catagurin 11 Posted February 7, 2011 Well, Kotor 1 has better visuals than KOTOR 2 and very little missing content. While Kotor 2 has some low texture things and very much missing content, but in the same time a greater story and much more features! KOTOR 1 - Good KOTOR 2 (vanilla) - Lame KOTOR 1 - Good KOTOR 2 (TSLRCM, MALACHOR VI, M4-78EP, GenoHaradan Revisioning)- AWESOME!!! For me is KOTOR 2:D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest firehawk12 Posted February 8, 2011 Even before all the content, KOTOR2 was just the more interesting game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Master Revan Posted February 10, 2011 I 've always preferred Kotor I, kotor II has a big flaw,and we didn't even know the destiny of the first game characters. But i'm playing kotor II again with the mod and it's a lot better, even better than the first. I always want to kill that prostivagariranha [it's a joke and means bitch among my friends here in Brazil]. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
topopox 0 Posted February 11, 2011 KOTOR II for me... KOTOR 1 is a cliche-storm all the way, the quest for the Star Forge felt like something out of a Harry Potter book. The Plot Twist was just stupid to me as most of it's characters involved. The dialogues are just over-the-top & pretty stupid. The idea of the game's universe though it's brilliant. HK-47, Canderous & Jolee are the best characters out of all the ride. KOTOR II does extremely the opposite & it's one of the best RPG's I've ever played. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pazaak 12 Posted February 13, 2011 If I even began to explain an answer to such a question, it would be essay-length. And I could point out intricacies and extremely negligible details that one would call me insane for remember from both games, be they good or bad. I'll make this short. I enjoyed Kotor 2 significantly more than the first. No bias, considering this a Kotor 2-esque forum and all, but I do believe that. Kotor 1 was probably my favorite game of all time when it came out, and my hype for it was out of this world. I was skeptical when Kotor 2 was announced, and thought of it as many do about the Prequel trilogy compared to the Original trilogy, "Not as good." Lo and behold my surprise, when it turned out to be quite the opposite. The graphics were sharper, the gameplay was smoother, and the story and characters deeper and darker. What was not to love? Lo and behold my surprise once again when the game was not finished, buggy, and broken. These things did not change my opinions about it though, and it solidified itself as one of my favorite games of all time, and knocked the original Kotor out of it's cushy throne. Like I said, I would be here for days if I explained myself further. You don't want that, I don't want that, nobody does, so I'll leave it with this. In my opinion, I thoroughly enjoyed Kotor 2 more than I did Kotor 1. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest asasello Posted February 18, 2011 KOTOR 1 Better story. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MinkyUrungus Posted February 19, 2011 Yeah, the KOTOR-2-That-Was-Meant-To-Be is definitely my favorite. Not just with the storyline though: It's kinda tough going back to the first one and having a notable lack of Jedi powers. Keep in mind that I know that whole thing is plot-relevant (Revan-ant?...Ah boy...). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pazaak 12 Posted February 21, 2011 KOTOR 1 Better story. Better story? I'll reply nicely, even though this angers me greatly. Kotor 1's story was all fine and dandy, but let's face it, it's VERY hollywood, and very much like the movies (In some ways, not in others.) Kotor 2, simply put, is not. It's dark, gritty and deep, elements all but missing from the light-heartedness of the first game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest shinsetsuna Posted February 28, 2011 Kotor 2, no contest. First of all is, of course, the story. Vanilla TSL is still better than vanilla Kotor 1 in my books, simply because its not so cliche. Also, the whole "revelation about Revan" thing had a very small impact on me because I pretty much knew that would be the outcome since my second planet (Kashyyyk, Star Map hologram is the culprit), and I was disappointed when I found out my suspicions were correct. I was expecting something more creative. And I may be odd, but to be truthful, Revan is kinda boring. I mean, hes so special, but I just think they made him TOO special. I truly prefer the Exile. Hes special too, but not the the overdone extent of Revan, making him more likeable in my books. And shades of gray beats good vs evil type story any day Second is the planets and how they develop. While in Kotor 1 I had great fun in Tatooine and Kashyyyk, Manaan was a pain in the rear (Bastilla always nagging me about using force persuade), Korriban is only fun at some parts, and the Unknown Planet (where the Rakkatan are) must be the single most boring planet ever (With the most boring species to boot), Dantooine is truly annoying (Murder scene and Juhanni scene. Bleah), and the Star Forge, considering it was supposed to be "the battle to decide the fate of the galaxy", was a bit dull. Kotor 2 isnt perfect, either, but its hell of a lot better. Onderon, Korriban, Malachor V and Nar Shadaa more than make up for how boring Peragus, Telos and Dantooine are. Its also much more fun to chase after Jedi Masters than pieces of some map. And speaking of which, could Bioware be more obvious in suggesting that the Star Forge is a weapon factory? You character can suggest almost 10 times that the Star Forge is a weapons factory, and Bastilla always says the same "It might but we cant know for sure" EVERY SINGLE TIME. Personally, I believe that if you go through all those times you can suggest the Star Forge is a weapons factory, you should have an ending where you Force Push