sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY 60 Posted January 17, 2016 2015 has, as you may have noticed, been and gone. Yes, it was a year with problems. But lets have a look at the good stuff. Consider this thread an invitation to gush on all things fictional. Star Wars, Games, Films, TV, Books, Fanfic, whatever. List it and gush - there shall be no judging of you here. Feel free to challenge opinions and get into discussions, but please don't get too serious about it. I'll start. Ant-Man - I loved it. The casting, the characters, Michael Douglas! I was concerned that it wouldn't be good seeing as most of the MCU has been a bit of a meh-ish slugfest, but by goodness am I glad to be wrong! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY 60 Posted January 26, 2016 Right then... I guess 2015 just plain sucked for everyone else in terms of fictional things... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Teddy273 4 Posted January 26, 2016 Well, it may have gotten a lot of (unnecessary ?) hate, but I really loved the new Star Wars movie (already saw it twice, planning to see it a third time). IMO, they did almost everything right, I really felt like I was watching a good SW movie. But I have to admit I'm disappointed they just basically made a new Death Star that got destroyed by the Resistance as soon as they discovered it.. But well, the rest of the plot is great. What proves it is the fact that there are sooo many questions we want answers to at the end of the movie : Who the hell is Rey ? Why is she so strong with the Force ? What exactly are the Knights of Ren ? Is Luke going to come back ? Will he train Rey to become a Jedi ? Etc, etc.. I'm eagerly excited for the 8th episode, even though I'm a bit concerned with their choice of director. I knew TFA would be great with J. J. Abrams as a director, but the guy who'll direct the next one as near to nothing in terms of experience. The only major thing he directed are two Breaking Bad episodes. Talking about that, the director of Ep9 is Colin Trevorrow, who is the one who directed Jurassic World. So as fan of the first Jurassic Park movie, as soon as the trailer, I was sure that movie was gonna a huge piece of.. unpleasant material . A few months ago I decided to watch the movie on VOD, long after its BlueRay release, and I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would ! It really shows a lot of respect to the original movie (maybe even too much). TFA did that, too, but in a more subtle manner. The only problems I noticed is the bad acting, especially from the two teenagers. Luckily, there's Chris Pratt, saving all the interest of the movie by himself. Also, the plot is really predictable, but not as cheesy as I thought it would be after I saw the trailer : "Ugh, big big park, lots of visitors. Need new attraction, because need money right ? BIIG ASS DINOOOO WITH BIG ASS TEETH. Ugh yeah said Dino is smarter than us and is currently on the run and eating people as it roams around the parc and frees other dangerous dinosaurs." Anyway, another thing I ENJOYED AS HELL is Marvel's Daredevil on Netflix ! I was never fond of the new Marvel movies. They are great, but they are a bit childish. Yes, I know superheroes are mainly for kids, but superhero movies should be mature enough to be enjoyed but adults, too. Daredevil did everything right. It reminds me a bit of the The Dark Knight movies, but it is even darker as a show. I never expected that from Marvel. Same goes for Jessica Jones. I didn't enjoy it as much as I did with Daredevil, but it still is amazing. Seriously, if you haven't yet, go watch these shows, thank me later. My biggest disappointment in 2015 so far is the new Batman v Superman movie. Yes, I know it's not released yet. But the latest trailer pretty much spoiled the whole plot, in an obvious manner. The hole hype around that movie was about who's going to win between Bat's and Supes, and they spoiled everything. They basically showed us that none of the two are going to win. In the end, Luthor is going to leash a BIG ASS MONSTUUURRR (sry) and the two of them are going to team up with Wonder Woman, kick that monster's ass and then form the Justice League. Yes I know it's supposed to be Doomsday, but that thing will have no character development, it is just a random horrible-looking monster that comes up in the end of the movie to get destroyed moments later. So nope, that's not Doomsday. I can totally imagine the guys from the Warner Bros's Board telling the film director : "Ugh so what's the biggest monster in the Superman comics ?" "Well, that would be Doomsday but he isn't really just a.." "Wow hey ! Yeah big ass monster ! Yeah ! So Batman vs Superman, they hate each other for whatever reason, the fight and everything turns to ruins around them and then, and then... Yeah and then bring up that big monster and then they're like : "Wow bruh, we better team up against that thing" and they fight the monster together with that hot chick and then they decide to be friends forever. You know, the League of.." "Justice League." "Yeah that's right. And bring up that fish guy too ! Cast the badass horses crew guy from Game of Thrones, I love that show. PROFIT !" Anyway, I think that's about it! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted January 26, 2016 The thread probably got knocked off the list of newest threads and got buried... 2015 was an awesome year. We got K1R, the Toolset, Camera Collision, a semi-updated LF, and a lot of other new advancements and exciting toys. It was a bummer when Filefront died, but it had been clinging to life for years... Thankfully we've gotten a lot of the mods that were there uploaded here (I'd estimate around 120 to 150, so about 15%), including Shem's and Inyri Forge's works. I still need to upload stoffe's stuff. I've really been enjoying the Saga Marvel's got going on with all the Avengers stuff; really been an enjoyable time with the adventures and trying to puzzle together the underlying mystery. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites