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Malachor Influence-Related Cutscenes

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Guest staticjoe66
Oh man, I remember that. Brianna has a fit even if you lie and say you'll help Azkul. I enjoyed her rage.



That was a neat surprise :) I may take her to Dantooine again this playthrough too--join up with Azkul's merry bunch of outlaws as well as killing Akarre and Sadhe, aw yeah...can you say catfight...?? ;)




Even when I Jedify ,especially Atton but also, Bao-Dur and Mical I don't give them lightsabers although on Goto's yacht when you get jumped by the 50's I did give Atton one and with Force Deflection and Master Jedi Defense maxed they didn't touch him at all and rather quickly the 50's were ready for a trip to Raxus Prime.



After maxing Two Weapon Fighting and Rapid Shot I max Repair--last time through the Factory I got caught in a 6 on 1 but had a Mando Disintegrator and a Micro Pulse Blaster (I think), spamming Master Rapid Shot I took em all down and had half a power bar left so I got away with one there...



That devil is interesting, isn't he...





Oh man, I remember that. Brianna has a fit even if you lie and say you'll help Azkul. I enjoyed her rage. Kreia, meanwhile, will praise you for being manipulative (of course).


Haha, I'm kind of a dummy. I never really thought about setting any of my companions on Ranged since I mainly have them use melee weapons or lightsabers once they become Jedi. I like the in-your-face style of fighting (which is a big reason why I don't use droids super often since they can only used ranged weapons). But I do usually set Disciple, Visas, and Kreia on Jedi Support.


I had a real hard time the first time I sent HK-47 into the HK factory. I hadn't leveled him up very well because I didn't realize he'd go into the factory by himself and I used every single grenade, shield, and repair kit before I was halfway through. I ended up changing the difficulty level to easy and just running out of the factory without destroying any of the reactivated HK-51s. Ah, good times.


Have fun! :)

Also, I never noticed that devil smiley before. It's kind of unsettling.

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A little heads-up: killing innocent people in front of Handmaiden does cause you to lose influence with her unless you have Kreia in your party. If that's the case, you'll lose influence with Kreia and instead of being angry, Brianna will be confused and you'll actually gain influence with her. Someone had similar experiences and referred to it as the "Kreia effect". I never really put much stock into it until my last playthrough because I'm pretty sure I tried testing it with Bao-Dur and Kreia after reading about it, but I just ended up losing influence with both of them. ;)


My first couple of playthroughs, I wouldn't give the Disciple a lightsaber and equipped him with two pistols instead. But I love lightsabers and think Star Wars just wouldn't be Star Wars without them. When a Jedi wields one, it inspires hope because they use lightsabers to protect. When a Sith wields one, it creates terror because they use lightsabers for destruction. In both instances, they represent power - for Jedi, the power to save life and for Sith, the power to destroy it. Also, lightsabers make cool noises. And can be colorful.


I never like equipping HK with pistols for some reason. I always give him a rifle. But maybe I'll break away from my traditions and try him with dual blaster pistols next playthrough. But after I find the Multispectral Emitter in the HK factory, I don't use the ranged weapon(s) at all. I love that thing. It's like Force Lightning for droids.

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Be aware said "Kreia effect" is a bug, and will be fixed in 1.8.

Then again the 'effect' only gave +1 INF (with -7 INF for Kreia) so it was barely worth it anyways for the effect itself. With 1.8 it should work as should, and also adds or substracts INF from all the people who were lacking that from Kreia's first DS-response.

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Guest staticjoe66

What I've gotten into the habit of doing is when I know a specific event will gain/lose INF with a certain party member, I'll have just that party member along--to lose INF with Brianna by helping Azkul I'll have only her in my party. When I kill the Czerka dude in the old base on Telos I'll have just Bao-Dur tagging along. To gain INF with Atton on Citadel Stn, it'll be just me and him when that resident busts us for stealing his stuff and we kill quote Megamind, evil is just plain cooler



Gaining INF with Visas is almost as easy as gaining INF with Atton--no matter which path you take, you'll gain INF with both. After Telos, Bao-Dur is almost ready to Jedify needing just a little nudge either way...then it's just a matter of deciding who to take into Freedon Nadd's tomb--probably Visas, a Jedified Bao-Dur and...??



