
Darkside Choker Script Editing [K1]

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I've been trying to modify scripts to put force choke anyone into the friendly force power menu like Darth333's Force Choke Anyone TSL Mod based on tk102's original Darkside Choker mod. (FOR PERSONAL USE). Editing the spells.2da was easy enough. But tk102's script is much more complex than use this force power, its based on a set of commands where the player has to select what power they want from the armband. and I can't use the .nss from Darth333's Force choke anyone because that was made for TSL.


I thought it would be as simple as deleting some uneededs lines from the script but I get errors whenever I try to compile. Not new to the modding scene but very new to this. Any help appreciated.

NOTE: both mods provide the source in their downloads.

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Guest Qui-Gon Glenn

GetIsPuppet (line 52) was the only "conflict".

Since puppets do not exist in K1, I removed it, and it compiled fine. It will take more than this to make it work though.




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I thought noone would reply to this thanks! I'll try out your version, but also gonna see if I can get the same results by replicating too

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Guest Qui-Gon Glenn

That's because the script is referencing a force power  that "doesn't exist" in K1. It needs further substitution of several things.

I just wanted to see why it wouldn't compile. I will look at it again in a bit, and if it is something obvious to me I will fix it.

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Guest Qui-Gon Glenn

From nwscript.nss, for K1:

int VFX_IMP_CHOKE                          = 1004;


also, this little thing of hilarity:

// 159: Choke the bugger...
effect EffectChoke( );

However, the above doesn't change much, due to d333's use of the VFX_IMP_CHOKE instead of the number. Really, the issue is that you don't have an updated .2da, and possibly are missing a .tlk reference as well, since it was included in her original mod.

edit 4: useless zip removed, spells.2da didn't save properly due to an issue with my administrator privaleges and an issue with my thick skull.



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Guest Qui-Gon Glenn

Ok, I decided to make a mod.

This is beta v1. It works.



Installation instructions:

First a question - do you have a spells.2da in your override?

If no, skip straight to 6) clicking the installer.

If yes:

1) You will need to open your spells.2da file from your override, using KotOR Tool. Scroll to the bottom of the list, and find the first open column #. Make a note of it.

2) Go to the Source Folder, which contains qg_choke.nss.

3) Open it with the KotOR Tool Text Editor, change the number of the integer for FORCE_POWER_CHOKEF to the number you wrote down from spells.2da. It looks like this:


4) Save as qg_choke.nss with KotOR Tool Text Editor. 

5) Compile for K1, using the Compile function of the KotOR Tool Text Editor, and replace the file in tslpatchdata with your newly compiled qg_choke.ncs


6) Run the installer and play!



Known issues:

1) I need to obtain permission from Darth333 before this is something I can release, so it is just a WIP for now and I will finish this shortly, as it is 99% done

2) Icon color is set for TSL. As it stands, that is not my asset, so it should be replaced with something fitting K1. I will work on it, should be a simple recolor.

3) Duplicate power shows up? not sure how much this is a dirty override and some issues installing initially, or something with two .tlk entries instead of one. I think I set up the changes.ini wrong there.

4) I probably did not set up the .2da patching properly, would appreciate if someone with more patcher skills would take a look there.


Test and enjoy :)


Edit: permission has been requested of our Dark Lady of the SIth, hopefully she will get that request and not scorch me with lightning




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On 8/21/2018 at 8:05 PM, Qui-Gon Glenn said:

Ok, I decided to make a mod.

This is beta v1. It works.



Installation instructions:

First a question - do you have a spells.2da in your override?

If no, skip straight to 6) clicking the installer.

If yes:

1) You will need to open your spells.2da file from your override, using KotOR Tool. Scroll to the bottom of the list, and find the first open column #. Make a note of it.

2) Go to the Source Folder, which contains qg_choke.nss.

3) Open it with the KotOR Tool Text Editor, change the number of the integer for FORCE_POWER_CHOKEF to the number you wrote down from spells.2da. It looks like this:


4) Save as qg_choke.nss with KotOR Tool Text Editor. 

