
Modded Skins Appearing Much Darker In-game

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Recently, I've been playing around with modding some skins (K1)--simple placeables, etc. to get a feel for it. One issue I keep running into is that the modded skin in-game is much darker than outside of game.


I'm wondering if this is an issue with the .tga format? Or is there something I'm not seeing attached to the object I'm skinning? Could it be purely environmental light throwing off the color?


Any advice you could offer would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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Yeah, that's most likely their self-illumination or lightmap, i.e. their environmental lighting affecting the way things look like ingame. On top of that, each renderer (e.g. KotOR or your texture editor) will show things slightly different anyway.


You could get around that by changing the model but that's usually not a good idea as many objects/placeables are reused in different places where they have different environment lighting attached to blend in and if you removed that they'd stick out like a sore thumb in those areas that you didn't explicitly texture them for as they'd all use your one texture.

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