
TOOL:KOTOR Font Tool (NWN Font Maker)

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KOTOR Font Tool (NWN Font Maker)

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I take no credit/responsibility for this tool. you will need to generate and rename files for a complete font-set.


link to original nwn page


originally made by Richard O'Doherty-Gregg


Original Readme:


Title NWN Font Maker Author Richard O'Doherty-Gregg Submitted / Updated 08-01-2002 / 08-02-2002 Category Other Expansions NWN - 1.29 or lower Description This is a small application for creating custom font files to replace the conversation font in NWN. It allows you to select a TrueType font, size and style from your system and then generates the TGA and TXI file required. You then copy these files to the override directory to use them (simply delete them from the override directory to go back to the originals). The Offset fields included are for tweaking the look of the fonts. You may have to play with them a bit to get it looking just right (depends on the font) but the default values work for most fonts (around 16 point at least). The zip also includes the TGA and TXI files of a sample font (Tempus). It is a .NET Framework application so you will need to have the framework installed (available from windows update). I have only tested this on Windows XP, but it may work on any windows that supports .NET framwork.

I felt that uploading this here is appropriate, seeing as the original nwvault is down (where this file was originally uploaded)


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Does anyone know how to get this to work with kotor?

I generated some files, but when I place them in my override it doesn't affect the text whatsoever. Would love to use this to increase the font size which becomes quiet tiny on higher resolutions.

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I haven't used this tool myself, so after using it yourself, what files does it produce? Please list all the files it produced from you using it. It could be as simple as the names not being right.

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Regardless of what settings I use (font, size etc.) it always produces two files:




Thanks for the helping out :D

Oh also I put them in my Kotor 1 override folder. Haven't been able to try it with kotor 2 yet.

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There's a variety of different font names, so try the following in order:













There are more, but those are the more important ones, I believe.

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Thanks I'll play around with those and see what happens. Much appreciated.



So the first one that actually changed anything for me was fnt_d16x16b. It affects loadscreen text, subtitles, dialog options and the text in the box right of where you choose options. Sadly the game cuts of text once it gets too big and I haven't really been able to figure out a size where it increases subtitle size (my main concern) without cutting of part of the loading screen text. I'll keep playing around with it though and all of that only goes for K1.



So just in case anyone is ever interested in making use of this:

fnt_d16x16b is the name you wanna use if you are looking to change subtitles like I am. Sadly it's the same one used for loading screen texts so you are quiet limited in terms of size. However, after a lot of fiddling around (you literally have to tweak x,y offset, padding and spacing 1 point at a time for it to look right) I was able to get something that I am satisfied with. Now I haven't tried this past the very beginning of the game, but it has looked fine thus far. At first I tried to use the Old Republic font, but as that has no lower case letters I switched to Bank Gothic, which is very similar besides a few letters. Size 20 seems to be the maximum and I settled on 8 X Offset, 3 Y Offset, 4 Space adjust and 6 X Padding. I'll update this post should I feel forced to change it during my upcoming playthrough. 

Thanks again to Fair Strides, I have the luxury of being able to play Kotor on my living room tv and being able to read subtitles on higher resolutions can be quiet the pain in the ass. This'll help quiet a bit.

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Thanks I'll play around with those and see what happens. Much appreciated.



So the first one that actually changed anything for me was fnt_d16x16b. It affects loadscreen text, subtitles, dialog options and the text in the box right of where you choose options. Sadly the game cuts of text once it gets too big and I haven't really been able to figure out a size where it increases subtitle size (my main concern) without cutting of part of the loading screen text. I'll keep playing around with it though and all of that only goes for K1.



So just in case anyone is ever interested in making use of this:

fnt_d16x16b is the name you wanna use if you are looking to change subtitles like I am. Sadly it's the same one used for loading screen texts so you are quiet limited in terms of size. However, after a lot of fiddling around (you literally have to tweak x,y offset, padding and spacing 1 point at a time for it to look right) I was able to get something that I am satisfied with. Now I haven't tried this past the very beginning of the game, but it has looked fine thus far. At first I tried to use the Old Republic font, but as that has no lower case letters I switched to Bank Gothic, which is very similar besides a few letters. Size 20 seems to be the maximum and I settled on 8 X Offset, 3 Y Offset, 4 Space adjust and 6 X Padding. I'll update this post should I feel forced to change it during my upcoming playthrough. 

Thanks again to Fair Strides, I have the luxury of being able to play Kotor on my living room tv and being able to read subtitles on higher resolutions can be quiet the pain in the ass. This'll help quiet a bit.



I know this thread is an year old but the 'font issue' in KOTOR I & II still stands as of this date (I haven't found a viable fix, at least). After I put both the tga and txi files into the override, my dialogue text is 'gone', as if there is no font present at all. 


If you could upload these edited font files somewhere, you will be such a great sport. I tried fiddling around with the files to no avail thusfar, so I would appreciate if you by any chance keep of a copy of those files... If not, I'll try to edit them myself again following your instructions more carefully. 

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I am glad that I'm not the only one who has a desire for larger fonts. However, I ended up going back to the default ones as I was never 100% happy. The settings I posted still had some artifacts here and there. But I'll check if I still have those files somewhere.


EDIT: Well that was easy. I still had some font files on my Laptop's desktop. I am not sure if these use the settings that I posted, but I'll upload them anyway. Let me know if they help! I also never tested them with K2.


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Тhank you very much for the quick reply and upload! I was just starting to get frustrated, using the NWN utility I generated two files with the same font and exact same specs as you mentioned, renamed them appropriately and put them in override and still got black spaces where there should be text in dialogues... I'll try out your files now!

EDIT: Indeed, the files work! Like you say, the font is far from perfect and does seem to introduce some strange artifacts in strange places. Having said that it's a visible improvement so I'll test it out for now regardless. If I could, I would still try to modify it to my taste a bit (larger size, see what the effect is etc.)

So I'm sorry to further ask you about this subject but how did you manage to make these files work? I tried your method step by step and all I could get was some blank, black space, as I stated above. Which means the file swap works, the game recognizes the texture but doesn't display it properly for some reason. Did you edit the files in any way beside choosing the font and specs, then generating them in  in the NVN utility? 

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No worries. I just happened to visit deadlystream for the first time in months and saw your post.

It's been a year so I honestly don't know how to do it, I kinda wrote this post for myself as well. I do remember that it took me awhile as well to get it working. 

I'll try to follow my own instructions and get back to you. I'm pretty sure though that I only renamed the files generated by NWN Font Tool and put them in the override folder. My instructions should be complete, but I only wrote them down after doing it and never tried to follow them as I kinda gave up on the topic.

Please make sure to share your results here, should you come up with any improvement. Even though I gave up, I'm still interested in getting larger fonts.


EDIT: I followed my instructions and it worked just fine. I'll post some screenshots to give you a more detailed instruction.


EDIT2: So as I said I made some screenshots. I also included the Bank Gothic font I used. It says "unknown" under license on fontpalace so I guess it's ok to upload it here, if not I can change the file and link to fontpalace. I think I got no subtitles when I messed up the settings, so be sure to start by copying mine exactly. Let me know if you still have problems.

NWN font maker instructions.zip

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Sorry for the late reply. After using your font files and seeing the results, I didn't really feel like I'm capable of achieving a better result. Like you said, the game just doesn't like us messing with the font size and gives some strange effects all around  andI am not prepared to sacrifice stability and functionality (I can't see all quest info with custom fonts). Also, any other combination I tried generating gives the 'black' or 'blank' font. I really don't have the time or the nerves right now to experiment more on that. You know how it is when RL issues swarm on you. Add to this the fact that my KOTOR II build appeared to have several game-breaking bugs. So all my energy modding wise was pointed towards making a fresh, working mod build from scratch, ambitious project with 70+ mods.


