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Yavin 4 Space Station type mod for KOTOR 2.

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I would like to request a mod that is similar in design to the Yavin IV Space Station DLC from KOTOR 1 for KOTOR 2. Key points to focus on would be the following...


-Travel to the level is from a location the player selects from the Galaxy Map.


-There should be a few quests tied to the location. Nothing too extravagant, but something meaningful at the same time with worthwhile rewards (Read, not blatantly unbalanced crap that makes an already easy game even easier).


- New items that are obtainable by some means (Be it buying from merchants, killing enemies, completing quests, or found from containers). Said items should be a variety of content, anything from equip items, to upgrade items, to consumable items, etc.


-To follow up on the above point, said items should be balanced for when they are obtained in the game. Any items that could be deemed overly powerful should be difficult to obtain, be it a very high price from a merchant, a high skill / attribute check, or defeating a very difficult opponent.


EDIT: Of course, this mod should be compatible with TSLRCM and M4-78EP.

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My 2¢ - perhaps some scavengers could set up a space station near the ruins of Peragus for the purposes of combing through the wreckage. Could be various valuable minerals, etc. You could maybe have something similar to the quest in K1 where someone, pirates or mercs, try to take the place over. Or maybe in a turnabout you could help the pirates take over.

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My 2¢ - perhaps some scavengers could set up a space station near the ruins of Peragus for the purposes of combing through the wreckage. Could be various valuable minerals, etc. You could maybe have something similar to the quest in K1 where someone, pirates or mercs, try to take the place over. Or maybe in a turnabout you could help the pirates take over.


That's a great idea. I'd love to see a mod like this implemented :)

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This is a rough idea of a plot I thought up at work, going with DarkParametric's idea as a base.


The scavengers you meet are secretly Jedi that are trying to survive day by day. When you first meet them, they act (Personality and mannerisms) in a way that Jedi would not normally act, to help mask their identity. They say they are scavengers that make a living scavenging for relics of the past, precious minerals, and valuable everyday resources and then selling them.


There would be a total of four of these scavengers.


The leader, a human male, is a real mysterious man. He doesn't want to talk about his past and seems to have a rather aggressive and assertive personality.


Another is a human male who speaks in Hutt, since he grew up primarily on the planet Sleheyron and his parents died when he was very young. He does not remember them, and he spent most of his time as a slave to Hutts before he joined up with the leader of the group.


The third is a male Rodian who primarily deals with selling goods and fixing up any problems with the scavengers spaceship. He sells the valuables they come across in a search across the galaxy to help provide the crew with living essentials.


The fourth is female human. She mentions how she used to be in the Republic army, but due to an incident caused by her hothead personality, she was dishonorably discharged. She met the leader and joined his ragtag group as she had no where else to go.


On the second or third visit to the space station, the four end up disturbing a nest of creatures in their scavenging and you have to help fight them off. The four of them would fight alongside your own party, and after a few waves, a "boss" creature would come out to fight. As the Jedi are trying to fight with conventional weaponry to fool others, they will use blasters and non lightsaber weaponry.


On the last visit, you find out the Rodian is actually a shape shifting bounty hunter (A Bothan perhaps?) who is paid to hunt down any remaining Jedi. He was able to figure out from stalking the real Rodian back to the Space Station via active camo the truth about the group, as well as the valuable treasure being scavenged, after which, he killed the real Jedi Rodian and emulated his mannerisms and personality to not appear suspicious. He waited as long as he did so the three Jedi would finish their scavenge, so he could sell the valuables and get the bounty on killing Jedi. He also mentions he knows how valuable of a bounty The Exile would be and mentions how lucky he has become.


A bunch of bounty hunters uncloak themselves from active camoflauge and a fight breaks out, this time with the Jedi using their lightsabers and force powers. The bounty hunters would be especially equipped to fight Jedi, with armor that mitigates lightsaber damage and and headgear that makes them immune to metal force powers and mitigates damage from damage based force powers.


After the fight, the leader would reveal himself as a Jedi Master, and the other two as Jedi Padawans. They reveal that just about everything they mentioned about their lives was a lie, and they were really trying to survive day to day and throw off any potential Sith Assassins or bounty hunters from their trail by (Somehow, I don't know if there is some sort of Star Wars canon way to do this.) suppressing their abilities to use the force to try and prevent others from finding out that they are force sensitive. The group has been trying to slowly gather an arsenal for when Revan returns, as they believe he will bring the Jedi back from the brink of extinction and eventually triumph over the Sith, just has he did the Mandolorians during the Great Mandolorian War. They thank you for helping them and the leader asks you to join their group (But you explain you can't as you have your own personal demons to fight). The leader parts with some of the valuables they scavenged from Coruscant and Korriban (All force user related items of course.) as thanks for helping them out and leave the space station permanently, as their location had been compromised and they wanted to leave before more bounty hunters or Sith Assassins show up.


As far as gameplay ideas go...


The amount of times you would have to visit the space station to trigger new events and finish it would be four. The first instance could only be triggered once you build your first lightsaber, the next three would be all be triggered each time you find an additional Jedi Master.


The Rodian would sell you a total of 20 brand new items (In the style that I laid out in my first post). At first, he would only sell five items, then after the first three events, he would add a total of five new items each.


The Hutt speaking human would play Pazaak with you.


The female ex-Republic soldier would give you a quest to make her three components (A Targeting Scope Mark 3, an Environment Underlay Mark 5, and a Quadranium Edge). As a reward, she would teach you a specific feat depending on which of your skills has the most amount of points paid into it that caters to that skill. If any are tied, then one would chosen at random. These feats would be rather unique in how they function and not just something generic like "Increase x stat by y amount".


There would be three areas initially. One area would be the connecting module from the Ebon Hawk to the space station. The second would be the inside of the space station itself, and the third would be the area they are mining / scavenging for goods. On each visit (Only if the requirements to trigger the next event are met), a new module, similar in style to the third, opens up as they have discovered more caverns when they finished scavenging / mining enough junk. 


There would be one final module that can only be opened up once the entire story of the Peragus Space Station has finished (It would be located as a doorway in the final "newly created after each event" module). It would take a ridiculously high security skill to open but a holocron would be found inside. Said holocron would provide a particularly powerful (But not broken.) reward for opening the door granted by the PC's prestige class. A Jedi Master / Sith Lord would get a universal force power just like the "Floating Lightsabers" contained in this mod...


A Jedi Weapon Master / Sith Marauder would get a lightsaber crystal that focuses on improving Master Power Attack / Master Flurry and turns a lightsaber Onyx colored. A Jedi Watchman / Sith Assassin would get a new lightsaber form that focuses on defense and immunity, as well as improving Master Critical Attacks various aspects.

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I was going to say the Coruscant mod, but it doesn't meet a couple of your prereqs, namely the making an easy game already easier bit.

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