Guest Scum Posted March 13, 2011 Hi all I have Patent MCs problem After getting the Ebon Hawke's ID code switched on Nar Shaddaa, the film of it taking off to GO TO yacht happens, but then it cuts to the scene of the Zhug brothers discussing the scout's report and then Im back on the landing pad next to ebon hawk on nar shadda. I cant get the codes changed for the second time. So from reading this is another red eclipse bug? Cheers, Scum Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lumber 4 Posted March 13, 2011 FIXED. I was using a Visas dance outfit mod. Works fine outta the ship. Animation is messed up in the ship because visas is always sitting down and getting up, and apparently there's a script involved that disagrees with the visas in dance outfit mod. TSLRCM actually had nothing to do with this, it crashed when she stood up when I didn't have TSLRCM installed. Doin mah litesabor training at this moment Getting my butt kicked though, went Jedi watchman and put too much into charisma and force powers. Handmaiden and Visas can mutilate me in these circumstances xD - What planet are you on? Ebon Hawk. - Conversations you had and/or what mission did you did before encountering the problem Maxed out influence with Kreia using KSE. Also talked to her for the EXP, did the force listen convo and etc. Used KSE to get two lightsabers. Never talked to Visas on the ship since she was recruited. - What is the problem? "Spar Practice" restoration, sparring with Visas with lightsabers crashes. Specifically when we moved to Visas's room and Kriea beetches about how Visas needs to earn her right on the ship by mauling me with a saber. Two mods may be interfering- Skip Telos (I skipped both parts) or that NarShadda docks restoration with mercs. I also played with Globals because mod conflicts stopped me from finishing Nar Shadda. Globals still aren't right. May be relevant that my Ebon Hawk cutsceens between characters ended abruptly without notice of attribute permanent bonuses. Again, due to me playing with globals to fix mod conflicts. Alotta this may be my fault, but I'll report it anyways. And try to fix it myself, cause me messing with globals and blending similar mods can't be good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 15, 2011 My game crashes pretty frequently when I visit Onderon for the first time. It always crashes when I try to enter the Merchant Quarter. Having only 2 members (Exile and Mandalore) usually helps me get past it. That's Onderon for you. Not much we can do there. Lowering graphics for the loading screens may work too. I was wondering if there is anyone alse having trouble speaking to Kreia and Bao-Dur after leaving Telos Academy ? I tried reloading the game, restarting the game but still nothing. Is there any way to fix this ? It makes me sad to see they don't wanna talk to me That's if you break the rules in the Handmaiden Sister battle before they went hostile, then do the fight once more. Don't! Can't really fix this either I think seeing how the script for the battle can't be de-compiled . I have Patent MCs problem After getting the Ebon Hawke's ID code switched on Nar Shaddaa, the film of it taking off to GO TO yacht happens, but then it cuts to the scene of the Zhug brothers discussing the scout's report and then Im back on the landing pad next to ebon hawk on nar shadda. I cant get the codes changed for the second time. So from reading this is another red eclipse bug? No, sometimes some older saves seem to have trouble accepting new globals. Like here. Were you using an older savegame from before TSLRCM when starting it? Usually that works fine but sometimes it doesn't. Using the WARP cheat fixes this instance but don't be surprised if more glitches appear due to this. Make sure next time you start a full new game, that always initiliases the new globals correctly. Getting my butt kicked though, went Jedi watchman and put too much into charisma and force powers. Handmaiden and Visas can mutilate me in these circumstances xD Holding off leveling them when leveling yourself usually gives you quite an edge. If you never leveled up Visas at all she's a pushover. In other words; the difficulty of these 2 fights is entirely into the players hands... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrPhil 58 Posted March 15, 2011 Not sure anyone ever mentioned this to you HH, but I've got a bug in the Telos Czerka Compound. When I bring back the Ithorian Droïd and he walks to the mainframe, he's not doing-it fast enough and the door close to his nose, so he's stuck outside. Definetly a minor inconvenience. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 15, 2011 I've had it happen once. But it seems pretty random and un-replicatable (same with doors closing on Grenn's troops or the droid in the Bumani Corp), and then there's not much to do. Might be related to the computer's specifications. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sil3nst 0 Posted March 17, 2011 On Peragus, when I equip and activate an energy shield on Atton, he glitches out. For example, only the shield outline does the running animation while the rest of his body stays in a straight position but still waddles around, the flap on his jacket separates, and his eyes bug out.. :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bendarby24 Posted March 17, 2011 I've had it happen once. But it seems pretty random and un-replicatable (same with doors closing on Grenn's troops or the droid in the Bumani Corp), and then there's not much to do. Might be related to the computer's specifications. it happens if you skip the dailog that why so after the dailog end the dorr shuts Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 17, 2011 it happens if you skip the dailog that why so after the dailog end the dorr shuts Done that plenty of times and it worked fine, so I am pretty sure that's not it by itself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bendarby24 Posted March 17, 2011 ok it mite be my crapy computer it is vista Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sil3nst 0 Posted March 17, 2011 On Peragus, when I equip and activate an energy shield on Atton, he glitches out. For example, only the shield outline does the running animation while the rest of his body stays in a straight position but still waddles around, the flap on his jacket separates, and his eyes bug out.. :/ Another thing I noticed, when I use Burst of Speed, the screen gets all distorted/pixelated, I fixed this by turning off frame buffer effects but that turns off other cool effects as well . None of this happened before I applied the patch and Hassat's fix. No graphical changes were mentioned in the readme but obviously something is affecting them on my end. Edit: before someone asks (if I get an answer at all) yes, I deleted all of my saves right out of the folder and started a new game. I am using no other mods except a head re-texture, which has no way of affecting anything else. Thanks, hope someone knows what the deal is. Just got this game a week ago (a bit late huh lol) and I'd like to enjoy it to the fullest like I did k1. