
*HUGE SIGH* Incomplete dialog

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So, I'm checking out dialog necessary  for this mod I am creating, but um... Take a look at 852Nih.DLG, the entire dialogue is incomplete... I left an attachment, freshly extracted out of KoTOR Tool, would anyone have the finished dialogue? It's realy hectic that I can't add content because of the lackiness of the game devs. Any help is appreciated! Thank you #NoobModderWithBigMods852nih.dlg

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That is the full dialog. Why do you think it's incomplete?

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I assure you it's not, there are parts where the dialog ends where it isn't supposed to, I hope someone can supply me with the correct dialog.

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Well, I've checked again, and it is the full dialog. Something must be wrong with your DLG Editor, if we are indeed both looking at the same dialog.

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@Both of you: I took a look at both the 852nih.dlg from the .erf and the .mod and came to the same results Bead-V did; however, that was by extracting the file and then opening it with DLG Editor.


I then opened the .dlg file in KT's dialog editor and saved the file. Upon opening it in DLG Editor, I got the same results RezTea had. KT's Dialog Editor isn't used because it doesn't work right with KotOR 2 DLG files and I've never used it in K1's files myself. It was pretty much the reason why DLG Editor was created.


In the future, I recommend only ever extracting a dlg file with KotOR Tool and only opening it in DLG Editor.

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Thanks guys for the help! I got it! I use ERFEdit.exe, much better. Thanks for the help.

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