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MOD:[KotOR] Dialogue Fixes

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[KotOR] Dialogue Fixes

In an attempt to salvage some material from the now defunct SW:KotOR Upgrade project, I have decided to share this modification with the community.

This file is meant to replace the original dialog.tlk that comes with the original game. It is meant to be used exclusively with the English version of the game.

It is technically compatible with every other modification that alter this same file by patching it, provided this is installed first.

Two versions are offered: one that includes only corrections and a revised one that includes most of the changes found in the PC Response Moderation modification by Kainzorus Prime.


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  • K1R Compatible


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thank you for this. although more of an English major type than a technical type, I have made an edit that I did crudely by by importing the Dialogue file with Atom for macOS and doing case-by-case search and replace. I don't know that if I removed all instances of "!!" and "?!" because then I started messing with the code. changes I made: 

  • changed "alright" into "all right". ("alright" does not break the rules of English usage but in more formal circumstances, it seems wrong. better to change all of them than none of them, in my opinion.) 
  •  changed instances of "??", which just doesn't happen with standard English, into "?!" (I understand that the authors wished to emphasis an emphatic question here, so I did that.)
  • changed instances of "!!" and "!!!" into simple exclamation marks. (again, I may not have done so in all instances so as not to mess with the code).

I also changed your "meatbags" to "meat-bags", which to me looks better. 

I would post a copy of the file but then I just reread in your Read Me that you did not want altered versions of your mod circulating. but I can send you a copy if you like. 

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Hello, wearymad.

Thanks for the offer but what you are suggesting are mostly stylistic choices which may or may not be to general liking. I have already actually made some changes in this sense but I am hesitant about introducing new ones, especially since these are quite minor tweaks.

Locally I use a much more heavily customized dialog.tlk file that includes more stylistic changes (I also changed the "??" to "!?" and the "!!!"/"!!" to "!") but here on Deadlystream I'd rather have a cleaner version and I am thus making changes only if I encounter more typos.

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okay, understood! thank you for getting back to me. since posting that, I came up with two other actual corrections:

  • "far-sighted" should read "farsighted"
  • "hate mongering" should read "hatemongering"


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