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What would need to be done to get this droid to shoot as Remote does in TSL?

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There's a floating droid in the Dantooine enclave module that I've tried to get to shoot at me either with blasters or a flamethrower, but nothing happens when the droid attacks. Does anybody know what would need to be done to get the droid to be able to shoot with a blaster? This is the model / texture name: 




 The droid is pictured below: 


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I'd assume it doesn't actually have any weapons or items equipped, and doesn't possess melee attack animations either.


Editing its .utc file, giving it weapons and droid items would probably do the trick. Although I'm more curious as to how you even got them to attack you, since as far as I know they're just floating about as window dressing for the module.

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Apologies I should have elaborated, I want to use that droid model as a training droid, akin to Episode IVs training droid scene with Luke Skywalker, so I spawn him in the Ebon Hawk from a panel for lightsaber practice :D

I already edited the UTC to have him hostile rather than neutral, and provided him with a pistol and a flamethrower, unfortunately nothing happens when he attacks. I believe he was just a placeholder droid for the Dantooine module. 

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It literally only has two animations - walk and pause (i.e. idle). You'd need to give it combat animations. It also has no hooks for either equipping a weapon, or firing an integrated weapon. In the latter case, it would also need an entry in droiddischarge.2da.

Using TSL's C_SenBall as an animation source would be the only practical route. But even then I'm not sure that would work in the manner you seem to want outside of a custom animated cutscene (you wouldn't be deflecting bolts, you'd be smacking it directly with a glowstick).

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