I also go through the game with one single blade saber--I HATE the double-saber's combat animations, 2 single sabers is oh kay

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Be aware said "Kreia effect" is a bug, and will be fixed in 1.8.

Then again the 'effect' only gave +1 INF (with -7 INF for Kreia) so it was barely worth it anyways for the effect itself. With 1.8 it should work as should, and also adds or substracts INF from all the people who were lacking that from Kreia's first DS-response.


I'm a little confused. Will the fix to the "Kreia effect" be that you won't gain INF with companions that are against DS acts or will the points be adjusted so you'll actually gain a significant amount of INF?


I didn't realize the influence gain was so low. But I never really exploited it much anyway since, like staticjoe66, I usually just take the one person I'm trying to lose or gain influence with to whatever event.


Gaining INF with Visas is almost as easy as gaining INF with Atton--no matter which path you take, you'll gain INF with both. After Telos, Bao-Dur is almost ready to Jedify needing just a little nudge either way...then it's just a matter of deciding who to take into Freedon Nadd's tomb--probably Visas, a Jedified Bao-Dur and...??



I also go through the game with one single blade saber--I HATE the double-saber's combat animations, 2 single sabers is oh kay


I find that gaining INF with Visas is harder if you play as DS rather than LS since you basically gain all the INF you need with her in one conversation if you're LS. Though I suppose you could always take the LS hits when talking to her and then just go out and slaughter children. And I agree that evil is way cooler in TSL. I mentioned before that I always liked playing LS better in KOTOR, which remains true. But DS in TSL is so much more fun. I mostly enjoy being able to kill Vrook (who I think is a real jerk).


I'm pretty sure the only 2 companions Kreia actually praises you for choosing to go to Freedon Nadd's tomb are Bao-Dur and Mandalore. I liked her commentary on HK-47: "Not the most subtle choice..." But I usually like to send Visas, Handmaiden, and Mira/Bao-Dur if I play male (Mira if LS, Bao-Dur if DS) and Atton, Disciple, and Visas/Bao-Dur if female (depends on if I want a Jedi from each class or not). I like the idea of romantic rivals working together.


I agree that the double-bladed lightsaber animations don't look that great, but I love using them. I just think they're really cool since they remind me of Darth Maul and he was super awesome. Generally, I'll give Atton, Visas, Disciple/Handmaiden, and Bao-Dur twin blades, single for Kreia and Mira, and my Exile will wield two lightsabers (one normal, one short in the off-hand).

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Guest staticjoe66
I find that gaining INF with Visas is harder if you play as DS rather than LS since you basically gain all the INF you need with her in one conversation if you're LS. Though I suppose you could always take the LS hits when talking to her and then just go out and slaughter children



Yeah, if you want to get the Force Sight lesson and you're a DS'er then yes, you're better off waiting until you select your prestige class then talk to her but you do get INF with her for getting the sick guy in the Refugee Sector to kill himself as well for siding with Vaklu in the conversation with the Devaronian and Twi'Lek in the Square and if you tell her to cleanse away in the Iziz Cantina.




I'm pretty sure the only 2 companions Kreia actually praises you for choosing to go to Freedon Nadd's tomb are Bao-Dur and Mandalore



BD I knew about, Mandalore I didn't because I usually take him with me to kill the whiny queen...I have cousins like her...which is why I never talk to them...




I just think they're really cool since they remind me of Darth Maul and he was super awesome.



