
Item Property: Damage Reduction vs Damage Resist

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While fiddling with item properties via Kotor Tool, I noticed that among the different properties there are Damage Reduction and Damage Resist. Can someone tell me what exactly is the difference? In particular, choosing the first one, there is the possibility of choosing a bonus from 1 to 5 which I am not sure how and when applies.


I am also a bit confused by the Improved Force Resistance property (which can be set between 10 to 32 in 2 units intervals). What does this one do?



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It's a d20 thing. Damage Reduction is subtracted from the damage roll. Damage Resistance is multiplied to the damage roll.

Let's say you get a hit that deals 50 points of energy.

If you have Damage Reduction 10/- Energy, the amount of damage negated is 10. The total damage you face is 50 - 10 = 40.

If you have Damage Resistance 10% Energy, the amount of damage negated is 10% of 50 = 5. The total damage you face is 50 - 5 = 45.

I'm not sure about Force resistance, but it sounds like it would be either Damage Resistance vs any damage from a Force power, or a bonus to save roll to resist the Force power. I'm also not sure whether Damage Reduction or Damage Resistance is calculated first, but you could probably check the combat log for that.

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