
[KotOR] Arm bands mod?

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I usually don't like adding items to original games unless there are some that are badly underrepresented in the game.


This is the case of Arm bands in KotOR. Or should I use the singular?


In the whole game, the only one you find (if I am not mistaken) is in Taris (!) and it's Brejik's. Siding with the Black Vulkars wouldn't even allow for that.


Now, I wonder if any of you know of some mods that introduce new arm bands in the game?


If not, it'd be real nice to fill this gap (I might do it myself but I would need help for creating the model and textures).



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Yeah his is just a flat resist bonus instead of the points/charges thing the generic ones use. There should be no reason why you couldn't make any number of variations along the same lines as his that protect against various damage types, or provide other bonuses.

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I have already created three armbands, two that can be obtained from enemies and one that can be purchased at a later stage of the game.


The idea was to introduce a few more items that give some kind of permanent protection. As icons I have been using the game's internal resources (two have their appearance a bit altered, one is just a straight import from TSL).


They are called: Verpine Prototype Displacer, Baragwin Energy Absorber and Mandalorian Battle Scale. I made sure these items have their unique lore and a good balance in terms of power and relative price.

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