
Seikan's Armors of the Old Republic Revival

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Hey, I've been playing with some ideas for possible new armors, and also been thinking about including mandalore's mask since Silveredge allowed usage of all his mods as long as he's credited, I might also try to contact T7 to include the Revan masks, but there was a more pressing matter in my mind...


Recently i started thinking about the Tulak hord's armor on females (and a new idea i'm toying with for males), and since these armors reveal the skin of the character, if you play a dark sides PC and your face turns all grey and messy it won't match the body anymore, so the only solution i can think of would be getting rid of the game style transitions for something more akin to "movie style ds transitions" where the skin color doesn't change, but that would in turn get into conflict with any pc and bastilla reskins since my dk transitions would overwrite them and i don't really feel like starting a serious reskin work on faces to make them on par with quality as to what other modders might offer when it comes to it, so I'm not quite sure what i'm gonna be doing about it, anyone has any suggestion?


You could include an optional part within your mod that has a modified heads.2da, all you'd need to do would be to copy the neutral skins lines over to the dark side lines within the heads.2da file. Without having to edit the skins. 


Edit: it would be a quick fix but highly incompatible with other mods haha. 

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In appearance.2da, I think there is a column called texjevil.


Sadly it doesn't, Kotor only has evil textures for underwear, TSL does have other models with an evil texture option, pxbj not being one of those though, but could still work in TSL by using on of those other columns.


You could include an optional part within your mod that has a modified heads.2da, all you'd need to do would be to copy the neutral skins lines over to the dark side lines within the heads.2da file. Without having to edit the skins. 


Edit: it would be a quick fix but highly incompatible with other mods haha. 


Yeah i could do that, but do it using the TSL patcher, so actually incompatibility would be reduced, it would work fine with reskins it would just not have the dark side transitions of those reskins, i'd feel better if i could add some dark sider eyes in there, which isn't possible, but that would be easy to fix by people themselves if they have any image editing skills, and if they'd rather have normal dark side transitions they would just not install that optional part... I guess i'll do it that way.

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Just for the record, the following baseitem classes in K1 have an evil texture column:



and in K2:


Basic Clothing
Jedi Robe
Dancer's Outfit
Jedi Knight/Master Robe

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And for people who use movie-style dark side transitions will there be a version with no body skintone changes? 

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Yeah, that's the idea, I'll add an option for removing DS transitions completely for those who want, and the default state of the mod won't change anything so people can either use their own mods affecting ds transitions, or have ds characters with heads not matching their bodies, that way the most options remain open for players.


I've also given some thought on making a tsl version (though that would be for later), the main reason i've never felt compelled to it is that tsl already have lots of mods affecting armors with new models etc taking every possible slot available for body models, so my mod would inevitably enter in conflict with other mods (that i myself might want to use), on the other side the revan armors in kotor aren't replaced very often, it only tends to be the case with revan disguises, and the original revan robes are rather ugly, so i never felt bothered by replacing them, but i was thinking that i could use bastila's model to make a new kind of dancing outfit for tsl and use that body type for my mod, it'd also allow me to add DS transitions. So i promise nothing regarding TSL, and if i do it would probably not happen before next summer, but might still happen some day.

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