5) Compile for K1, using the Compile function of the KotOR Tool Text Editor, and replace the file in tslpatchdata with your newly compiled qg_choke.ncs


6) Run the installer and play!



Known issues:

1) I need to obtain permission from Darth333 before this is something I can release, so it is just a WIP for now and I will finish this shortly, as it is 99% done

2) Icon color is set for TSL. As it stands, that is not my asset, so it should be replaced with something fitting K1. I will work on it, should be a simple recolor.

3) Duplicate power shows up? not sure how much this is a dirty override and some issues installing initially, or something with two .tlk entries instead of one. I think I set up the changes.ini wrong there.

4) I probably did not set up the .2da patching properly, would appreciate if someone with more patcher skills would take a look there.


Test and enjoy :)


Edit: permission has been requested of our Dark Lady of the SIth, hopefully she will get that request and not scorch me with lightning




Hey thanks for this!

I already had Spells.2da in my override so I tried to install it the way you said. However, after installation the updated spells.2da in the folder still had the entry for FORCE_POWER_CHOKEF in row number "132" and did not match to the new dialog.tlk references. I corrected these manually and finally got it to work!

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Guest Qui-Gon Glenn

Ok... Sounds like you probably screwed up your game.

If you had a spells.2da in your override, line 132 probably isn't the line to change, since it is the first new available line in a vanilla spells.2da and probably has an entry that was important for another mod to work.

This means you have borked something else.

Follow my instructions as they were written. If you opened spells.2da after using the mod installer I provided, it puts the new entry at the end of the existing .2da. This would be a number higher than 132.

That's why you should have edited the script. I really thought my instructions were clear :(

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5 hours ago, Qui-Gon Glenn said:

Ok... Sounds like you probably screwed up your game.

If you had a spells.2da in your override, line 132 probably isn't the line to change, since it is the first new available line in a vanilla spells.2da and probably has an entry that was important for another mod to work.

This means you have borked something else.

Follow my instructions as they were written. If you opened spells.2da after using the mod installer I provided, it puts the new entry at the end of the existing .2da. This would be a number higher than 132.

That's why you should have edited the script. I really thought my instructions were clear :(

So I took a look at your installer and noticed the installer wasn't set up to handle if there was a spell.2da already in the override.

You have it adding a row, and you have that added row Labeled 132, which is bad, because if there is any mod that adds row 132, then you will have just added a second row 132, resulting in a crash, or your mod failing to work.

You do not want to have spell.2da to every modify the "Row Label." so remove that entirely. You can edit the "Label" though, which can be anything since it hardly matters at all, only helpful for people looking at the spell.2da to locate your mod.

As for the .TLK changes, I cannot help you there. I steer clear of modifying the TLK file.

Here's an updated tslpatcher changes.ini so you can open and see what the change I just spoke of.



  • Light Side Points 1

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Guest Qui-Gon Glenn

Thanks for your time and response!

Yeah, I suspected I was doing something wrong with the .2da update, haven't done one before (usually let j7 handle that).

I know what I did wrong with the append. I will fix it tonight, update the download zip with your edit, and wait for permission from d333 to release officially.

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9 hours ago, Qui-Gon Glenn said:

Ok... Sounds like you probably screwed up your game.

If you had a spells.2da in your override, line 132 probably isn't the line to change, since it is the first new available line in a vanilla spells.2da and probably has an entry that was important for another mod to work.

This means you have borked something else.

Follow my instructions as they were written. If you opened spells.2da after using the mod installer I provided, it puts the new entry at the end of the existing .2da. This would be a number higher than 132.

That's why you should have edited the script. I really thought my instructions were clear :(

I think you misunderstood me.

I didn't change line 132, the installer added a new row entry at the end of my existing spells.2da, but the Row label was still called "132". It also had the wrong ref for name and spelldesc columns, so I corrected the row number at the end to what it should have been (142 for me). I edited the script to say (142) also and it all works now. Looks like jc2 explained it thoroughly enough though 🙂

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Guest Qui-Gon Glenn

I did indeed misunderstand you, sorry about that and glad you got it sorted!

