
MOD:Trayus Rank Reform

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Trayus Rank Reform

This here is a mod that will change the appearances of the Sith at the Trayus Academy. The original purpose of this mod was to make a Trayus Clothing Fix mod that was compatible with TSLRCM... and it still is. It also has a number of cool features such as randomizing enemy appearances and saber weapons, slightly more difficult enemies, female Sith Assassins, Sith Marauder Armor and some other stuff.


The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Psalm 23




This mod changes the appearances of the various Sith enemies in the Trayus Academy.

-Characters won't show up with the same heads anymore. Occasionally, you'll get clones but not everyone enemy will look the same

-Sith Marauders dual-wield red sabers. They have now have their own custom armor, a reskinned Sith Apprentice Armor

-Sith Lords once again wear the Trayus High Robes.

-Sith Apprentices carry around single red blades and wear the Trayus Mid Robes.

-Dark Jedi and Dark Jedi Apprentices will spawn with Dark Jedi Robes and either Single, double or double bladed sabers.

-The Elite Sith Assassin underwent another makeover. He now wields a red lightsaber.

-All above stated characters have been given more Force Powers and Force Points.

- Dark Jedi and Dark Jedi Apprentices will be equipped with red sabers and have either single, double-bladed or two blades.

- There will now be Female Sith Assassins. They will generally spawn throughout the entire game.

- Use the TSLPatcher to install

- There's never been a real good way to uninstall TSLPatcher

- Bead-V and ndix-ur for their work on mdledit/mdlops
- Fred Tetra + KOTOR TOOL
- Obsidian, Bioware and the Odyssey Engine
- The DeadlyStream Community who has been around all of these years
- Jesus Christ, My Lord and Savior. For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.


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Guest Orbb

Do I need to start a new game for this to work? I installed it and opened a save game from my previous playthrough but I still had the old low-res "placeholder" models.

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Do I need to start a new game for this to work? I installed it and opened a save game from my previous playthrough but I still had the old low-res "placeholder" models.


You don't have to start a new game, but you must not have visited Malachor beforehand in that particular gamesave.

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Guest Orbb

You don't have to start a new game, but you must not have visited Malachor beforehand in that particular gamesave.


OK, this was the first playthrough on a fresh install of TSL. Working on a 2nd playthrough so I'll have to wait until I get there.



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I'm getting problems with invisible enemies and some of the new robes aren't comming through. I was wondering if this mod is compatable with HOTOR lightsaber mod.

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Are you using 90SK's Super Content Mod or anything similar? That's given me invisible enemies and game crashes in the past.

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No. Don't have that installed, just TSLRCM. I think it might have something to do with me running vista since vista likes to save new versions of 2da files in something called a "Compatablity File". I found the easiest way to make sure the modded 2da gets into the game folder is just to cut/paste from the compatability folders. I'll try some things next time I do a play through and see if that fixes the problem.

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I've got it working now. I definately think it was Vista messing with my mod installations. If anyone else has Windows vista, check for "Compatability Files" that might mess with your mods. Oh, great work on the mod too. definately an improvement from the low polly commoners.

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