, Berchest and others as well.

By the way, are all the ones from the first part, are they all grouped:

Addendum, for all the Trask/endar spire related stuff I've found out the StrRef for him is:
Now if I can just figure out how to add more than just 1 and 2 things of dialogue lol and duplicate kinda what Carbo did lol *hums to herself*

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