
Prime's MECK Enter Jabba's Palace mod copy!

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Does anybody have a copy of Prime and MECK team (Back on LF) of the Jabba Palace side quest addon? and if so. could you please send a copy?

Their warpedproductions* website is down unfortunately :(

Thank you.

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I was amazed to be able to find this mod here I had been searching for this mod for the past couple  months so I could share it with negative zero. Since you guys are so good at finding lost mods I was wondering if you could find one for me. Tk102's birthday quest seen here http://www.starwarsknights.com/playerpicks_k105.php if you could find it I would appreciate  it. Thxs 

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I'm fairly sure that TK102's birthday quest mod is available on the JumpStationZ Mod Archive here: http://jumpstationz.com/ModsArchive/

Alternatively, I have a copy of what should be the birthday quest mod on my personal mediafire archive here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6a7jsvcm4834pjc/KotOR_tk107_birthdayquest.zip/file


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thank you, you're great, also thanks for the quick response

Edited by clone3797
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I would do as SH says, or just create a general purpose request, but regarding your request for Sithspecter's Coruscant Jedi Temple for K1, yes, I do have both the original version and a more self-contained version I compiled, but the latter has missing textures on the statues. Be aware that it is not compatible with BoS:SR.


OG: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6iijo77xwbun234/KotOR1_Coruscant_Resource.zip/file

Self-contained: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rsv25sef2cslgtx/KotOR_SithSpecterCoruscantTemple_cor_m60aa_PatchedMod.zip

I already PM'ed Sithspecter regarding the self-contained version of the module, and as it is a modder's resource, he said to use away as desired.


In case you were also going to ask for his Coruscant Club resource, the reskinned Star Forge module, it can also be found here:

OG: http://www.mediafire.com/file/benhz08ssnplzz7/KotOR_SithSpecter_Coruscant+Club.rar

Self-contained: http://www.mediafire.com/file/lfaiqlojmkj8ar9/KotOR_SithSpecter_cor_m55ab_Patched.zip/file

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