
Found the answer...Have 2 different copies installed at the same time

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I just tried an interesting experiment..and it worked.


I have had an old Retail copy of KOTOR (With the original discs!!!) that's installed with all kinds of awesome MODS. I just purchased the GOG Saber Package .


Somewhere I had read a forum asking if the games could be installed multiple times so that Full Re-Write mods (like RoR & The Jedi Masters) could be installed alongside without totally overwriting their normal game.

Couldn't be done because you'd have to be able to tell the registry that they were separate games with different names. Except that I just did it with the GOG copy using GOG Galaxy.


My Retail copy:
Installed to C:\Star Wars\SWKotor2\


The GOG Copy I let install to it's default, which seems to write it's own unique GOG registry entries.


I tested - launched my retail copy with a save, there it was. Launched GOG version - and it's VANILLA!!!


I don't know if this will work with a Retail copy and a Steam copy too. 


Let me know if this is actually a breakthrough or if this is common knowledge!!! It's happened before and it's okay to point that out that somewhere else is a much more informative thread!!!  :rofl:

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I have both the GOG and Steam versions installed at the same time on Windows 10 and they both seem to work fine. Different mod setups on each of them as well.

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I got 6 copies running;


4CD with TSLRP

4CD with TSLRCM and M4-78EP


GOG with TSLRCM and M4-78EP

Steam with TSLRCM and M4-78EP

4CD fresh install with official patches

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Holy crap... @ HH - yup, that's a lot of copies.

See, I just knew somebody had me beat here... Anything special (registry hack/fix, etc) you have to do to separate them? When I tried a straight up install it just tried to move all my files/folders to a new directory.

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I got 6 copies running;


4CD with TSLRP


Do you have a download link for that? I can't find it on any of my HDDs anymore.

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I'm not using the leaked version. Haven't really ran through it though, but did notice from a Kaevee comparrison it's much better for me than with the leak 0_o

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