
Dantooine Training Scripts

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I was wondering if anyone could help me with this. I am trying to replace the sword used in the Dantooine Training sequences with a Lightsaber, with use in Jedi from the Start. Because the player will already have Lightsaber proficiency, this shouldn't be a problem, but I cannot get the Player or Bastila to equip Lightsabers. They both fight with Invisible weapons. I'm not sure if this is just an error with DeNCS decompiling things or what.


The 3 scripts that I edited are here, here, and here.

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I remember playing around with those scripts years ago to swap in training sabers:




The two I edited were k_pdan_cut01 and k_pdan_cut06, although I didn't add in any alignment checking to mine. I would think one issue for the player could be lack of the saber proficiency feat, but that shouldn't affect Bastila. Did you try just a simple swapping out of the UTI reference and none of the alignment checking to see what happens? To expound on what Kexikus seemed to be suggesting, you could create a "prop" saber item that doesn't require feats to use by extending baseitems.2da and see if that works.

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It's for Jedi from the Start, so the player already has Lightsaber proficiency. It's a class check (as the player already has a Jedi class and matching Lightsaber). The Bastila stuff was not working, which was really confusing me. I'm going to try some more basic swapping and see if that works. Thanks for the help.

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I also edited those scripts for my SWTOR Style Training Saber mod. So I know that it's possible to change this part of the script.


And I don't see anything wrong with your scripts here. Maybe try and change the given weapon to something else just to see if it's working at all. It could still be something like a missing feat that's only breaking this for lightsabers.


Or try and make a new baseitem that doesn't require any feats but looks like a lightsaber. That also has the advantage that you can remove the constant humming sound that a normal lightsaber has as that sound is really disruptive for the cutscene. I did that for my Dantooine Training Lightsaber mod.


One random comment: You'll definetly want to put these scripts in the .mod file as they'll screw up the Matale Grounds otherwise.

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Yes I figured that one out already haha. Thanks, I'll try messing around with it some more


I got it working finally. I'm pretty sure it was an error with my nwnscript. Anyways thank you guys. And thanks for the humming tip. Holy ---- is the humming annoying

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