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Malak armor

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In Kotor 2 there is the darth malak armor that is actually a zeison sha/jal shey armor. Neddless to say that it don't resemble a single bit Malak's from the first game. I would like to ask if it is impossible to take malak model take out his head and turn into an armor? So, my request is to a better looking Malak armor for TSL that resembles the armor he is wearing in the first game or even the one he uses in his jedi days, or even, at least one that doesnt have a 'skirt'.

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While Malak's model is in TSL, it's not really practical to use for players. It has its own unique skeleton and animations, but lacks most of the generic animations required by player models (like slicing doors/crates, laying/picking up mines, etc.). You'd have to completely re-skin the model to the base player rig. It's a lot of work, which is why nobody has done it (that I can recall anyway).


As to the Jal Shey/Zeison Sha model, it is possible to edit the model to hide the skirt, but as superSzym said that will affect all armours that share that model.

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You'd have to completely re-skin the model to the base player rig. It's a lot of work, which is why nobody has done it (that I can recall anyway).

I have done it, and I don't recall having to make a new skin. His bone structure was close enough already. It's a moot point, though, because there are no bones for Malak's skirt on the player supermodel, so they won't animate. It's the same issue as Revan - the skirt bits would have to be animated by hand for every conceivable animation. Unless you could get away with turning them into dangly meshes, I don't know.

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Due to the way the models work in game, you cannot replace Malak's armor model without replacing every Jal Shey/Zeison Sha model.



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While Malak's model is in TSL, it's not really practical to use for players. It has its own unique skeleton and animations, but lacks most of the generic animations required by player models (like slicing doors/crates, laying/picking up mines, etc.). You'd have to completely re-skin the model to the base player rig. It's a lot of work, which is why nobody has done it (that I can recall anyway).


As to the Jal Shey/Zeison Sha model, it is possible to edit the model to hide the skirt, but as superSzym said that will affect all armours that share that model.

Thanks, but I already knew that one. The problem is that it still has that 'skirt'. I see no problem in removing the skirts from every jal shey and zeison sha, and lots of people agree with me. Is there no one that made like other mod where they put armors with the jedi cloaks? In this case take out the skirt and put the cloaks.

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On 3/17/2017 at 5:37 AM, JCarter426 said:

It's a moot point, though, because there are no bones for Malak's skirt on the player supermodel, so they won't animate.

Yeah, that's basically what I was getting at. Malak in his full regalia, as he appears in the game, is not practical as a player model.

On 3/17/2017 at 5:49 AM, seph6 said:

I see no problem in removing the skirts from every jal shey and zeison sha, and lots of people agree with me.

Here's a skirtless version if you want.


On 3/17/2017 at 5:49 AM, seph6 said:

Is there no one that made like other mod where they put armors with the jedi cloaks? In this case take out the skirt and put the cloaks.

That's a whole other thing. No, nobody has done it with PxBM that I can recall off the top of my head. Having messed around with mating master robes and standard armour myself, it's kind of a pain in the ass. I never finished the female version as it had all sorts of issues:

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Yeah, that's basically what I was getting at. Malak in his full regalia, as he appears in the game, is not practical as a player model.



Here's a skirtless version if you want.






That's a whole other thing. No, nobody has done it with PxBM that I can recall off the top of my head. Having messed around with mating master robes and standard armour myself, it's kind of a pain in the ass. I never finished the female version as it had all sorts of issues:

Thank you. I am gonna test this as soon as I can.

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I made a one new skin using some that I downloaded and I believe I did a good job. What you guys think:

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