Between that .2da error that is now fixed, and the easily fixed .tlk mishap, the bugs are out and I have refreshed what little memory I have of the patcher to the point of basic competence again.

Enjoy :)

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Guest Qui-Gon Glenn

Will work on it tomorrow, on hour 11 of a 16 hour shift :(

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Guest Qui-Gon Glenn

Hmmm... I never did get permission from d333, so I cannot release this as an official mod so to speak. I will see about making a release candidate in the event that permission were ever to appear.

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On 8/21/2018 at 3:05 PM, Guest Qui-Gon Glenn said:

Ok, I decided to make a mod.

This is beta v1. It works.



Installation instructions:

First a question - do you have a spells.2da in your override?

If no, skip straight to 6) clicking the installer.

If yes:

1) You will need to open your spells.2da file from your override, using KotOR Tool. Scroll to the bottom of the list, and find the first open column #. Make a note of it.

2) Go to the Source Folder, which contains qg_choke.nss.

3) Open it with the KotOR Tool Text Editor, change the number of the integer for FORCE_POWER_CHOKEF to the number you wrote down from spells.2da. It looks like this:


4) Save as qg_choke.nss with KotOR Tool Text Editor. 

5) Compile for K1, using the Compile function of the KotOR Tool Text Editor, and replace the file in tslpatchdata with your newly compiled qg_choke.ncs


6) Run the installer and play!



Known issues:

1) I need to obtain permission from Darth333 before this is something I can release, so it is just a WIP for now and I will finish this shortly, as it is 99% done

2) Icon color is set for TSL. As it stands, that is not my asset, so it should be replaced with something fitting K1. I will work on it, should be a simple recolor.

3) Duplicate power shows up? not sure how much this is a dirty override and some issues installing initially, or something with two .tlk entries instead of one. I think I set up the changes.ini wrong there.

4) I probably did not set up the .2da patching properly, would appreciate if someone with more patcher skills would take a look there.


Test and enjoy :)


Edit: permission has been requested of our Dark Lady of the SIth, hopefully she will get that request and not scorch me with lightning



Darth333sForceChokeAnyoneK1.7z 245.36 kB · 4 downloads

Thank you so much for fixing this classic mod. The Force Choke Anyone power works perfectly in K1 as it should with jc2's changes.ini file. But the only problem I had was with the dialog.tlk changes. It doesn't show the right name or force power description because you had them set to random numbers. The good thing is I know a thing or two about dialog.tlk modding and I fixed the issue and now the Force Choke Anyone mod works 100% as it should! You have to take advantage of the StrRef0 and StrRef1 variables that were created in the TLK list in the changes.ini file. That way the TSL Patcher will link the name and description to the modded force power when it installs to the right values instead of random numbers. Because if there is no string reference in the Dialog.tlk file then you will get the wrong name and blank description. I added an attachment of my changes.ini file below so that you can see the changes I added to jc2's changes.ini file. All I changed were these values below in the changes.ini file and it loads the right description and name from the Dialog.tlk file for the Force Choke Anyone force power:





But other than that and what jc2 showed in his changes.ini file you did a great job updating and fixing this mod. Thank you again Qui-Gon Glenn for making your own version of this mod that actually works in K1. I had a question though. Why do you say in the readme to modify the qg_choke.nss file and add in the line:


Because I didn't have to do all the extra steps and the mod works perfectly fine for me. I don't think these extra steps are needed after jc2 removed the RowLabel=132 line from your original changes.ini file. Because the TSL Patcher will modify the spells.2da file so that it points to the gg_choke.ncs file by default. Anyways I am glad this classic mod was fixed and uploaded here. I looked all over the internet for a download of this mod and I couldn't find it. I can't wait until you upload this mod officially with all these changes. Feel free to download my changes.ini file that I made to fix the Dialog.tlk errors. My changes.ini file also includes the Spells.2da fix that jc2 uploaded as well.


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