Guest Bob Ta'aar

Bob T.'s alien heads

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

Ah, I just love how the forum keeps growing. And since here's a new section, I'm gonna put in here, what I'm currently working on.


I always hated the lack of alien species to play as your PC and to be honest, most alien-head mods I tried weren't satisfying eighter.

So I'm working on several alien-heads at the moment with plans to release a mod, that adds most alien species that are in the game as playable PC heads.


Before you think, these won't be the boring full-body models where you can't see any cloth-changes at all and half the animations not working.

I'm actually very close to have a fully working Weequay-head on a normal human body (wich I'll tweak yet to match a Weeqay-body of course), the only thing missing at the moment are the facial animations, but once I can find the right hex-edit, it should be fully operational. The same method should work on all other heads as well, so I'll be able to include all species with near-human bodys.


The three species that already have head-only models I'm remaking into more individual heads, here are a few screenies of my Zabrak, Devaronian and female Twi'lek:





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Okay, I have to ask. With the Twi'leks, is red going to be the only color, or will the full (or somewhat-full) spectrum of skin tones be available?

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

Well, I don't think it'll be the only color. But so far the Lethan female is the only one I started yet and to be honest, the texturing part is my least favourite, I'm more the modelling type :D.

I'm still far from satisfied with the underwear-model of the Twi'lek (the boots need to got/change and I think I'll change the color into something else), but the UVM map of the Handmaiden-model (wich I obviously used) just plain sucks. I spent half a dozen hours to remove the neck-collar without changing anything else!


I even might recruit some good texturerers once I have a couple of good models to work with, so far I'm still at the very beginning (although I already learned much more that I'd ever imagined to be possible in that short time).

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Guest HaVoKeR

Zabrak? Darth Maul ancestor in kotor... =p

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Guest Astor

Any chance of you using these new skins to change some of the NPC clones in the game?

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...That Zabrak totally has a target right on his crotch.


But these are looking really nice! Looking forward to the completed product. :)

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I even might recruit some good texturerers once I have a couple of good models to work with, so far I'm still at the very beginning (although I already learned much more that I'd ever imagined to be possible in that short time).

I'm not bad at texturing. Need a hand?

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

Was just wondering. Of all the colors Twi'leks come in, red has always been my least favorite.

hehe, well, Lethans are my personal favorites on the other hand ;). but I think I'll with the Twi'leks, I'll release (sooome day) a pack with some different colors.


Any chance of you using these new skins to change some of the NPC clones in the game?

I haven't planned this, but once they're finished, my models will be free-to-use for any other modders, as long as they give me a little credit, so maybe somebody will make such a mod.


I'm not bad at texturing. Need a hand?

Actually, I joined with Bullobrien at the Holowan Labs now, who's done a terrific Togruta-skin for the Twi'lek head. I made a Togruta-shaped head-model now, that is even fully working, but we're stuck at the uvm-mapping, 'cause neighter of us has got any expirience with that. You or anybody else knows how to do that?

'Cause no kiddin', we're very close to actually have a completely functional Togruta-model for K2 :w00t:.

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Actually, I joined with Bullobrien at the Holowan Labs now, who's done a terrific Togruta-skin for the Twi'lek head. I made a Togruta-shaped head-model now, that is even fully working, but we're stuck at the uvm-mapping, 'cause neighter of us has got any expirience with that. 'Cause no kiddin', we're very close to actually have a completely functional Togruta-model for K2 :w00t:.


If you get that working, might I suggest you offer it to Logan23 for inclusion in his Revenge of Revan mod? Redrob41 (also attached to ROR) might be able to assist you with UVM mapping. I suggest private messaging him to confirm that first though.

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Guest Mablus25

I agree with Sith Holocron would suggest offcer your ideas and mod to Logan23 for his mod

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If you get that working, might I suggest you offer it to Logan23 for inclusion in his Revenge of Revan mod? Redrob41 (also attached to ROR) might be able to assist you with UVM mapping. I suggest private messaging him to confirm that first though.

I'd like to help out with that, but I've been having problems with exporting models in 3DSmax. If I get that sorted out, I'd definitely take a crack at the uvw map for you. So far, the Togruta screenies I've seen have been stellar. You could always PM me the model (binary.mdl & ascii.mdl & .mdx) files, just to take a look. I Can't promise anything though.

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

alright, sorry for the long time I've been gone. my full-time edication as a teacher just didn't leave any time for modding ;).

anyways, I'm back now and wooooaaah, what did I see? VP actually did the tutorial on how to compile freely-modded and changed head-models back for the game! And it friggin' works :hot:!

sorry, for getting so excited, but I just got a FULLY (and I MEAN fully) working, animated, exactly matched to the collar, Weequay-head in-game.





anyways, this means, that I'll work on implementing the heads of all the full-body aliens in the game as playable PCs. but it's really good news for the Twi'lek and Togruta too, 'cause now I should definitely be able to make headgear displayable on them too.


I'll gladly send anybody the model-files of my Togruta-head, who want's to give the UVW map a shot. That's just not my area of expertise ;).


Btw. is there a talented skinner, who'd like to reskin some underwear-models to match the alien heads?

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Guest Dark_Ansem

you going to make good use of VP's discovery?

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

exactly :D. well, I kinda feel obligated to, as I think I'm one of the folks, who pushed him to write the tutorial in the first place, after I got so frustrated with the hex-edit guessing not working ;).

I can already confirm that his method definitely works for adding helpers like for displaying headgear too. The female Twi'lek head has now all-functional headgear :cool:.

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

yeah, it might be a small step for the casual user, but it's a huge step for the modding-community ;). and if I think about how many hours I've wasted with hex-edit guessing ... ;). VP's just THE MAN!


anyways, here's a screenie of a fully animated, human-body matching Aqualish with working (sort of) headgear. the head is considerably bigger than the human ones, so some headgear gets clipped a little, but it still looks much better, than I feared.




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Guest Dark_Ansem

that is impressive result. Aqualish Jedi!

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

well, I ran into some troubles with the Bith-head, as it's missing the necklwr_g bone. anybody knows how to add a bone to a model?


got the Duros-head done now though. it's fully working, although most goggles are just too tight for that old bubblehead. I think it'll be a good idea to make my heads compatible with the no-headgear mod ;).





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A) Any luck with adding a neck bone to the Bith model?

B) Which other creatures do you plan to work on?

C) What's left on the list?

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

Thanks a lot for the offer, VP, I just sent you the file with a PM.


I have fully working heads of Aqualish, Duros, Nikto & Weequay.


The Bith-head is animation-less due to the missing necklwr_g-bone.

The Gran-head won't display his ears for some reason and is preeetty big.

Left to do: Quarren, Rodian, Sullustan & Trandoshan.

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