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So, I recently managed to find my modding project files and tools (they were kind of lost when I moved to a new computer a couple of years ago) and decided to get back to it, since thanks to these new exciting tools, it seems more likely than before that what I have in mind could actually be done.




I have this story project that started as a thought about bringing a character in KotOR who would not be dependant on PC to solve their problems. It has evolved since the first formation of an idea, and the story continues in TSL. Or, at least that is the plan. And now it occurs to me that I probably should have thought a bit more what I'm going to write before starting to write a post, so I guess I just need to rely in people asking what they actually want to hear.


I am currently working on some new NPC models to bring into the game, but in the meantime, here's some storyboard-stage screenshots. Some of them are quite hilarious.


Headgear issues

Thanks to Fair Strides for ripping the hat as a separate item, but it appears that I either need to relocate all GoggleHooks or make two separate models if I want to take that approach.

Character reskin

I was going to use that as my primary NPC for the KotOR part of the story, but I've since started creating completely new models (need to iron out some issues, but nonetheless).

Character reskin #2

This is actually why my project was brought to halt before I switched computers. The head model I was going to use for one of the main NPCs for the TSL part of the story simply didn't take kindly to remapping. Sadly, I don't have those screenshots anymore. I experienced all kinds of things, from head rolling on the floor to it exploding, so to speak.
And no, I'm not going to replace appearances of the default party members. This was simply the most efficient way to test whether the apparance works or not.

Texture analysis

Studying the texture structure of Peragus, a strong candidate for a recycled area for TSL.

Model testing

Sometimes you just want to see the structure behind it all. I haven't tested on my newer computer, but on my old one, removing the texture simply coloured the model white.

Walking in the Air

Taris Lower City, more than meets the eye.

When models go awry

When models go horribly awry. It is still animated, believe it or not. Moves a bit like spider. Sadly, I have no video of it.
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When models go horribly awry. It is still animated, believe it or not. Moves a bit like spider. Sadly, I have no video of it.


That last image looks like something you'd fight in BloodBorne. Kotor model glitches are some of the most terrifying things in a game I've ever seen.

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"Pazaak is a game of three halves, my friend." - The Operative


How I ever managed to find anything from that hard drive, I have no idea of. My files are mess. You wouldn't believe how long it took to scrape together the correct combination of files for this module from my old hard drive to the new one. (I have a TSL folder of 71 GB. It has 21 different Override folders. Plus the multiple bunch of "Working" folders scattered around different folder structures.)

It's not 100% complete (furniture is only partially retextured, tech-things I haven't even touched, and the ship could use some heavy remapping) but given the fact that it's my first attempt to actually reskin a module, I'm relatively happy with it.


I have scales, I have vines, I'm a beast of old,
I'm the echo of a story which the elders told.
I'm the heart of a dragon and the soul of a thief,
I'm a hunter's tale, just as strong as belief.
I'm a phantom of time, yet I cannot die,
I'm a whisper in wind, but who am I?



Meditation chamber

Conference table

Curved corridor


Also, some random testing images:

A Dark Room

This is why you don't decompile area models with MDLOps 0.6.


A... what? room

Of course, there's more than one way to screw it up.


A blue room

I also got licked to death by a gizka. (And to be honest, got all my characters turn orange at one point. Let's go blue for a compensation.)



No kidding, HK.

These ones are not completely relevant, since they're not related to any of my projects in any way (other than my continuous on/off project to break every mod I touch), but they're pretty hilarious, so I thought I'd share them.



This is the reason why you need to keep track of which mod combination you've used in which savegame; just the fact that you have same mods installed doesn't mean they would have same row numbers in 2DA. Amusement featuring M4-78 EP, Newbiemodder's Korriban Expansion, and... TSL Prequel Robes Replacement, I believe.

When savegames go awry #2

When savegames go awry



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