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Guest GarfieldJL

Training Bug v1.7

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Guest GarfieldJL

Okay this happens for Mira for sure though (I have no mods that affect Mira other than TSLRCM) and an earlier comment by Hassat Hunter suggests to me that she wouldn't be gaining any new saber styles anyways. I'm guessing this happens to Atton too (and he does get extra styles but I think this may interrupt him getting the styles he would usually get).


I really can't look at the dlg and what not files since the programs I have for scripting is limited, however a shot in the dark I may have a solution that could be added v1.8 that would fix this issue.


If in the dialogue files there is a condition added that this line about extra training doesn't show up until after they learn the last normal style they would learn (not sure if this is sorsu (sp?) or Makashi (sp?), and that would make it so this bug no longer is an issue.


I think Mira should gain extra styles, and this is not something that should be eliminated, I just think this should be tweeked to eliminate the bug.

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I haven't played 1.7 yet due to real life obligations, so I'm very uniformed here. I do agree that Mira should be able to have extra styles.


Admittedly with all the bonuses that the player and party members can get I think TSL needs a serious difficulty overhaul. XD

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Guest GarfieldJL

I haven't played 1.7 yet due to real life obligations, so I'm very uniformed here. I do agree that Mira should be able to have extra styles.


Admittedly with all the bonuses that the player and party members can get I think TSL needs a serious difficulty overhaul. XD



I just stumbled across this by accident after going back and getting an older cargo mod for the Ebon Hawk by Envidia working with TSLRCM again (found the old file after learning that TSLRCM wouldn't be affected if I just plain deleted the file), I went and accessed the convos, I may just back up again to before I initiated those convos to get rid of bug might not, haven't decided yet.


Also, the ease for TSLRCM could be caused by other mods too, particularly item mods.

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Meh, I don't use item mods if I can avoid it. The crystal trumps anything and everything, and higher level item upgrades are insanely powerful too.


Pretty much if you put enough time outside of combat into upgrades and maxing out your XP, you cannot loose TSL on anything short of Hard. It just doesn't happen.

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Guest GarfieldJL

Meh, I don't use item mods if I can avoid it. The <insertplayername> crystal trumps anything and everything, and higher level item upgrades are insanely powerful too.


Pretty much if you put enough time outside of combat into upgrades and maxing out your XP, you cannot loose TSL on anything short of Hard. It just doesn't happen.



True, anyways I just thought this should be brought up as I said I tended to be the one to find the weird bugs. Sorry I had to drop out of things around v1.4-5 real life things. :D

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I haven't played 1.7 yet due to real life obligations, so I'm very uniformed here. I do agree that Mira should be able to have extra styles.


Admittedly with all the bonuses that the player and party members can get I think TSL needs a serious difficulty overhaul. XD


What, UBM ain't cutting it for ya? :D

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Guest GarfieldJL

What, UBM ain't cutting it for ya? ;)



I don't think I've used that mod before, then again with my luck I'd probably need to do a complete reinstall. :D

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*checks .dlg*


Looks like Mira got stuff after all. And all Jedi gain their regular stances at the same JEDI level as the exile (about 10 or so?). So if she's 15 bounty hunter, 7 jedi they won't appear yet.

Not seeing the bug.


And I died a few times testing this time... on EASY. Sure, I build my char to be all INT, no braws, and use unupgraded melee weaponry, no sabers, but still :D.

Maybe I suck...

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Guest GarfieldJL

*checks .dlg*


Looks like Mira got stuff after all. And all Jedi gain their regular stances at the same JEDI level as the exile (about 10 or so?). So if she's 15 bounty hunter, 7 jedi they won't appear yet.

Not seeing the bug.


And I died a few times testing this time... on EASY. Sure, I build my char to be all INT, no braws, and use unupgraded melee weaponry, no sabers, but still :D.

Maybe I suck...



It popped up when I got Atton's influence up after talking to Kreia about listening again. Then I talked to Atton again and got the access for the training. I then walked to Mira, and had the same option. Then started running around on Dxun and got these blank boxes for new force powers gained (i.e. saber styles). I have absolutely no mod that affects Mira's dialogue at all.

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Yeah, the current scripts give basic forms already IIRC. Hence the empty boxes (new power is already known).

Pretty sure you wont see it in 1.8 though :D.

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Guest GarfieldJL

Yeah, the current scripts give basic forms already IIRC. Hence the empty boxes (new power is already known).

Pretty sure you wont see it in 1.8 though ;).



Okay, it is probably easy to fix with a simple if statement.

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