
Creating a Custom Feat

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So it seems my attempt to create a custom feat was not quite as successful as I had originally thought. It shows up in-game where and when I want it to, the characters I want to have it have it and it's unavailable for selection as I intended, and it functions partially (to test it I created a blaster pistol that required the feat and all that works fine), but 2 things: first, it has no name or icon, and second, it has no properties.

I filled out a line in feat.2da for it, but obviously there's something else I need to do. Would I need to add it to dialogue.tlk?

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While I can't say for certain regarding KoTOR's version of the engine, I know that Neverwinter Nights, which I do have a bit of experience with and uses an older version of the Aurora Engine had a similar issue where you could add in what you wanted to through the .2das but you cannot create custom names or descriptions for feats/classes/abilities without adding entries to the Dialog.tlk

IIRC, from there it's a matter of making sure the custom feat in the .2da points to whatever the IDs are for the new description and name, but actually modifying the .tlk file is beyond what I know.

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You would need to add a new entry to dialog.tlk and then reference that entry in the feat.2da's name column. Similarly, you'd need to reference a .tga file (without the extension) in the icon column.


As to the properties, short of maybe copying the constant column's value from a feat (assuming the effect is the same), we can do absolutely nothing with the feats. At least, not without re-tooling the AI and combat scripts, and that's not a guarantee depending on what you're wanting the feat to do...

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