Guest We are called Legion...

Changing feats

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Guest We are called Legion...

Does anyone know if it is possible to mod feats and/or lightsaber forms at all? I have yet to find any way to change/modify them with the KotorTool.

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It's pretty much only possible to change the levels that they're granted at, or for what classes they're granted to. You can't really change what they do or what bonuses they give.

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Uhm, really?

Pretty sure I found a .nss file somewhere with everything in it. Can't check the name though since KOTORTool is on my external hard disk, and it's not hooked up here ATM.


Uhm, really?


I though there was a .nss/.ncs file that did this. Atleast I found something like that browsing scripts with Kotortool. Can't recall name (and can't check it up right now. It's in the k_ category though).


EDIT: Merged posts. Was an error

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Guest We are called Legion...

This is very off topic, but I do not want to take up more space on the forum with what seems like a simple question.


How do you change what upgrade items can be used on a particular piece of equipment? (i.e. how do you change if a blaster pistol can be upgraded with a scope and/or a firing chamber?)

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Guest We are called Legion...

You should be able to set that in it's .uti file IIRC.


It would seem that I can use the text editor to do it, but I am still not sure how.

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Just double-click such a file in Kotortool. Or if unpacked, just "open up" (in explorer) with kotortool.

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Guest We are called Legion...

Just double-click such a file in Kotortool. Or if unpacked, just "open up" (in explorer) with kotortool.


The standard item editor won't let me change the upgrade items I can use, but I have figured out how to edit the item with the text editor to make the changes I want to make.


Thanks for the help!

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Did you ever figure out what the script was for editing the feats? I want to change the finesse feats so that rather than just using whichever modifier is higher, they add up the totals of strength and dexterity to determine the modifier. Is this possible?

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Guest DeadMan

I'm terribly sorry to disappoint you guys, but feats and lightsaber forms are hardcoded in the engine.

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