
I messed about with scripting and my game glitched hard

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Hello all,


I had been enjoying the great mods shared here and figured I'd like to try my hand and some modding.


I mean, "how hard can it be, right?" (famous last words)


So, I tried my hand and doing some scripting mods. I started easy by trying to implement this:


(Generally, make Korriban a slight bit harder by increasing Uthar Wynn's "prestige" requirement.)


So I make the .nss files, and used KotOR Tool v1.0.2210.16738 to create a project and perform a Build.


I got the .ncs files and stick them into the Override folder.


Now my game glitched hard! Everytime I run into the Sith Academy from the Tomb Valley, I got thrown to the Main Menu Screen -- but I can't choose any menu options! (Have to kill the game using Alt+F4).


Taking out the two .ncs files restored proper gameplay (as in, I'm now able to enter the Sith Academy).


How can I debug what's happening?


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As a rule of thumb, DON'T use KOTORTool for compilations.

That's probably your fault right there.

I've almost never used anything else; just HazardX's compiler, but mostly i use KT's Text Editor.


I don't know how well the Project or Build functionalities work in KotOR Tool, but maybe the guy can tell us what he edited or added and we can try to help there.

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