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MODDERS RESOURCE: Endar Spire Module No Corspes

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So I am looking for a modders Resource of the entire Endar Spire Module with NO corpses in it and with Just a blank skybox of space no Taris or Star forge fight.


I know it can be done but there aren't any tutorials online on how to and I wouldn't have a clue were to start on my own. 

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The corpses should all be placeables I would think, not part of the level models. The way to do it would be to create a MOD file and delete all the corpse placeables in the GIT file. The MOD would go in the Modules folder.

For the skybox you'd likely need to hex edit any appropriate models (presumably every room with a window) and change the skybox texture filename to something custom (with the same number of characters). The edited models and your custom texture would need to go in the Override folder.

There should be tutorials/posts detailing how to do both, either here and/or at LucasForums (the latter of which you'll need to use Google's cache or the Wayback Machine for while it is down).

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Also, the Starforge or Taris is a single texture that is not actually part of the sky background. So you'd just need to replace that one texture with a custom fully transparent one.

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For the Taris version, it would appear that the skybox is a separate model, m01aa_07b. The starfield is a single mesh with its own simple stars texture (LSP_stars02), the planet is its own mesh with its own texture (LHR_planet), there's a separate nebula mesh with its own texture (LSP_nebula01) and then there are a bunch of fighter meshes, some 2D planes (LHR_sithfighter1) and others 3D meshes (LHR_sithfighter). The 3D fighters also have a number of laser bolt meshes.

I'd suggest that the best approach would be hex editing the model and turning off the render flags for the fighter, laser bolt, and planet meshes if you want to get rid of those. There seems to be no reason to alter the textures.

Edit: Here's a pic of the hierarchy.


Edit 2: I went ahead and hex edited the skybox model to turn off the render flags for the planet and fighters as I suggested above. Extract it into your Override folder and let me know if it works as intended. (Edit 4: See below)

Edit 3: (Damn, a lot of edits) I just realised the skybox for the Taris ES level is animated to rotate to simulate the ship being out of control. If you are planning on using it for some other purpose like a mod where it is meant to be travelling normally, that's probably not going to be desirable. I assume whatever they use for the Vandar/Dodonna cutscene during the Star Forge sequence is just the bridge, not the whole ship.

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Edit 3: (Damn, a lot of edits) I just realised the skybox for the Taris ES level is animated to rotate to simulate the ship being out of control. If you are planning on using it for some other purpose like a mod where it is meant to be travelling normally, that's probably not going to be desirable. I assume whatever they use for the Vandar/Dodonna cutscene during the Star Forge sequence is just the bridge, not the whole ship.


Yeah, that's a pretty incomplete model used for those cutscenes. It's really just the bridge and a small portion of the corridor leading up to it but not enough for a whole level especially since the corridors end in space.

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OK, I did some further hex edits to stop the animation. The starboard section with Carth and the escape pods is pretty straightforward. The skybox is part of M01AB_10A and is just the starfield, no fighters, planets, nebulae, etc. I simply set the value for all the rotation keys to the one for time 0 (0°) for the starfield mesh. For the Command Module I did the same thing for M01AA_07B, except I tried to get the nebula visible from the bridge windows. I can't figure out the animation data values though, as it is different to the way MDLOps compiles animation rotations, so the best I could do was set it to the value for the middle key, which is 180°. At that value the nebula is just visible at the top of the starboard windows.

Endar Spire Command Module M01AA_07B - Invisible fighters, laser bolts, & planet; rotating skybox:[K1]_M01AA_07B_Skybox_Edit.7z

Endar Spire Command Module M01AA_07B - Invisible fighters, laser bolts, & planet; static skybox:[K1]_M01AA_07B_Skybox_Edit_No_Animation.7z

Endar Spire Starboard Section M01AB_10A - Static skybox:[K1]_M01AB_10A_Skybox_No_Animation.7z

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