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I have some problems maybe you can resolve it. its a noob thing i think, i use this open store script:

void main() 
object oStore = GetObjectByTag("TAG_OF_STORE_HERE");
        object oSpeaker = GetPCSpeaker();
if (!GetIsObjectValid(oStore))
if (GetIsObjectValid(oStore))
DelayCommand(0.5, OpenStore(oStore, oSpeaker));
Problem: If i open this store it works, but if i close it, it opens store again automatically unlimited times.. Can you help me a bit ?

Note: I tried to fire the script both on PC and NPC lines. 

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I'm wondering, maybe a line at script's end what does to return to dialogue when shop closes could fix it. Am I right?

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I think I can write dialogue. Scripts, not so much.

I have no any problems with dialogues.


Update Posted 15 June 2016 - 10:51 AM


Solved, But, I got another glitch or something with this script lines, when I close my store I can't click on objects, can't use anything even can't press escape to access menu. Why? Is there anything that I can do to resolve this?

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