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Guest HaVoKeR

Ultimate Balancing Mod

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Guest HaVoKeR

Hi, i am working with tweaks and balances for kotor (both of them, but its not the subject now) for a good time and i really have done some improvements in classes, meaning that jedi classes arent really that better than the normal ones... also i have balanced the base jedi classes so their power is really equal (if someone noticed in vanilla version, jedi sentinel is the best class)...

But now i am making balances to equipment, and i never liked much this idea of "upgrades" (have you EVER seen anyone talking about that in the movies?) or even crystals for lightsabers (but those we can keep, maybe =p)... so, going to the point, i was thinking if anyone with scripting skills would like to help me finish this mod doing one thing: creating a script that passively adds 1/2 of your level to all your damage... (for TSL and maybe for k1 too, i think that script could work for both of them...) so i will remove all the upgrades using .2da files, make the weapons in kotor have the same base damage from the ones in Star Wars Saga PnP rulebook and then we have: THE PERFECT KotOR balance mod.

That will make a big hit in all KotOR mod websites hehehe, uh? ^^

I hope someone likes the idea of having its name in this mod and do it...

Even if you dont, thx for the attention anyway.

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Guest HaVoKeR

Well its balancing classes so their power is more equal, ive changed classes, feat, featgain, powergain, some saving throws, hit points, skills, armor class bonus, baseitems... thats all i can get straight out of my mind now... The only thing thats missing is that 1/2 level on damage thing, which is impossible with .2da changes, if i have that, so all the weapons will match its PnP version from Star Wars Saga (no more upgrades for them)... making all the damage done more balanced - cause it depends on your level only. Thus, it will make Kotor looks more like star wars. Have you ever saw anyone upgrading its own weapon or lightsaber or anything in the movies? Another thing is the main skill of the game - repair, which your exile must have to do nice upgrades, it will not be soooooo needed and you will be able to customize more your character.

Edited by HaVoKeR

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Well its balancing classes so their power is more equal, ive changed classes, feat, featgain, powergain, some saving throws, hit points, skills, armor class bonus, baseitems... thats all i can get straight out of my mind now...


Balancing classes so they're more equal? I haven't played the PnP version of Star Wars, but isn't the point behind having different classes so that they are Not equal? Each class has different strenghts and weaknesses. I'd get bored playing the same class that's just a little bit different.


The half level damage seems to go against what everyone generally thinks about KotorII - that by the end of the game the Exile is WAY too overpowered. I think introducing that instead of weapon upgrades is going in the wrong direction.


Also, no you don't hear about people upgrading their weapons in the movies, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It's a game mechanic.


My point is that it's fine if you want to make a rebalance mod. In fact, I encourage it. I wouldn't say it's perfect though...

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Guest HaVoKeR

The classes arent getting equal, each one has its own habilities, my point is; there should not be any class stronger than the other. I never touched in each class individuality, only gave more power through hit points, saving throws... i mean, you dont *have*to transform bao-dur in a jedi guardian to make him stronger in battles, although its nice to do so.

About the Jedi Exile being stronger, its not like that, his lightsaber in the vannila version, with full upgrades and crystals (damage oriented) will have a damage like: 22-40, maybe even more (with qixoni+exile crystal, superior diatium cell and other stuff), in my version of the game, you would need lvl 40 for that (which you can get only with cheats/glitches)...

Yes its a game mechanic, but i still think this upgrade equipment stuff *never* happened in almost all the SW universe (or in all), expanded or movies only, they not even TALK about weapon upgrades, crystals or lightsaber stuff. Its something game designers take from other games/universes and introduce in it, thinking that will make sense. Talking about a moment where they FIRST say that lightsaber has crystals (but dont give any details), only happened in the Clone Wars cartoon, season 1 or so, but never in the history of the movies.

I should also add, every lightsaber recently built or not has the same power of destruction than the others; remember in ep 6 were Luke's recently built lightsaber cut Vader hand? i.e. has the same power of Vader's saber. That's not possible in a universe were you can upgrade it.

Edited by HaVoKeR

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That's why I use Aurora's Rebalance.


Though I kind of don't care any more. Kotor 2 is a combat round-based game and therefore doesn't require skill, so who cares anyway.


For a single player game with some challenge, and one where things like "class balance" matter, I go to Risen or its predecessors, Gothic 1 and 2. Kotor 2 I love for the characters, dialogue, atmosphere, subtleties of the story and background. Similar to Planescape Torment, where combat was even more irrelevant.

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Technically, lightsaber crystals were first introduced in the A New Hope novelisation embedded in the hilt of the lightsaber.

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hmmm new hope? dont remeber that, by novelisation you mean "not" in the movies?


Yeah, it's only in the book form. According to Wookiepedia.

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Guest HaVoKeR
That's why I use Aurora's Rebalance.
- http://modsreloaded....crazy-rebalance

Well, i will post my version of what a balance mod should be, so you guys may compare and see what i mean.

EDIT: removed everything, which can be checked in the mods page =p.

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I would give HK-47 more feats. He's hugely lacking in them now, for a combat droid.

T3 pawns his ass :P.


EDIT: Reading your entire list I hardly call that balancing. Or even anything remotely like how I would modify the game. Sounds to me like you extreme buff enemy damage as only con to difficulty, and compensate by making all Jedi gods. That's not my definition of 'balancing'. Actually, because of the AC one can get in the game with your changes, I see enemies having a hard time getting that increased damage applied, overall making it a lot easier. But I suppose others may like it.


What do you suggest as thread name instead?

Edited by Hassat Hunter

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Guest HaVoKeR
I would give HK-47 more feats. He's hugely lacking in them now, for a combat droid.

T3 pawns his ass :P.


EDIT: Reading your entire list I hardly call that balancing. Or even anything remotely like how I would modify the game. Sounds to me like you extreme buff enemy damage as only con to difficulty, and compensate by making all Jedi gods. That's not my definition of 'balancing'. Actually, because of the AC one can get in the game with your changes, I see enemies having a hard time getting that increased damage applied, overall making it a lot easier. But I suppose others may like it.


What do you suggest as thread name instead?

It seems i am having a hard time making myself clear, well, i will try harder then =p

Edit: no more necessary, all info is in the mod's page...

Edited by HaVoKeR

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Guest HaVoKeR

No more feedback upon this?

Btw, if someone downloaded it, know that i had it updated several times already. I guess its done now, so better download it again.

I just did some major changes, including mira's class, and a lot of feats, weapons and other tweaks, meaning more balanced classes. People should at least test it or check the changelog again and see the big difference from the previous version.

This mod is completely compatible with RCM, HighLVLFpowers, improvedAi and probably 99% of the other mods (except for balance/hardcore ones).

Edited by HaVoKeR

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