Oh definitely--too bad there's not a Darth Maul head for TSL like there is for KOTOR

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I'm a little confused. Will the fix to the "Kreia effect" be that you won't gain INF with companions that are against DS acts or will the points be adjusted so you'll actually gain a significant amount of INF?


I didn't realize the influence gain was so low. But I never really exploited it much anyway since, like staticjoe66, I usually just take the one person I'm trying to lose or gain influence with to whatever event.

I'll just post the 'fixlog' for that specific bug;


* Fixed some issues with Kreia's first "evil" response;

** Learning from her now balances out (-8, +8) instead of giving a -7 penalty (-8, +1).

** Now gains +INF from Mandalore if he's in the party.

** Bao gets -8 instead of +1.

** Handmaiden gets -8 instead of +1.

** Disciple gets -8 instead of +1.

** Visas now gains +INF.

** Mira now looses -INF.

** Hanharr now gains +INF.

** HK-47 now gains +INF.

** G0-T0 now gains +INF (even though his dialogue suggests otherwise, but all other DS acts give +INF).

** T3 now looses -INF.

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Yeah, if you want to get the Force Sight lesson and you're a DS'er then yes, you're better off waiting until you select your prestige class then talk to her but you do get INF with her for getting the sick guy in the Refugee Sector to kill himself as well for siding with Vaklu in the conversation with the Devaronian and Twi'Lek in the Square and if you tell her to cleanse away in the Iziz Cantina.


Yeah, I knew about those. But I'm usually impatient and take a few LS hits in conversation with her and then bring her along to the Refugee Sector (where you can get lots of INF with her for doing DS acts) so I can max out INF as soon as possible.



BD I knew about, Mandalore I didn't because I usually take him with me to kill the whiny queen...I have cousins like her...which is why I never talk to them...


Kreia says something to the effect of "Yes, excellent choice" if you choose Mandalore. And I guess I'm lucky, in a way, that my family members on both sides live in different countries so we never have family reunions. By all accounts, family reunions are kind of awkward and frequently unpleasant (as is my dad's side of the family...).



Oh definitely--too bad there's not a Darth Maul head for TSL like there is for KOTOR


I've been scared off of downloading heads for TSL. One time I downloaded this head mod right before Brianna's fight with her sisters and it somehow turned all of the Handmaiden sisters into the PMHC06 guy in commoner clothing. They then disappeared after the cutscene in which they threaten Brianna. :unsure:

I've never heard of anyone else encountering the bug so I figured it was just a mod conflict, but I know for sure that mod caused the bug because it stopped after I uninstalled it.




I'll just post the 'fixlog' for that specific bug;


* Fixed some issues with Kreia's first "evil" response;

** Learning from her now balances out (-8, +8) instead of giving a -7 penalty (-8, +1).

** Now gains +INF from Mandalore if he's in the party.

** Bao gets -8 instead of +1.

** Handmaiden gets -8 instead of +1.

** Disciple gets -8 instead of +1.

** Visas now gains +INF.

** Mira now looses -INF.

** Hanharr now gains +INF.

** HK-47 now gains +INF.

** G0-T0 now gains +INF (even though his dialogue suggests otherwise, but all other DS acts give +INF).

** T3 now looses -INF.


Thanks. That cleared things up for me. :D

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Guest staticjoe66
I've been scared off of downloading heads for TSL. One time I downloaded this head mod right before Brianna's fight with her sisters and it somehow turned all of the Handmaiden sisters into the PMHC06 guy in commoner clothing. They then disappeared after the cutscene in which they threaten Brianna. :unsure:

I've never heard of anyone else encountering the bug so I figured it was just a mod conflict, but I know for sure that mod caused the bug because it stopped after I uninstalled it.




What I have found is the order in which you install the mods is just as important as the mods themselves--I've used Kristy Krystic's Athena Too mod numerous times and never had a problem as I usually install the head mod I want to use right after installing the game, the patch, TSLRCM and the TSLRCM mods I use. This last playthrough I used the Azkul Head Reskin mod which was pretty cool and didn't have any issues again installing it right after the game, patch and TSLRCM stuff.


