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Scripting Issue with a New Function File

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Hey guys, I've been experiencing a very strange issue where one of the guys on my project has created a new function file called "jb_func.nss." I plan on using this something along the lines of the following syntax:



#include "jb_func"

void main() {

if (GetGlobalBoolean("ald_thul01") == 0) {




Whenever I go to compile it, I get the following error:

s_onenter.nss(1): Unable to open the include file "jb_func"


What makes this so perplexing is that the guy who made this file is able to compile this with no issue on his computer. I need to be able to compile this on my computer as this will be a frequently used function and it will make things rather challenging needing the other guy to compile a script every time I turn around.


Thank you for any responses in advance, I appreciate your help.


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Try to put it in same directory with your source script.

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I usually do save all my source scripts to the override and compile them from there.

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