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 17, 2011 TSLRCM doesn't do any graphical changes. But you're saying you didn't have this playing without the mod? If you try it without the mod now does that fix the issue (unlikely) or would it still remain (likely). Are you using an ATi videocard? Dual-Core processor? If so run on single-core affinity? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sil3nst 0 Posted March 17, 2011 TSLRCM doesn't do any graphical changes. But you're saying you didn't have this playing without the mod? If you try it without the mod now does that fix the issue (unlikely) or would it still remain (likely). Are you using an ATi videocard? Dual-Core processor? If so run on single-core affinity? Yes I am using an ATI gpu, and yes I had no graphical glitches at all before I installed the mod and your fix. Now, I get that energy shield on Atton glitch and the Burst of Speed glitch, and I hate having to turn off frame buffering. It has to have been caused by the mod somehow. edit: It also causes the game to crash to desktop when leaving the Peragus fuel depot going back to the hangar with T3.. I don't know, I guess I'll have to do without this mod. Sounds like there's some cool stuff added for later in the game and I appreciate the effort, but I can't see it being worth all these bugs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tombo89 0 Posted March 18, 2011 For some reason I am unable to initiate any kind of conversation with Kreia or Bao-Dur, whether it's on board the Ebon Hawk or on any planet. this started as soon as I left the Telos Academy. I can click on them as much as I want but all they do is turn around to face me. All other party members work perfectly normal. Also, Bao-Dur won't follow me around at all. He just stands there and does nothing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted March 18, 2011 For some reason I am unable to initiate any kind of conversation with Kreia or Bao-Dur, whether it's on board the Ebon Hawk or on any planet. this started as soon as I left the Telos Academy. I can click on them as much as I want but all they do is turn around to face me. All other party members work perfectly normal. Also, Bao-Dur won't follow me around at all. He just stands there and does nothing. Did you start a second fight with the Handmaiden sisters after you had been defeated one time? I think doing that can cause this bug to happen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tombo89 0 Posted March 18, 2011 Did you start a second fight with the Handmaiden sisters after you had been defeated one time? I think doing that can cause this bug to happen. Actually yeah, thats exactly when this started happening now that you mention it. I did lose once but beat them afterwords, and thats when Bao-Dur stopped following me and when i was no longer able to talk to him or kreia. So basically I'm gonna have to start a new game if i want to be able to fix this aren't I? oh well, no biggie. Thanks for the help, I would never have figured that out Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted March 18, 2011 Actually yeah, thats exactly when this started happening now that you mention it. I did lose once but beat them afterwords, and thats when Bao-Dur stopped following me and when i was no longer able to talk to him or kreia. So basically I'm gonna have to start a new game if i want to be able to fix this aren't I? oh well, no biggie. Thanks for the help, I would never have figured that out You're welcome. Also, I don't think you have to start a new game if you have a save from before you fought the Handmaiden sisters. If you don't, though, you probably do have to start over. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HaVoKeR Posted March 19, 2011 Hello My problem is the next: On peragus, in Fuel Depot location (where I need to open airlock with voiceprint protocol), I use console and get access to the fuel line sensors, and get the picture of the tunnel where damaged t3m4 was dumped. After that the quest 'rescuing t3m4' refreshes in my journal and HP of my character (and the whole party) stops regenerating automatically. So I can still use medpacks, heal with the 'heal' force power, even the special armor improvement, which gives HP regen, works, but HP do not regenerate automatically(and of course the feat that increases hp regen does not work). As I have checked, this problem appears exactly after detecting damaged t3m4 in this damn tunnel. I hoped, that after finding t3m4 the problem will disappear, but I was wrong. Instead of this, I have found a crowd of t3m4 in this tunnel! There was 10 or even more of them. One of them joined to my party after dialog. Other stayed there. They even helped me to kill the enemy droids. It was rather funny. I wasn't disappointed when found t3m4 in such company, but the absence of health regeneration makes me sad. Can you help me? System information: Vista x64 intel core 2 quad nvidia GTX 260 I play with TSLRCM vers 1.7 and TSLRCM 1.7 unofficial fix, and patch 1.0c xenon final(may be here is the problem?). i loled at this situation, also, isn't there a big notification around here to dont use 1.0c? EDIT: omfg, this topic is so big & i am so tired now, will finish getting enlightened about it later. How did i forgot about this discussion? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sil3nst 0 Posted March 19, 2011 Thanks for responding to my posts (or even acknowledging em) I really appreciate the help, as much as you (should) appreciate the feedback!....I guess I'll jump the gun now and say screw your mod, tried too hard and caused more problems than it made up for. Hell, for that matter, screw TSL, what a failure of a game compared to k1 now that I actually tried to get into it and use this "restored content." Thanks for trying to breathe some life into it, but both the game and the attempt to do so failed. It's nobody here's fault. They better not screw the upcoming TOR mmo but it's starting to look more like a DDO/WoW hybrid in Star Wars style. *rubs crystal ball* It's going free 2 play not more than 2-3 years after being launched.Auf wiedersehen mofos,the game and the RCM just aren't worth the trouble in this here 2011. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 19, 2011 Your loss. But have you tried going back to KOTOR2 to see wheter the issue still remained. It probably would be ATi Catalyst Drivers, and not the mod. Or are you using the 1.0c mod mentioned above. It's gonna cause issues. If we thought TSL wasn't worth the effort we wouldn't still be working on M4-78EP and 1.8. It's definitely better than some recent games coming out (Dragon Age 2, I am looking at you!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HK-47 Posted March 20, 2011 Thanks for responding to my posts (or even acknowledging em) I really appreciate the help, as much as you (should) appreciate the feedback!.... I guess I'll jump the gun now and say *** your mod, tried too hard and caused more problems than it made up for. Hell, for that matter, *** TSL, what a failure of a game compared to k1 now that I actually tried to get into it and use this "restored content." Thanks for trying to breathe some life into it, but both the game and the attempt to do so failed. It's nobody here's fault. They better not screw the upcoming TOR mmo but it's starting to look more like a DDO/WoW hybrid in Star Wars style. *rubs crystal ball* It's going free 2 play not more than 2-3 years after being launched. Auf wiedersehen mofos, the game and the RCM just aren't worth the trouble in this here 2011. Query: Shall I initiate assassination protocols and hunt down this meatbag with prejudice set to maximum? Contemplative: I wonder if he doesn't realize that the screen going blurry when frame buffer effects is on is called motion blur and is supposed to happen. The deal with Atton is most likely his video card going bad. That's happened to me when mine was about to die. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrPhil 58 Posted March 21, 2011 Thanks for responding to my posts (or even acknowledging em) I really appreciate the help, as much as you (should) appreciate the feedback!....I guess I'll jump the gun now and say screw your mod, tried too hard and caused more problems than it made up for. Hell, for that matter, screw TSL, what a failure of a game compared to k1 now that I actually tried to get into it and use this "restored content." Thanks for trying to breathe some life into it, but both the game and the attempt to do so failed. It's nobody here's fault. They better not screw the upcoming TOR mmo but it's starting to look more like a DDO/WoW hybrid in Star Wars style. *rubs crystal ball* It's going free 2 play not more than 2-3 years after being launched. Auf wiedersehen mofos,the game and the RCM just aren't worth the trouble in this here 2011. So... yup, you must realize this game's gotta be screwed. The fact that just about all of us got it working means nothing when/if you couldn't. As HH said... Your loss Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
3demons 0 Posted March 24, 2011 hey guys, so the game always crashes once i get to the "movie" where it shows the ravager for the first time and then visas is meditating in her chamber. When she goes and talks to nihilus about the disturbance in the force, my game crashes and takes me to my desktop. any way to get around it? even through like KSE or something? like i would want to disable it, but i dont know which one triggers the movie. anything will help, thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrPhil 58 Posted March 24, 2011 Uh. It does that to me too, however the game did not crash for me, merely minimized to desktop. I had to click back on the scene a few time to get-it to work, but worked it did. I suspect it has to do with the replacement of the cinematic cutscene with an actual in-game cutscene (part of it anyway). In any case, the game was to go on after a few click. This is one of those random not so breaking bug, I think. But there is an alternative: disable the cinematic cutscenes via your graphic menu in the game... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Devilsfanatic 0 Posted March 26, 2011 Here's my problem. I've just defeated Atris, I talk to handmaiden and am back at the place where I left before crashing on the polar cap the first time in Telos. Instead of what is supposed to be HK-47, it's the Exile and he can't get into the military base sub level to trigger that part. I love the mod so far, but am heartbroken that this is happening now, I want to finish the game and can't because I can't leave that place, only way I can is by talking to the 3 HK-50's that say the subject has just left. It triggers the cutscene where the transport is shot down at the polar ice level with Bao-Dur knocked out. So I talk to handmaiden again and same thing, it's always Exile, not HK-47 that is in the underground at Telos. Hope there's a fix, if not, oh well! Thanks! Oh and I'd I'd like to add. Yes, I did talk to HK about the sonic imprint sensor. I did see him interrogate the HK-50,and I do have only the USM mod installed in addition to TSLRCM. I did use the patch to try and solve the problem and that did not help either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 26, 2011 After applying the patch, did you load a save from before turning exile. Alternatively, try deleting 232TEL_on_enter.ncs from your override, then load a savegame before going to the Military Base. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites