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Sith Holocron

T3-M4 real life working model

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I was bored on watch and I spotted a very interesting site completely by accident. There's a subculture of folks that like to build mock ups of the astro-mech droids (like R2-D2 or R5-D4) from the Star Wars movies. Well, the guy that owns the site does do those but he's also made a T3-M4. I thought I'd share a video of it in action with you all so you could see it for yourself:


Here's the creator's site:

Darth Moose's T3-M4

Edited by Sith Holocron
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The only thing that would make the droid better was if it had a stun baton arm LOL. But of course, not enough to even sting someone, just scare the bajeezus out of 'em.

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I saw that some days ago. A real hard job well done!


I'm even more surprised by the complete indifference of the crowds around this work. They all seem jaded. What future one prepares for the next generation and what about the gaze they focus around them?



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