Freeloader 0 Posted March 12, 2011 Bob's last translation is nearly perfect (Yep, german is my mother tongue, too). To say it in german: Die "Ihr" Form wird in der deutschen Version durchgehend benutzt außer bei Charakteren, die nicht dafür geschaffen sind... wie bei Atton, der duzt eben den Hauptcharakter, ist bei seiner Person aber auch normal. I think it's important to know who say's these line to who, because it depends on the relationship between the characters if we say "du" or "ihr". Atton would nearly always say "du" to the main character, because he doesn't have this kind of awe to the PC. But he would always say "ihr" to Kreia or the others, because they don't know each other very well which makes their relationship more formal. So the information who say's the lines would be very nice to improve the translation better(because a formal answer from Atton to the PC would be strange from my point of view). I only disagree at one line: Ihr seid jetzt hier. Aber ich muss Kreia alleine entgegentreten, also müsst ihr alle gehen. Wird dies ein Problem sein? Fit's well, but I think it should be more informal. So I'd change the word "also" to "deswegen", delete "alle" and change "dies" to "das" . Like: Aber ich muss Kreia alleine entgegentreten (I prefer "gegenüberstehen" instead of "entgegentreten" but I think that's more a matter of taste), deswegen müsst ihr gehen. Wird das ein Problem sein? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bead-v 251 Posted March 12, 2011 I think it's important to know who say's these line to who, because it depends on the relationship between the charakters if we say "du" or "ihr". Warte mal, ist das nicht der unterschied zwischen 'du' und 'Sie'? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Freeloader 0 Posted March 12, 2011 Sie ist keine alternative für das Spiel weil es dann doch wirklich zu formell ist. Es wird dort eigentlich nur "Du" oder "Ihr" benutzt, "Sie" soweit ich mich erinnern kann nie. Ich bezog mich da grad komplett auf das Spiel. (For those who can't speak german: I just explained why "Du" or "Ihr" instead of "Sie"). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bead-v 251 Posted March 13, 2011 Hmm, aber woher kommt das, ich habe nie zuvor gehört das 'Ihr' auch nur für eine Person benutzt werden kann? (Recherchiert ein bisschen.) Das habe ich auf der Deutschen Wikipedia gefunden: "Das „Ihr“ gegenüber einzelnen Personen (Ihrzen) ist eine veraltete Form der Anrede. Sie war und ist noch vereinzelt überwiegend in ländlichen Regionen verbreitet und wurde/wird stets gegenüber älteren Personen angewandt. Die Regel bei der Anwendung war/ist, die anzusprechende Person hätte ihrem Alter nach Vater oder Mutter sein können." und auch "In einigen schweizerdeutschen Dialekten (vor allem im Berndeutschen) ist nicht „Sie“, sondern die zweite Person Plural („Ihr“) die übliche Höflichkeitsform." Ich meine, wenn es in dem ganzen Spiel so benutzt ist dann okay, aber ich finde es komisch. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Freeloader 0 Posted March 13, 2011 Spiel mal n bisschen die Deutsche Version von K1 oder K2 ^^ oder zieh dir irgendwelche anderen RPGs rein, da stößt du im deutschen fast ständig auf "Ihr". Gerade dieses altertümliche passt in das SW Universum. (Another explanation why we should use "ihr" instead of "sie"). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 25, 2011 Crazy Kotor-translators . Yeah, can speak a bit of German . For the one who asks it's who to who, I thought it was obvious, but I guess not. It's the Exile to Mandalore. New line that needs translation. Same languages; "Access Log 253-14: Sonic Imprint Sensor Update" Prefably people who have the translated versions of KOTOR check the TLK for line 76465 (so it's done exactly in that style) and then translate their word for "update". Thnx in advance once again. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted May 12, 2011 New line that needs translation. Same languages;"Access Log 253-14: Sonic Imprint Sensor Update" ??? Original English dialog.tlk file : "253-14" appears in 74301 : - Log 253-12 [Time Marked: 3 Days Ago] - Log 253-14 [Time Marked: 2 Days Ago] - Log 253-17 [Time Marked: 1 Day Ago] 74302 : - Log 253-12 [Time Marked: 3 Days Ago] - Log 253-14 [Time Marked: 2 Days Ago] - Log 253-17 [Time Marked: 1 Day Ago] 74316 : Access Log 253-14. 76572 : Access Log 253-14: Maintenance Violation 77612 : Access Log 253-14: Maintenance Violation I do not see, anywhere, "Access Log 253-14: Sonic Imprint Sensor Update", and that log (Log 253-14) do not speak at all of the Sonic Imprint Sensor. The title of this log could be "Reusing the protocol droid" but it is not obvious because this log spoke of many things: Bodies everywhere in the Ebon Hawk (something that TSLRCM may correct : this can only be the corpses of Sith, killed by Kreia before she goes into trance to simulate her death and escape her killers). Inventory of cargo that must be retrieved in the Peragus Security Cargo Room (one of the bugs introduced by TSLRCM) We learn that T3-M4 is just blocked, it is not destroyed by gunfire from HK-50 at the end of the prologue. One may also question the fact that T3-M4 will respond to a solicitation of the Exile voice - so he knows her voice. How? T3-M4 has appeared 5 years ago and the Exile has disappeared 9 years ago! Does Revan, who launched thousands of HK-50 seeking to eliminate the Exile, recorded her voice in T3-M4? The HK-50 is put at the maintenance of the Peragus droids (which will allow him to take control of Peragus) There is only one survivor (Kreia is still considered a corpse placed in the morgue). Perhaps are you talking about 76465 : Access Log 253-10: Sonic Imprint Sensor and perhaps did you change this to 76465 : Access Log 253-10: Sonic Imprint Sensor Update Well, it is not realy an "Update" but more a "Modification". 