
Freecam in Kotor

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Hi all.


In my never-ending attempt to make my videos better, I have begun to once again experiment with getting freecam to work with Kotor.


After much digging, I discovered a tool called GLinercept. This has been posted before over on LF but there was little to no practical information on the tool, so I went off and began to experiment.


After a long while I managed to get the freecam to work (although the ini changes won't work for the life of me) and I managed to record some test clips- VIDEO



You may notice how choppy it looks and be a bit disappointed. I was at first too but I have managed to improve some of the clips significantly in post.


Recording at 60fps with image stabilisation and slowing the footage down to 30fps in post allows for fairly smooth pans when using the "PC controls".


If anyone has any experience with GLintercept please post here in order help me get things figured out.



I would also like to ask some of the mod authors here a few questions, that would help with this project immensely:

  • Is it possible to have a mod render the PC completely invisible
  • Is it possible to completely disable the HUD or resize it so it takes up less screen real estate
Doing this, along with an invincible PC would allow for a "Pseudo" Freecam that just involved walking around and would not have the negatives associated with GLintercept.



Also I posted this when I was supposed to be sleeping so forgive any grammar/spelling/logic mistakes.



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I've found a kotor 2 footage featuring a no HUD / UI gameplay some time ago. 


Skip to 6:25 of the video and you'll see. It would certainly be nice to record kotor battle videos without the HUD. It creates that cinematic feel to it and overall more pleasing to watch.

I'm really doubting right now if the video was cropped  because the camera angle is too perfect, right in the middle as if the HUD is just invisible. Gah... If only I know how... 

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I'm really doubting right now if the video was cropped  because the camera angle is too perfect, right in the middle as if the HUD is just invisible. Gah... If only I know how... 


There is a workaround that involves entering first person then warping to the same module that you are in that removes the hud. Now all I need it a way to make the PC invisible.

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Check out your swkotor/swkotorii.ini files.


Simply change "Hide InGame GUI=0" to "Hide InGame GUI=1".


Edit: Well, that only hides part of it.

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If anyone has any experience with GLintercept please post here in order help me get things figured out.

You really ought to speak with Xarwarz, as he's the one that brought this to the public's attention in this thread at Lucasforums.


Also ask JCarter426 as he did some movie footage using this method - posted in that thread as well. JCarter426 and Yceman both have extensive experience with making KOTOR and KOTOR2 machinima. They have probably have progressed far beyond what that thread contains.


If you can piece it together from the thread I linked to above and whatever you get from private conversations with the thread's participants, you have the making of a pretty awesome subject for a tutorial video.  Just sayin' ;)

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You really ought to speak with Xarwarz,


Also ask JCarter426 


Xarwarz wasnt really sure how to set things up anymore and JCarter426 has not responded to any of my attempts to contact him yet, sadly.

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