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Kreia's ending Dialogue

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I'm not sure if this belongs in this section, so move it if it's wrong, but I wonder if anyone here can explain exactly what the triggers are for variations in Kreia's endgame prophecies? For example, what triggers Kreia to say that Visas loves the pc, what triggers Kreia to call Atton a murderer rather than fool etc. etc.

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You know, I've wondered exactly how the game decides what companion 'loves' the PC. As for Atton being a murderer, I think that's him being evil due to either high or low influence, I'm not sure.

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But if you had low influence as a dark side character, would that give Atton the good ending? Is it decided by player alignment, npc alignment, or pure influence? As for the "love" mechanic it seems to be decided by the 000_Hand_Love000_Visas_Love, and maybe the 006EBO_Visas_Love Global values (as seen here- The big question of course, being what triggers those globals' values to change-I'd also be glad to know what those particular values affect other than the ending dialogue.

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I don't believe they affect anything, except for if the Remote can't activate the Mass Shadow Generator, in which case, it determines who has the last conversation with the PC at the end of the game.

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the Prophecies where dumb, just an excuse for no kotor 3, unless the predictions were wrong... =)


to answer the question I believe its determined with influence + side, Influence I know determines love, which I felt was weird because it didn't give me a " exact" romance person, as in the end dialogues it treated both visas and Brianna equal, with no favoritism for either.

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Really? That's odd. I played as a light sided male, and I had full influence with them both, yet only visas was considered a love interest. The game would also have to choose one for the "saved malachor" ending. I wonder when the "love" globals trigger?

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I did played LS male too, but it might have been grey being I recruit Master Z and V but I went vaklu on onderon "just because HK needed the influence"  and I was hoping I had a passive way to not kill Kavar but no he had to save the queen, after that I go to Dantooine and have to kill the other to Jedi masters " amused that master Z died in 2  saber strikes but had to spam mines to kill vrook, else I missed every strike and resisted all my force" so that might have had something to do with it, I don't know how exactly your "love" is supposed to be shown in the end however,  visas and I meditate together but then I save Brianna and stuff happens there, after that no one shows me any special emotions =(. It might also be because I was a weak LS because that stupid hidden tomb on korriban drained 1/2 my LS side and left me gray.  Also surprised at your post ^ If you go full LS it was supposed to be Brianna.

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I wasn't full light side, but I did rescue the three masters, and I did get a light side prestige class. I don't like making decisions just for the sake of being light or dark-someone should make a mod that allows the player to get a prestige class without strong alignment. Back to the OP, I wonder when the Love global triggers? Is it at the beginning of the enclave scene, or only upon reaching Malachor? Is it possible to get neither love interest? Is it really just a simple influence check? If I had 99 influence with one and 100 with the other would that decide it?

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Really forgot about that thread... anyways, what's used in 904Kreia.dlg (when set is another matter):

Mira - depends on her alignment
Mandalore - no variations
Visas - Love depends on 000_Visas_Love, also has DS/LS variations if no love-sequence
Disciple - depends on his alignment
Handmaiden - Love depends on 000_Hand_Love, also has DS/LS variations if no love-sequence
Atton - depends on his alignment, females get a 'did he love me?' line which also has an alignment different response

Telos - Depends on Czerka/Ithorians... there's also an unused untriggerable response for if the planet was destroyed
Dantooine - Depends on Settlers or Mercenaries
Nar Shaddaa - Depends on the flag 300NAR_Exchange_Favor, modified by various actions on the planet
Onderon - Depends on Vaklu or Talia
Korriban - No variations

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Hassat Hunter, how would I trigger the Telos response, hypothetically speaking? Would I use the KSE?

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as far as I know, with just TSLRCM, that's not possible to blow up the planet

the Ravager needs to wreck into telos

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