ALPHA000102 5 Posted November 30, 2018 I am having trouble with some of the dialogue files for Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, specifically: “k_sta_darthmalak”, at the moment. The problem is that some lines of text are not appearing in certain dialogue editors. The line that I am specifically looking for is: “I was saved from the darkness, Malak. You can be too, if you wish.”. As you can see in the enclosed image I could easily find that line when I used the Conversation Editor that is built into KOTOR Tool. But when I open it in the Dialogue Editor the line is not available even after I have opened all the options like show orphan lines. I have attached images of the Conversation Editor and Dialogue Editor with the “k_sta_darthmalak” file opened to show what I mean. I ask for help in getting ALL lines to show up. I want to edit dialogue with my own scripts as I am modding the game to extra enjoyment. I may be having the same problem with multiple dialogue files so I want to get it resolved so I can edit the files that I want. Thank you in advance. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted November 30, 2018 I don't see that line in KTool's DLG editor. You won't find it in the DLG with a text search regardless, because it is not in the DLG directly. It's just a TLK stringref. I can see the line in dialog.tlk, <string id="21379" sound="_m45aadart04004_" soundlength="0.000000">I was saved from the darkness, Malak. You can be too, if you wish.</string> But that stringref doesn't appear to be in the DLG. What version of the game are you using? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ALPHA000102 5 Posted December 7, 2018 I am using the PC Version of Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic. Since you can see the line in the dialog.tlk file, do you know of anyway that I can view the line? I need to find it as I am working on creating my own script files and need to use that line. Thank you in advance. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted December 7, 2018 By version I meant unpatched CD version? Steam/GOG? For ease of viewing, you may want to convert the TLK into an XML with Xoreos Tools. You can use this batch file with it: @echo off set /p gametype="Please enter either kotor or kotor2 to specify game version: " set /p tlkname="Please enter the filename of the TLK (without extension): " tlk2xml --%gametype% %tlkname%.tlk %tlkname%.xml pause Paste that into a text file and rename it TLK_to_XML.bat then put it in the Xoreos Tools folder alongside a copy of dialog.tlk (you may want to rename it k1dialog.tlk in case you also want to convert TSL's later). You'll need to use TSLPatcher's TalkEd if you want to release a mod with TLK changes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ALPHA000102 5 Posted December 8, 2018 I have never been able to get Xeroes Tools to work before. Is there anyway that you count convert the file to XML and get it back to me please? I have attached it to this message. I want to bring up the actually lines so I can edit them for a mod. Also if I cannot bring up the line in the dialogue editor then how do I find it? I want to know the specific dialogue file it is connected to so I can make changes if I want to. I am facing the same problem with other files so I want to get this right. Thank you in advance. dialog.tlk Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salk 385 Posted December 8, 2018 Hello! There is another, easier to use tool that you can use to display the dialog.tlk as simple text file. Deadlystream has it here. Good luck! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ALPHA000102 5 Posted December 8, 2018 Thank you but unfortunately I have had serious trouble with this program as well. Every time that I try to open it all I get is a quick flash of a screen that looks like the command prompt screen and then it closes immediately. Would you be willing to help show me how to use the application? If not, would you be willing to convert the dialog.tlk to XML for me and get it back to me in another post please? I have attached here. Above all I need help with this: there are lines of dialogue that are present in the dialog.tlk file but do not show up in the dialogue files themselves. See the screenshots in my first post that started this topic above. I want to know how to access these hidden lines of dialogue so I can edit them for mods I am making. There also is another option. I know the some lines are StreRef files so they will not directly appear in a dialogue file, however there are dialogue files that they are connected. You can see them in the the Conversation Editor of KOTOR Tool as the attached image shows. The TalkEd shows details about the StrRef file but not the dialogue file it is connected to. If I could at least find that out it may be enough. I might be able to create my own dialogue file with the line of a particular StrRef file as text and attach the sound file to it. Do you know of any-way I can do that? Trying to go through each dialogue file on the Conversation Editor of KOTOR Tool will take forever. Please help me out. Thank you in advance. dialog.tlk Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites