Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 28, 2011 You HAVE to set all 4 charges before you can proceed to the bridge. Pretty sure it's a leftover from Ravager Re-write though, so I'll see if I can push a change in that... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shamus 10 Posted March 1, 2011 @MrPhil: Yup, one and the same. :-) And here I am wasting time playing KOTOR 2. ;-) @HH: Thanks for that, I figured it had to be a trigger issue. Now if I could only figure out how to get that proton core out of the friggin' missile so I could actually *set* that 4th bomb... O_o When you try to get it directly it mentions something about a control console, but there doesn't seem to be any such animal onboard. If it's there, don't tell me, I'll find it. :-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jswartz0181 18 Posted March 1, 2011 When you try to get it directly it mentions something about a control console, but there doesn't seem to be any such animal onboard. If it's there, don't tell me, I'll find it. :-) Didn't think it was THAT hard to find. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest laphiel Posted March 1, 2011 I have a crash issue. When in Iziz i try to enter cantina with HK-47 the game crashes on loading screen ( works ok with other) ( no other mods, just RCM1.7) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fallerup 10 Posted March 2, 2011 Playing through KoToR 2 for the N'th time, I've noticed something very wrong. even if wookiepedia doesn't say it, don't you think Mira should be able to teach her how feel people that are lost (would give some sort of boost, awareness perhaps)??? every other party member teaches her something. Mical, meditation, T3 Moving Meditation, atton, mind shielding, Krea, beast control and much more, Hanharr +stats, HK-47 +stats, Visas, force sight + force points, Briana Battle precognation and yet, Mira...nothing at all. There is a reason she's the best bounty hunter on the smugglers moon and she has nothing to offer? strange yes? Or am I the only one that thinks so? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shamus 10 Posted March 3, 2011 @jswartz0181: Yeah, I found it. Dunno why I didn't see it first time through. *shrug* Well, I finally finished it and I have to say very well done! There was one thing that had me scratching my head though, and that was that the earthquake on Malachor which is supposed to drop the Ebon Hawk into the core never triggered and the last scene was a slow pan out of the core with a corresponding slow pan over to a nebula or galaxy. Makes you wonder how they were supposed to get out of there without a ship. ;-) I vaguely remember playing vanilla all those years ago and the last scene having the Ebon Hawk coming out of the core and flying off to parts unknown. It's kinda weird to see that scene without the ship on it. :-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted March 3, 2011 @jswartz0181: Yeah, I found it. Dunno why I didn't see it first time through. *shrug* Well, I finally finished it and I have to say very well done! There was one thing that had me scratching my head though, and that was that the earthquake on Malachor which is supposed to drop the Ebon Hawk into the core never triggered and the last scene was a slow pan out of the core with a corresponding slow pan over to a nebula or galaxy. Makes you wonder how they were supposed to get out of there without a ship. ;-) I vaguely remember playing vanilla all those years ago and the last scene having the Ebon Hawk coming out of the core and flying off to parts unknown. It's kinda weird to see that scene without the ship on it. :-) I'm guessing you didn't have the HK-51s join your side since that ending usually triggers if HK-50 HK-47 is destroyed by G0-T0 (or if you played as a DS Exile). I think (and I could very well be wrong) that the Exile doesn't leave Malachor in that ending since the bik movie is called "Assuming the Dark Throne". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
springerjkreb 0 Posted March 3, 2011 Playing through KoToR 2 for the N'th time, I've noticed something very wrong. even if wookiepedia doesn't say it, don't you think Mira should be able to teach her how feel people that are lost (would give some sort of boost, awareness perhaps)??? every other party member teaches her something. Mical, meditation, T3 Moving Meditation, atton, mind shielding, Krea, beast control and much more, Hanharr +stats, HK-47 +stats, Visas, force sight + force points, Briana Battle precognation and yet, Mira...nothing at all. There is a reason she's the best bounty hunter on the smugglers moon and she has nothing to offer? strange yes? Or am I the only one that thinks so? ... you are DEFINITELY not the only one. Why doesn't she? But this sounds more like Mod material than an RCM change since I can't find any sort of mention of Mira teaching you in any of my trolling the intewebz. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shamus 10 Posted March 3, 2011 Hmm, I suppose that would make sense--if I had played as DS, which I didn't :-P Especially when the last scene shows the Exile and Atton walking off into the sunset (err, darkness) together. Yeah, I didn't get the 51's to follow HK-47, but Goto didn't destroy HK-47 (Goto "persuades" HK-47 to join him). Just sayin'. It seems weird that the earthquake didn't trigger and there doesn't seem to be any logic to it. :-) Even if it does fall, it's strange that it's in any shape to fly out of the core. Really just minor quibbles in an otherwise excellent job. :-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Hib Posted March 4, 2011 Edit: I reloaded and the barrier deactivated itself after the cutscene with the two sith lords killing the fleeing Vaklu toops. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HK-47 Posted March 4, 2011 Uh, totally off topic, but I gotta ask. Are you the Shamus form the jedi academy mod JK II? Shamus @MrPhil: Yup, one and the same. :-) And here I am wasting time playing KOTOR 2. ;-) Statement: I eagerly await that mod. I wish I was a proficient modder with Jedi Academy. If I was I'd lend my support and time as I have more time on my hands. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrPhil 58 Posted March 4, 2011 If you have some time, all you need is read tutorial and work your skills till you get what you want. Not so hard, honestly, just long to get used to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted March 4, 2011 Hmm, I suppose that would make sense--if I had played as DS, which I didn't :-P Especially when the last scene shows the Exile and Atton walking off into the sunset (err, darkness) together. Yeah, I didn't get the 51's to follow HK-47, but Goto didn't destroy HK-47 (Goto "persuades" HK-47 to join him). Just sayin'. It seems weird that the earthquake didn't trigger and there doesn't seem to be any logic to it. :-) Even if it does fall, it's strange that it's in any shape to fly out of the core. Really just minor quibbles in an otherwise excellent job. :-) I meant "destroy" in a personality sense, but "persuade" is a much better word. I should sleep more. Atton will still "leave" Malachor with a DS Exile which confuses me. But Kreia does mention that you can take one of the ships that orbits Malachor to leave. I guess there wasn't a bik movie made with a different ship leaving the planet. And I also wondered how the Ebon Hawk would be able to fly out of the core since I imagine that long fall didn't do it any good. But it's not a big deal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 5, 2011 I'm currently stuck at the Sky Ramp during the Onderon Civil War because the second forcefield can't be disabled.It always shows the message that only Bao-Dur can disable it with his arm, but unfortunatly I have Mandalore with me. Stick a saber into it... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cdstephens 10 Posted March 7, 2011 I'm on Nar Shaddaa doing the parts where I play as Atton and other characters. The entire time I've noticed that Atton has severely less experience than my other characters; Mira has 128176 XP whereas Atton only has 101885 XP. This places him two levels lower. If I had to guess the problem, it would be that for some reason having him as the "playable character" for a while messed up his XP gains that I got from the Jekk Jekk Tarr and Visquis's base. Anyone else having this issue? It makes it extremely hard because I don't want to level Mira up too much on account of her turning into a Jedi later on, so both Mira and Atton are underleveled. Plus I'm not sure if this will stay like this for the rest of the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 7, 2011 It levels out when the Exile rejoins onboard Goto's Yacht. Game doesn't really like long sections of non-Exile action. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cdstephens 10 Posted March 7, 2011 It levels out when the Exile rejoins onboard Goto's Yacht. Game doesn't really like long sections of non-Exile action. Ah OK, yeah I just rescued the Exile and it's all good now. I'm guessing there's no easy way to fix it then; well, at least it's only temporary. As a side note, is it me, or until I rescued my Exile were the opponents really hard, specifically the ones put into this mod? XD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted March 7, 2011 This issue has happened to me when my Exile tried to enter the Iziz cantina having a sword equipped instead of a lightsaber--I don't know if that same crash happens if you have a blaster equipped as all my Exiles stick with melee weapons I've run through Iziz with HK in my party and had no problems entering the cantina I have a crash issue. When in Iziz i try to enter cantina with HK-47 the game crashes on loading screen ( works ok with other) ( no other mods, just RCM1.7) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest staticjoe66 Posted March 7, 2011 or until I rescued my Exile were the opponents really hard Oh yeah--I play the game on difficult with Shem's Super Enhanced mods installed and as soon as Goto's Yacht loads the 3 50's unload on you, I die lots there as they seem to shake off Destroy Droid and keep blasting away at you...this weekend Atton lasted literally 2 seconds before he went down and this was after I Jedified him and he had Master Jedi Defense AND Deflection Ah OK, yeah I just rescued the Exile and it's all good now. I'm guessing there's no easy way to fix it then; well, at least it's only temporary. As a side note, is it me, or until I rescued my Exile were the opponents really hard, specifically the ones put into this mod? XD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 7, 2011 It's also because they are leveled to the PC, and teammates are just lower leveled (usually you notice them leveling up a level or 2 once you reach the Exile). Not to mention teammates are a lot weaker than the Exile, so it's easy to notice a difference when (s)he's not being controlled. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mandalore 61 Posted March 8, 2011 This issue has happened to me when my Exile tried to enter the Iziz cantina having a sword equipped instead of a lightsaber--I don't know if that same crash happens if you have a blaster equipped as all my Exiles stick with melee weapons I've run through Iziz with HK in my party and had no problems entering the cantina I got a whole load of crashes after the Onderon swoop races. I haven't tried different weapon/party combinations. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjo 2 Posted March 10, 2011 My game crashes pretty frequently when I visit Onderon for the first time. It always crashes when I try to enter the Merchant Quarter. Having only 2 members (Exile and Mandalore) usually helps me get past it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest PatentMC Posted March 10, 2011 Great mod!!!! A really big Thank you!!! I am getting a bug as few other people have mentioned on various forums and threads, but I can't find an answer to it here or anywhere else. After getting the Ebon Hawke's ID code switched on Nar Shaddaa, the film of it taking off to GO TO yacht happens, but then it cuts to the scene of the Zhug brothers discussing the scout's report and then Im back on the landing pad next to ebon hawk on nar shadda. Hannar T3 and Atton and I can't do anything. Cant enter ebon hawk. When I try to go to any other area (docks, refugee sector etc) short cutscene appears of Atton saying "I better get back to the ship." I cant get the codes changed for the second time or do anything. I just downloaded the 1.7 version installed it but it didnt fix the problem. I dont wont to start nar shadda again (I've done a lot and I'd loose it all if I have to get back to saves before Nar shadda and I fear I'll just stop playing). Please any help???!!! Any hardcoded way or any way at all? I'm using savegame editor now trying to find an option to fix that bug but no luck... I just love this mod so much I want to finish the game with this mod. Please help! EDIT: PROBLEM SOLVED!!! Here is the FIX!!! You have to have cheats enabled. After the cutscenes when you end up back again next to ebon hawk press ` and type warp 351NAR. That's it you are on GOTO's yacht and the dialogue with GOTO begins. Took me few hours to figure that out. Hope this will help if somebody runs into this problem. By the way warp command is used to change maps but you need to know their ingame names. The way I got GOTO's yacht map is I checked my old save games (from my previous play) in save game editor mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HK-47 Posted March 11, 2011 I'm on Nar Shaddaa doing the parts where I play as Atton and other characters. The entire time I've noticed that Atton has severely less experience than my other characters; Mira has 128176 XP whereas Atton only has 101885 XP. This places him two levels lower. If I had to guess the problem, it would be that for some reason having him as the "playable character" for a while messed up his XP gains that I got from the Jekk Jekk Tarr and Visquis's base. Anyone else having this issue? It makes it extremely hard because I don't want to level Mira up too much on account of her turning into a Jedi later on, so both Mira and Atton are underleveled. Plus I'm not sure if this will stay like this for the rest of the game. Opinion: It wouldn't surprise me if it's because he was a PC. The game doesn't give you the proper amount of XP to be at level 50 at the end. I'm almost always having to cheat and give myself a complimentary bonus of XP. I let it go at first, but after a certain level I start giving my character 1k, then later 1,500 for any thing I just did (unless I just got a good 2k of XP), then later 2k, then I jump to 5k, and then 7k, then near the end I give 10k for everything I do. I also don't like how you don't get an auto level up after you meet with each Jedi. I give myself however many XP is needed to go to the next level, unless that's only 2k XP then I do it twice. Even with all that, I almost always have to do the add level cheat just to be at level when I reach Kreia. Statement: I never find a specific time to give myself a certain number of XP, I judge it on how long it will take to level up again. When it takes much longer than it should to level up, I increase the XP gain. Other times I do it progressively in gain of 1k, then 2k, the 3k, then 4k, etc. Contemplation: It's funny, I haven't done any of the swoop races in K1 or 2, save for the one you HAVE to do to save Bastila, ever since the stupid race master on Telos IV kept telling me I lost even though I clearly won 5 races in a row . So I cheat my credits back and the credits I should have won. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest amo Posted March 11, 2011 Hai! ^^ I was wondering if there is anyone alse having trouble speaking to Kreia and Bao-Dur after leaving Telos Academy ? I tried reloading the game, restarting the game but still nothing. Is there any way to fix this ? It makes me sad to see they don't wanna talk to me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites