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Merging Save Folders - Possible? Bad Idea?

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Bit of an odd question I guess, but for neatness, I am trying to merge two save folders from different computers, but obviously, they have the same save numbers. Is there a way to change the save numbering so, for examples, the 200 saves from folder #1 can be 1-200 and the 200 saves from folder #2 can be 201-401?

Whilst looking up for a solution I also saw some stuff about having too many saves in your folder causing crashing, is this a bit of an old wives tale or should I just avoid having a large save folder altogether?

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The numbering is only for the folder names, not the save files themselves, so it should be possible to merge them with appropriate renaming. Although I'm not sure how feasible it would be to do in practice with a significant number of saves. You'd want to automate the process if you had more than a handful of saves, but trying to correctly increment the numbers seems like it would be difficult.

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Ah cool, thanks for the reply. It's not so many that I can't just go through and file explorer re-name them all whilst watching something, given it takes like 5 seconds each save.


Do you know if having many saves cause any in-game problems? I'm aware of memory leak from saving a lot per session, but couldn't find concrete answers on total saves

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I couldn't say definitively. I wouldn't think the mere presence of saves in the folder should influence the game generally, but obviously it will need to scan and index them all every time you open the load or save screens. That may provide a performance hit if you have many hundreds of saves and are using a slow mechanical drive perhaps. It's also possible the game may have a maximum save count it can deal with (probably more likely with K1 than TSL), but I can't say I have personal experience of it, nor do I recall seeing any reports to that effect directly.

Edit: What I can say though is that if your organisation is intended for two separate active playthroughs, it is probably all for nought. The game won't respect your naming convention, it will always name any new save as the current highest save number + 1. For example, if you have two saves numbered 100 and 400 and you load save 100 and create a new save, it will be numbered 401.

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Having too many saves on the Xbox is definitely a problem, but I've never heard of it being a problem on the PC version. I can tell you I've had more than 700 saves before with no problem other than the game taking a while to load the save menu.

I also agree it isn't worth doing for K1 because it will probably mess up the order. K2, however, separates your saves by the player name in the GUI at least, so you might be ok with that.

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Thanks both of you! I didn't think it would cause any issues but nice to see some other opinions. I'll only be doing one playthrough at a time anyway so it shouldn't be a huge issue, but that's a good point with K1, I will probably give it a miss on that one

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If you're doing one at a time, you could wait until you finish one, if you rename all the save folders to start where the other ends. Kind of a pain to rename them due to how the numbers don't match though.

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