
New Main Menu Mod?

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I'm wondering if anyone thought to make new main menu for K1 and/or K2. Is it possible to do?


I'm sure that all of you, just like me, have finished KotOR games not once and not twice, so actually only difference we can look for is new graphics mods, generally graphics changes to bring something new to the game, so maybe it would be good idea to improve main menu in K1 and K2 as well?


If there was topic like this before, my apologize, I've been looking for this in search bar but didn't find anything.


And sorry for my english ;)

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Depends on what you want


Can move various UI elements around like buttons and logos, but so far we haven't been able to do anything about changing models.


Maybe that has changed recently

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Only major changes then. I thought about completely new design. New background, panels, colors etc. I guess it's not really possible atm.


Alright, thank you for your answers. 

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Background, colors, and panels would fall under GUI, which we do have some control over. We can't create new GUI, but we can edit what's already there, as far as textures assigned, position, and coloring.

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Background, colors, and panels would fall under GUI, which we do have some control over. We can't create new GUI, but we can edit what's already there, as far as textures assigned, position, and coloring.

So there is a way, for instance, to remove malak of K1 main menu, and replace whole background with nice picture, an artwork or anything like that? And then add some panels, change colors etc?

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@DarthParametric: I really don't want to say it, but I think you might be mistaken, to a limited extent.


Using MDLOps (I just double-checked the timestamps on the modification date of my copy versus the one here on download; they match), I deleted Malak's entire model from the ascii in Notepad, as well as the emitters, and then threw in a swoopbike. And then did a straight export and compile, with no animations.


In K1:





In K2 (just a straight compile to see if the lights or anything would be screwed over by a K2-mode compilation):




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My comment stands true if you want to keep all the VFX and character animations. If you want a simplistic static scene like that, sure I guess.

Oh my God, I have a great mod idea.

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Oh my God, I have a great mod idea.

Is it a silly one, cosmetic changes or a genuine improvement on the Menu GUI?

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My comment stands true if you want to keep all the VFX and character animations. If you want a simplistic static scene like that, sure I guess.

I wasn't trying to be insulting and was in fact trying to phrase it to the contrary. I didn't respond earlier because I was going to the movies, but I thought for your post once said "if you want a half-assed static scene"; did it?


VFX really aren't everything, you know. And there wasn't that much animation in the vanilla one; all Malak did was fold his arms and breathe... yippee. Also this scene doesn't have to be static. Things could still be animated to move around and rotate (you can even make the camera and lights move around and rotate). I feel like a got my ass chewed out for not having any smoke or breathing when this was intended as a simple proof of concept for crying out loud.



Is it a silly one, cosmetic changes or a genuine improvement on the Menu GUI?

It might just be the mood I'm in, but is there something wrong with a silly one or cosmetic changes?

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It might just be the mood I'm in, but is there something wrong with a silly one or cosmetic changes?


Nah, not at all but I just hope he has something more in mind than Twi'leks dancing beside Malak. 

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@Fair Strides


If you can compile a functioning menu model with Darth Nihilus running around in circles, sparring Mandalorians in the background, and fireworks VFX going off, I will retract my previous slights against MDLOps.

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It seems that we have some possibilities. So actually it is possible to make a dynamic menu, something like twil'eks dancing around Darth Nihilus in K2, but for K1?


Hmm new background, with moving elements, new colors, this could refresh main menu of the game. Bring something new I guess.

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