Fingers crossed, the game seems stable for now but I still haven't reached Telos :D A shame there no working 'skip Peragus' or equivalent mod for TSLRCM, though. We can all agree it's tedious every single time a new game is started to have to run in your underpants for hours on end killing janitor droids so Kreia has a chance to remind you the Force is still a thing :Juggle: So yeah, at some point I might get annoyed with the tiny subtitles again but it's not a priority now, game stability is.

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Why not just use one the save files collections on this very site and change the character to what you need with KSE instead of redoing Peragus over and over?

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No worries. I just happened to visit deadlystream for the first time in months and saw your post.

It's been a year so I honestly don't know how to do it, I kinda wrote this post for myself as well. I do remember that it took me awhile as well to get it working. 

I'll try to follow my own instructions and get back to you. I'm pretty sure though that I only renamed the files generated by NWN Font Tool and put them in the override folder. My instructions should be complete, but I only wrote them down after doing it and never tried to follow them as I kinda gave up on the topic.

Please make sure to share your results here, should you come up with any improvement. Even though I gave up, I'm still interested in getting larger fonts.


EDIT: I followed my instructions and it worked just fine. I'll post some screenshots to give you a more detailed instruction.


EDIT2: So as I said I made some screenshots. I also included the Bank Gothic font I used. It says "unknown" under license on fontpalace so I guess it's ok to upload it here, if not I can change the file and link to fontpalace. I think I got no subtitles when I messed up the settings, so be sure to start by copying mine exactly. Let me know if you still have problems.

Newbie here, I was wondering how you added the Bank Gothic font to the NWN Font Tool, as there is a .ttf file I would like to add to my options for making a new font file. Thanks in advance.

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Why not just use one the save files collections on this very site and change the character to what you need with KSE instead of redoing Peragus over and over?

That's not a bad idea at all. However, will those saves work with a heavily modified game? As in, all the modified game files in my current build are surely very different from the ones in the savegame. Will not that breed eventual conflicts? Also, I have broken my save at least once by tweaking my char in KSE, it causes random crashes it seems. I've read somewhere messing with the main char by means of KSE can potentially cause that. If these are not obstacles then 'skipping' Peragus would be very easy indeed.




Newbie here, I was wondering how you added the Bank Gothic font to the NWN Font Tool, as there is a .ttf file I would like to add to my options for making a new font file. Thanks in advance.

When I tried this, I first had to install the font in Windows. In Win XP, it's under Control Panel > Fonts but I suppose the chance of you using XP is minimal so just google the way you add fonts to your version of OS. When you find the 'Add font' feature or equivalent it will ask for the location of the .tff file and it is installed automatically. After this when you open NWN Font Tool, the option to choose the font should be available.

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That's not a bad idea at all. However, will those saves work with a heavily modified game? As in, all the modified game files in my current build are surely very different from the ones in the savegame. Will not that breed eventual conflicts? Also, I have broken my save at least once by tweaking my char in KSE, it causes random crashes it seems. I've read somewhere messing with the main char by means of KSE can potentially cause that. If these are not obstacles then 'skipping' Peragus would be very easy indeed.

Not knowing what mods you have in your heavily modified build, I still say to give it a shot and see what happens. Worse case scenario is you've only lost a few hours. Check to see if any of the saves might skew closer to your mod build. Also worth considering, make your very own save set the next time you do Peragus. (Make copies of those saves to put in a separate location as well.)

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Really useful tips. Will do. I tried the savegames on the site and for now, all seems to be in order. The SG's description clearly states they were made with an unmodded game so they *should* work well with any mod build. But does that include TSLRCM as well? I'll still play through Peragus if I feel like it in a stable build, but for stability testing these save files are invaluable. The thread can continue on topic now, thanks  for the help!

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