Some of the head mods are not at all very well done and I know there have been a lot of issues with the Handmaiden ones, which I personally stay away from

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The order of mod downloads is pretty important, as I've learned by having over 1800 files in my Override. I just kind of freaked out when I encountered that bug because I didn't have any other heads downloaded and that mod was supposed to just add in a new male PC head, but it somehow morphed all of the Handmaiden sisters into dudes with a head from vanilla TSL. It was pretty funny watching that cutscene for the first time, though, since the lips synced up and everything. At least all of the comments about Brianna looking different from her sisters made sense in that scene! :unsure: (As an aside, I'm looking forward to the day when VP's HandSister Fix will be compatible with TSLRCM. It irks me how Brianna really doesn't look different from her sisters.)


I've lost interest in downloading heads for either game, though. Most mods I've encountered only feature Sith eyes for the DS transitions, which I hate. I think the decaying look is pretty cool. And I like to have consistency.

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What I have found is the order in which you install the mods is just as important as the mods themselves--I've used Kristy Krystic's Athena Too mod numerous times and never had a problem as I usually install the head mod I want to use right after installing the game, the patch, TSLRCM and the TSLRCM mods I use. This last playthrough I used the Azkul Head Reskin mod which was pretty cool and didn't have any issues again installing it right after the game, patch and TSLRCM stuff.


Some of the head mods are not at all very well done and I know there have been a lot of issues with the Handmaiden ones, which I personally stay away from


I intend to rectify that situation... erm eventually :unsure:

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Hi, VP. :unsure:


That was fairly cool and slightly scary that you posted right after my HandSister Fix comment. Made me think of Kreia talking about how a stray thought could draw Nihilus's attention.




i've totally been playing too much TSL

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Guest staticjoe66
by having over 1800 files in my Override



In this current playthrough I have 1923 files in mine




It irks me how Brianna really doesn't look different from her sisters



Except for a few minor differences not a whole lot no




This playthrough I'm using The Crow head mod just to do something different--next playthrough I'm going to use one of the M Twi'Lek head mods as one of the SW RPG fan sites I'm on I have a Dark Side Twi'Lek looking very similar to Darth Ruyn and he wields an Exar Kun style double-saber...I'm already halfway done with Citadel Station so I figure the Eric Draven look will suffice for now








The order of mod downloads is pretty important, as I've learned by having over 1800 files in my Override. I just kind of freaked out when I encountered that bug because I didn't have any other heads downloaded and that mod was supposed to just add in a new male PC head, but it somehow morphed all of the Handmaiden sisters into dudes with a head from vanilla TSL. It was pretty funny watching that cutscene for the first time, though, since the lips synced up and everything. At least all of the comments about Brianna looking different from her sisters made sense in that scene! :unsure: (As an aside, I'm looking forward to the day when VP's HandSister Fix will be compatible with TSLRCM. It irks me how Brianna really doesn't look different from her sisters.)


I've lost interest in downloading heads for either game, though. Most mods I've encountered only feature Sith eyes for the DS transitions, which I hate. I think the decaying look is pretty cool. And I like to have consistency.

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Hi, VP. :unsure:


That was fairly cool and slightly scary that you posted right after my HandSister Fix comment. Made me think of Kreia talking about how a stray thought could draw Nihilus's attention.




i've totally been playing too much TSL


I have been known to linger like such.


That and I've had my eye on this thread for awhile. What with making Malachor VI and everything...

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In this current playthrough I have 1923 files in mine


Which is one of the reasons why I love coming here. Everyone has huge Override files! :unsure:

My boyfriend, despite being a bigger Star Wars geek than me, is really baffled by the amount of time I spend looking for KOTOR mods. But then again, he's not big on PC gaming, so...


This playthrough I'm using The Crow head mod just to do something different--next playthrough I'm going to use one of the M Twi'Lek head mods as one of the SW RPG fan sites I'm on I have a Dark Side Twi'Lek looking very similar to Darth Ruyn and he wields an Exar Kun style double-saber...I'm already halfway done with Citadel Station so I figure the Eric Draven look will suffice for now


Ooooh. Sounds cool. Do you have a link to the Exar Kun lightsaber, by any chance?

I was just curious: do you play as DS every time you go through TSL? I like to switch things up in TSL, but for KOTOR, I pretty consistently played as LS. I only did 2 DS playthroughs (one as female Revan and one as male) to see the contrast.



I have been known to linger like such.


That and I've had my eye on this thread for awhile. What with making Malachor VI and everything...


That's another mod I'm eagerly awaiting. Actually, when I started this thread I wondered how these scenes would be different in Malachor VI and which character I would get to fight as and all.


With the amount of times I've played TSL in the past few months, I've gotten pretty tired of Malachor as it is. The cutscenes are pretty cool, but the rest of it feels like a real drag to me. The last couple of times I've just gone through Trayus Academy with a stealth generator on so I could get to the end faster. But I'm sure that Malachor VI will breathe new life into the planet and it'll be fun to play again.

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Guest staticjoe66
Ooooh. Sounds cool. Do you have a link to the Exar Kun lightsaber, by any chance?



I just happen to have one, handy....



Exar Kun's lightsaber



What made Exar Kun's double-saber so special was it was basically 2 single sabers put together, having 2 emitters meant Kun could activate either blade anytime he chose to




I was just curious: do you play as DS every time you go through TSL?



I prefer the DS but don't do it exclusively--I have the past 2 playthroughs to see the specific Malachor cutscenes. Before those I went through the canon way as a LS was no fun...the LS is just so boring...I don't want to fight you--YES I DO! I want to kill you then loot your fallen corpse!




The last couple of times I've just gone through Trayus Academy with a stealth generator on so I could get to the end faster.



I wondered if this would work...too bad this time through I'm playing a guardian...







Which is one of the reasons why I love coming here. Everyone has huge Override files! :unsure:

My boyfriend, despite being a bigger Star Wars geek than me, is really baffled by the amount of time I spend looking for KOTOR mods. But then again, he's not big on PC gaming, so...




Ooooh. Sounds cool. Do you have a link to the Exar Kun lightsaber, by any chance?

I was just curious: do you play as DS every time you go through TSL? I like to switch things up in TSL, but for KOTOR, I pretty consistently played as LS. I only did 2 DS playthroughs (one as female Revan and one as male) to see the contrast.





That's another mod I'm eagerly awaiting. Actually, when I started this thread I wondered how these scenes would be different in Malachor VI and which character I would get to fight as and all.


With the amount of times I've played TSL in the past few months, I've gotten pretty tired of Malachor as it is. The cutscenes are pretty cool, but the rest of it feels like a real drag to me. The last couple of times I've just gone through Trayus Academy with a stealth generator on so I could get to the end faster. But I'm sure that Malachor VI will breathe new life into the planet and it'll be fun to play again.

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As an aside, I'm looking forward to the day when VP's HandSister Fix will be compatible with TSLRCM. It irks me how Brianna really doesn't look different from her sisters.

She does. From 1.4 on already actually.


Funny was warping back to the Telos Plateau and finding out the 2 "sisters" that find Bao-Dur there are both Handmaiden herself (and I could have the convo and all :unsure:).


(What the... how did I miss there was a 4th page already 0_0)

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She does. From 1.4 on already actually.


The only difference are the braids, as you said yourself. The face, hair and everything else is virtually identical. I personally, hardly think that counts, and this is why it's a separate mod from TSLRCM.

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I just happen to have one, handy....