104131 :"With the protocol droid's help, I made some upgrades to the sonic imprint sensor, using some of the droid's vocabulator subroutines." The Peragus Maintenance Officer said to have benefited from using HK-50 for the development of his tool. In fact, HK-50 simply reproduces its own vocabulator, which has a powerful passive transmitter (which allows all HK-50 from the Galaxy to be in constant contact and act as a single entity ), by adding a simply digital recorder for the maintenance officer, which resulted in HK-50 to receive the voice print used by the maintenance officer. The HK-50s are just an improvement and behavior modification of HK-47, manufactured in series. HK-47 will immediately recognize the HK-50 vocabulator that kept the Exile. In French, this will be Accès au journal 253-10 : Modification d'un capteur sonique This is inserted in my correction MOD of the French translation of Kotor 2. See also this thread on Deadlystream TTLan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted May 18, 2011 It's a new line. Hence needing translation. Hence not appearing in the dialog.tlk The entire cutscene (it's a hololog) exists, but no line for triggering, so I just had to make it up. It became; "Access Log 253-14: Sonic Imprint Sensor Update" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted May 18, 2011 It's a new line. Hence needing translation. Hence not appearing in the dialog.tlk The entire cutscene (it's a hololog) exists, but no line for triggering, so I just had to make it up. It became; "Access Log 253-14: Sonic Imprint Sensor Update" Ok. But two logs "253-14" already exists. One exits on the administrative level of Peragus console, one on the hangar console. Should we not give the new log a new ID? On which console we going to read it? Also note there is a timestamp on all logs on the administrative level of Peragus console - something important for the chronology of the last hours before Kotor 2. As logs on the hangar console don’t have timestamp, I speculate they are of the same day / same chronology when they have the same ID. Translation in French is : Accès au journal 253-14 : Mise à jour du capteur sonique Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted May 18, 2011 It's the only missing ID on the console (maintenance officer), and the dialog makes sense at that specific time and date. So, no... no different ID. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted May 18, 2011 It's the only missing ID on the console (maintenance officer), and the dialog makes sense at that specific time and date. So, no... no different ID. Ok. It fits. No timestamp but same speculation about the ID. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Darkless Posted May 21, 2011 For a few new lines which may or may not end up in 1.8. If not, they probably make a modification I will make for it. The lines need to be translated in all languages TSLRCM is available in, which would be French (done), German, Spanish (done) and Italian. My First post, hope i'll be helpful Italian translation: * [You cannot visit the HK Factory at free will; it will trigger further along the main plot.] - Non puoi visitare liberamente la fabbrica degli HK; verra' sbloccata in seguito verra' sbloccata in seguito con il proseguire della trama * No, Mandalore. I need your expertise of Malachor to escort my team out of here. * No, Mandalore. I need your expertise of Malachor to help my friends leave this place. - No, Mandalore. Tu conosci Malachor e ho bisogno di te per accompagnare la mia squadra fuori di qui. - No, Mandalore. Tu conosci Malachor e ho bisogno di te per aiutare i miei amici a lasciare questo posto. * So you have never been here before? - Quindi non sei mai stato qui prima d'ora? * You are here now. And I need you to help everyone get to safety. * You are here now. But I have to face Kreia alone, so I need you all to leave. Is that going to be a problem? - Ora sei qui e voglio che aiuti tutti a mettersi in salvo. - Ora sei qui ma devo affrontare Kreia da solo quindi voglio che ve ne andiate tutti. E' un problema ? Thnx in advance! you are welcome EDIT: Fixed few things Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Rancor_Louie Posted May 22, 2011 I've made the hungarian translation of TSLRCM 1.7. If you are intrested, I can send it to you, just give me an e-mail adress. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted May 22, 2011 You gotta ask Zbyl about that. I just look for translations for already supported languages with TSLRCM. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lyahn Posted May 26, 2011 I have to play that scene again to see the style, but tomorrow you´ll have the Spanish translation. And I would like to offer my services too to translate missing lines in version 1.7, i´m going to install the english version because for me it´s worse to see new scenes and dialogs and not understand, than not seeing them at all. And many times I have to play in silence, so i can´t practice my oral understanding either Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MrNord Posted June 3, 2011 You translated this mod on Russian language? =) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Cair Posted July 15, 2011 Hello! I'm new here. I really appreciate your work. I'm italian so, if you need help with the translation I can do something for you! I've not yet tried your mod and I don't know how the translation has been done. Generally I play games in english because I think they're better in original language, as italian translations are terrible! Looking at your work I may change my mind... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Matten 0 Posted April 12, 2012 I've made the hungarian translation of TSLRCM 1.7. If you are intrested, I can send it to you, just give me an e-mail adress. I Am Interested. :/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites