
Remove target reticle from object

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I am trying to make a character no longer interactable with at the end of a dialogue so I was hoping to accomplish that via script.

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Can't do it with characters per-sey (not without editing the OnDialogue script to check some sort of variable to determine whether to launch the conversation), but you could add a blank line at the top of the DLG and have a script check some sort of variable to make that line fire.

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Oh I see, Fair Strides... Weird... What you are telling me, if I understand correctly, is that I can stop the dialogue from happening so that the conversation won't launch but what I meant was making the character/creature no longer targetable. Strange that the developers never provided a solution for that... I think I remember I used MakeUnselectable() for Baldur's Gate, which used a more primitive engine...

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I have been thinking of that solution myself, DarthParametric... I was just hoping for an easy way out! 


By the way, do you know how I make a .dlg line be delivered in a bubble box rather than start the conversation cutscene? 



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That function doesn't exist in KotOR because the devs never thought one would need to do that type of task in KotOR, which was never designed to be modded.


For the DLG thing, just make that line in the DLG be in the main branch and have no replies or entries after it. Check out one of the party members' DLG files and the first few entries should be set up that way as well.


Or you can basically picture a one-liner dialog only being one line, with nothing after it in the DLG Editor.

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