Exar Kun's lightsaber

What made Exar Kun's double-saber so special was it was basically 2 single sabers put together, having 2 emitters meant Kun could activate either blade anytime he chose to


Thank you. I was wondering more about a mod link, but I found one ;)

It's only single-bladed but it still looks pretty cool.



I prefer the DS but don't do it exclusively--I have the past 2 playthroughs to see the specific Malachor cutscenes. Before those I went through the canon way as a LS was no fun...the LS is just so boring...I don't want to fight you--YES I DO! I want to kill you then loot your fallen corpse!



I like playing DS in TSL, but I think a large part of that is due to my indignant feelings the first time I played it (I was LSF). I mean, I went through saving all these planets and people, doing the right thing, and in the end, the Jedi Masters decide to cut me off from the Force anyway. What the heck?! I did more good for the galaxy than you pompous jerks ever did!


So I played as DSM the second time and had great fun killing all of the Jedi Masters. Also, male Exiles (kind of) get to actually have romance whereas the female Exiles don't get much.

I wondered if this would work...too bad this time through I'm playing a guardian...


I forget which path it is, but there's one way that this doesn't work as well because there are 4 Sith troopers blocking the entrance to the inner academy. Fighting them alerts the Sith Lords/Marauders/Assassins in the nearby rooms as well as the gun turrets and that's quite a fight. But it still works for the majority of that path. As for the other path, it's very easy to sneak by everyone and get right to Sion.



She does. From 1.4 on already actually.


Funny was warping back to the Telos Plateau and finding out the 2 "sisters" that find Bao-Dur there are both Handmaiden herself (and I could have the convo and all :D).


(What the... how did I miss there was a 4th page already 0_0)


I knew it! Brianna totally has a bunch of spare clones running around! :(


(And I'm a little surprised there's a fourth page myself.)


The only difference are the braids, as you said yourself. The face, hair and everything else is virtually identical. I personally, hardly think that counts, and this is why it's a separate mod from TSLRCM.


Oh, okay. I thought I was going crazy or even more blind since the only difference I noticed were the braids. But I agree. To me, a hairstyle change isn't really enough basis for comments about how "different" Brianna looks. The variation in appearance should be more pronounced, I think.

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Guest staticjoe66



Visas: 82


Brianna: 0



Already saw a cutscene in which Kreia approaches Brianna as well as the one in which Brianna fusses at Visas :w00t:

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Sounds good! I'd max out influence with Visas to be safe, but I'm pretty sure that's a big enough gap. Did you talk to Brianna on the Ebon Hawk and have her be all pissy at you yet?

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Sounds good! I'd max out influence with Visas to be safe, but I'm pretty sure that's a big enough gap. Did you talk to Brianna on the Ebon Hawk and have her be all pissy at you yet?


I did :w00t: Too bad now I can't jedify her ;)

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Guest staticjoe66

I intentionally didn't talk to her at all on the Hawk after she sneaks aboard--I told her I knew she was a spy for Atris and was watching her which may or may not be an INF drop, when I killed Sadhe and Akarre she was the only one in the party. When I joined Azkul she was the only only one as well--I LOVE her monster line then told her she had nothing to say about it. On Dxun when I killed the group of Mandos in the clearing she fussed about that also not liking it when I blew up Kumus--I was kinda bummed about no INF drop for killing Davrel. What surpised me was how many lines she has in the game--she'll talk to Dillon in Khoonda as well as Mical, she comments on the Mandos...I had never brought her along so much so hearing her chime in a lot was a surprise.



There was also another cutscene with Kreia and Brianna in which Kreia totally throws me under the bus--as that scene played I knew Kreia was working Brianna just like Palpy slowly manipulated Anakin...I was like dayum, Kreia is GOOD!



Right now my INF with Visas is 100 while Brianna will stay a soldier so my strike team for Freedon Nadd's tomb will probably be Visas, a Jedified Bao-Dur and Brianna--I usually like sending in a team of all Jedi as the final battle with the 3 masters can be fairly tough but we'll see what happens, I still have to finish Nar Shaddaa before I head back there...too I could make Atton part of that team...decisions decisions...





Sounds good! I'd max out influence with Visas to be safe, but I'm pretty sure that's a big enough gap. Did you talk to Brianna on the Ebon Hawk and have her be all pissy at you yet?

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Guest staticjoe66

Phil I intentionally wanted to have as little INF with Brianna as possible--although I certainly wasn't expecting to drop it all the way to 0...I was rather proud of meself :w00t: --because I wanted to trigger the Malachor catfight between Visas and Brianna...then whomever is left as a prisoner I'll simply gas later as they are a threat to my power--like Revan before me, I am going to clean house at Malachor ;)



My last playthrough I Jedified Brianna before I talked to Visas at all, but by that time I had built up enough INF with Visas all I had to do was simply talk to her to get the Force Sight lesson




I did :P Too bad now I can't jedify her :(

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I did :P Too bad now I can't jedify her :(


Yeah, it's pretty disappointing that you can't really Jedify Brianna with low influence. It can probably happen if the Exile also had really low influence with Visas, but there wouldn't be much point since you have to defeat Brianna in those three matches and defeating her causes an influence gain.


But I found her rage amusing enough to make up for the inability to Jedify her after that conversation. I actually like the Handmaiden, but I think she's the best teammate to piss off. Her anger always makes me laugh for some reason.



I intentionally didn't talk to her at all on the Hawk after she sneaks aboard--I told her I knew she was a spy for Atris and was watching her which may or may not be an INF drop, when I killed Sadhe and Akarre she was the only one in the party. When I joined Azkul she was the only only one as well--I LOVE her monster line then told her she had nothing to say about it. On Dxun when I killed the group of Mandos in the clearing she fussed about that also not liking it when I blew up Kumus--I was kinda bummed about no INF drop for killing Davrel. What surpised me was how many lines she has in the game--she'll talk to Dillon in Khoonda as well as Mical, she comments on the Mandos...I had never brought her along so much so hearing her chime in a lot was a surprise.



There was also another cutscene with Kreia and Brianna in which Kreia totally throws me under the bus--as that scene played I knew Kreia was working Brianna just like Palpy slowly manipulated Anakin...I was like dayum, Kreia is GOOD!



Right now my INF with Visas is 100 while Brianna will stay a soldier so my strike team for Freedon Nadd's tomb will probably be Visas, a Jedified Bao-Dur and Brianna--I usually like sending in a team of all Jedi as the final battle with the 3 masters can be fairly tough but we'll see what happens, I still have to finish Nar Shaddaa before I head back there...too I could make Atton part of that team...decisions decisions...


Oh man. I never knew you could kill Saedhe. I'm always nice to him in order to gain influence with Bao-Dur, even when I play DS. And Brianna's monster line is pretty great. I never knew she could talk to Dillion either. Now I feel like I should do a playthrough where Brianna is always on my team. I've never really liked playing with one teammate all the way through, though; I always switch up my party members depending on the situation and just generally how I feel.


Kreia=total badass. She's probably one of the best characters in Star Wars.


I usually send a Jedified Atton or Bao-Dur into the tomb. Although a well-leveled up HK-47 is pretty fun too.


Phil I intentionally wanted to have as little INF with Brianna as possible--although I certainly wasn't expecting to drop it all the way to 0...I was rather proud of meself :w00t: --because I wanted to trigger the Malachor catfight between Visas and Brianna...then whomever is left as a prisoner I'll simply gas later as they are a threat to my power--like Revan before me, I am going to clean house at Malachor ;)


It never really made sense to me why the Exile would kill her (or his) teammates. I doubt any of them would or could refuse to follow the Exile and it would be in the Exile's benefit to keep them around and feed off of their Force bonds, like the Nihilus slaves.

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