Bastilla off a Nar Shadaa dock while yelling "I TOLD YOU IT WAS A WEAPONS FACTORY!!!" Third, characters. In some cases, I like characters from both games quite a darn bit (Kreia and Jolee, Carth and Atton). The only characters I hate in Kotor 2 are Visas and Disciple, whereas in Kotor 1, I simply cannot stand Juhanni, Mission or Bastilla. Just to put things in perspective, Visas and Disciple make me want to squash a Gizka. Mission, Juhanni and Bastilla make me want to stab myself with a Bothan Stunner. Also, Mandalore Canderous beats regular Canderous any day. And hell, if what you want is shocking character revelations, Revan is nothing compared to GO-TO. Now THAT is a shock Fourth, gameplay and minor aspects. With item creation, Influence system, higher level cap and Prestige classes, Kotor 2 is just far more entertaining to play than Kotor 1. Robes in Kotor 1 are utter trash, so it was good to see the proper robes being used in Kotor 2. HK was hilarious in Kotor 1, but he is simply hysterical in Kotor 2. Force powers were also more or less balanced out between light and dark side in Kotor 2 (Kotor 1 made darkside way too strong). Camera angle is also better in Kotor 2 than in the first one IMO. I cant really explain it, but I get a feeling of claustrophobia whenever I play Kotor 1 that I dont get when Im playing Kotor 2 Anyways, long story short, Kotor 2 > Kotor 1, even without TSLRCM. The failings in Kotor 2 lie in what they didnt put in, which is fixable. The failings of Kotor 1 lie in what they did put in, which is beyond repair Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jd-inflames 2 Posted March 12, 2011 If KotOR had the game play that TSL did, and TSL had the storyline that KotOR did, they would both be perfect games. With that in mind, I'll remain undecided. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Stiven Posted March 26, 2011 Of course Kotor 2, because this game has more "abult" storyline, than Kotor 1. No offense but Kotor 1 game for ugly lukasfags 15-17 year old, who's always wanted just another crap-game aka "Gooood Jedi vs Eeeevil Sith", i mean this realy good game too, but just little primitive in storyline. Sorry for my bad english. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darthbdaman 74 Posted April 13, 2011 I believe Kotor 1s story was better due to TSL be unfinished. With TSLRCM this point is moot. TSL has better gameplay mechanics and many new features. The characters in TSL were also much deeper. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Plastic Posted April 13, 2011 My First Post! Anyway, on topic... I remember getting KOTOR on xbox , but it didn't work so I took it back. Later got KOTOR II on pc (after playing that I was thinking "Why did I get rid of the first one?" I later got KOTOR on xbox again. Now then, is it illegal to like both games? I like the first on for it's complete story that also makes sense. The story just was... great. I also like the second one despite its flaws. (TSLRCM has fixed some of these, but I don't think it can fix all of them without adding their own content as well.) Let's face it... parts of the story don't make sense. Like the Exile herself, the story was left... broken. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest GarfieldJL Posted April 15, 2011 For me I prefered KotOR II over I, better control interface, characters had more depth, the story was more cynical in a way. I see Kreia as annoying in a way, but nowhere near as annoying as Bastila from KotOR I, there are times I think Bastila needed be by slapped upside the head with a salmon. Least Kreia had the excuse of being old and senile. Atton Rand is a much more dynamic charecter than Carth Onasi, while you feel sorry for Carth a lot in KotOR I once you know his story, Atton is more in depth. Additional perk for Atton is he can be a Jedi, and a real powerhouse of a party member. Furthermore as we see from TSLRCM him really tick off the Twi'leks (sp?), which is hysterical. Canderous was in both games. HK 47 was in both games. T3-M4 - In both games, but he seemed stronger in KotOR II. I miss Jolee and Juhanni (sp?) unfortunately Jolee doesn't fit the mentor role like Kreia, Juhanni could probably replace Lady Credit Card. Though the mistress of credit isn't exactly an annoyance like the old hag. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SiZo Posted April 15, 2011 KotOR II. The reason is about the same as the others said. But I'd like to mention something about the characters the others didn't: While playing with KotOR, I always had a feeling that even if I had several party members, there were only two of them, actually: Carth and Bastila. There were occasions in the game where all of them had a fairly important role, but after these, they just were, and were just standing on the Ebon Hawk "anxiously" waiting for me to discuss their kind of dull history not bothering with and not knowig the others. They were sort of vacant. In KotOR II, it changed. You have a feeling about having a party. Why? Every time you enter the Ebon Hawk, you wittness your pals having conversations or quarrels with each other, some of which I consider pretty funny. So you have a feeling that they know one another, and on top of these, they work together as well. A good example of this is on Nar Shaddaa and the second visit on Dxun. Furthermore, they are much more interesting and they all have their significant role. After four playthrough, I haven't got bored with their background story, but in KotOR it was rather a nuisance speaking to them. In KotOR, I liked only three of my companions (Carth, Bastila, HK-47), while in II, I liked all of them. As for the story, it can't be judged impartially which is the better one. Both of them are good and different kinds. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrPhil 58 Posted April 15, 2011 I don't think there was this much Ebon Hawk cutscenes before TSL RCM restored them. Even though I like to get the info from them, I think I can see why they got cut. It is funny how you get crushed under a load of cutscenes just about every time you get into the ship. Still, more depht to the story is good, in my opinion. I just wished the big bunch of ebon hawk cutscenes could be disseminated elsewhere or something... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest mr_dad Posted July 18, 2011 I say kotor 2. The first one is to much like the original trilogy in terms of story. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Fury of Revan Posted July 28, 2011 Hmm..... hard choice. K2 has a dynamic storyline and distinctive characters, and of course Kreia, the psychotic witch. Also K2 made you re-think which side of the Force is really the one helping the galaxy. Plus, it had a good weapon system. And T3-M4 had a WAY bigger role which K1 did not have. But..... the male characters I thought were too chunky and fat. K1 on the other hand is the game which pulled all of us SW fans together and K1 started the KOTOR series and if it wasn't for K1 there would be no SW MMO coming out this year. And K1 had some good characters too, like Revan, Canderous, and HK-47! K1 also had some really good environments, from the hot, blistering deserts of Tatooine to the relaxing, beautiful water world of Manaan. And we can't forget about the dark, damp, and creepy depths of the Kashyyyk's Shadowlands. Plus K1 had some really good soundtracks! And I remember the thrill the first time I learned the I was playing as Darth Revan! Good times... Good times. So if I had to choose either K1 or K2 I'd have to pick K1 because for me it was a funner experience I'll always remember and cherish. KOTOR 1 Forever! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest hkmandalore47 Posted July 31, 2011 KotOR II!!! only cuz i never played KotOR. anyway, im surprised a lot of people like the second one better. i would have thought that people would like the first one better Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Allison Lightning Posted August 2, 2011 The first KotOR hands down without the mods- I've had the Sith Lord games, PC and X BOX for two years and I haven't wanted to touch them until I found TSLRCM because the second game was an incomplete mess. Even modded, I feel like in the first game that this character is me and just to point out, in the gameplay it is infinitely an uphill battle with Revan but with the Exile, it's like the latter is the super powerful one even though Revan is like looking into the heart of the Force, without the Anakin emo-ness. The characters. If Carth Onasi had influence and changing into a Jedi he'd be perfect, his storyline is the best NPC in the first game, hands down. Atton, has potential and it pitters out, although I'm hoping a full playthrough with the restoration has the Malachor V Atton thing make up for his character. With the Sunry trial, you have to remember, influence or not that Carth was teetering on the edge of a fall largely up to the Leviathan. Bastila is awesome for me playing a female character but I think with a Male Revan her interesting aspects get ruined. She is this young jedi who had to face an old friend who had become the dark lord, and then lie to them on the order of Council. There is so much grey in the first game, it is just subtle. The second game doesn't have Juhani but the Disciple, and I hate these two characters so let's just say they cancelled each other out. The mini conversations are frustrating a little because it pulls you out of the game in a way like the fact you are this predetermined character as the Exile. It's just not as personally investing as the first game, although I still enjoy it as fan service to the first. What annoys me most about the second game is the wound in the force never getting addressed really and it was a high plot point, better than the unknown regions and true sith invasion. Have Kreia, the manipulative scow tell you that through you the force will die and that you have to make a choice and then have Revan show up light side or dark side to fight you for real (echoing with Korriban) with the fate of the Force in the balance. The second game was too impersonal and anti climatic for it to ever be my favourite of the pair, but in comparison to a lot of other RPGs with the TSLRCM, it is an awesome game. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sceptrum Posted August 2, 2011 It's simply a sin not play both of the games, but if I had to choose it would be Kotor II, because it's simply more complex and mature. Some of the dialogues in II are so philosophic and deep and that goes well with me cause' I'm not a fan of quick and easy games. M478 + 1.8 = will be THE best Star Wars experience and possibly the best gaming experience to date. Cheers 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan 11 Posted January 2, 2012 KotOR 2 was a lot more interesting to me. Especially at the end. KotOR1 was great, but the ending wasn't that great in my opinion. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted January 3, 2012 Gotta love how those who vote for K2 use better graphics as one of their reasons. I will bring some diversity into this peaceful soncensus and argue that K1 was and still will be supperior to K2. Here are my reasons: 1. It IS a better story telling in spite of all yall's opinions. Simply because it's based on classic staff. It is also amusing how so many of yall call classic a "cliché." Since when "Light vs Dark" has become for kids, and "Dark vs Gray" has become for grown-ups? THe path of an exulted hero who saves the world from an apparent threat can be very appealing to all ages. Everything depends on the talent of the writer. That's what the original SW trilogy was about. Are yall going to say that it was for kids? 2. Many agree that there is dipper philosophy in K2, and I say this is good. But, it is out of place. That Kreia's quasi-Nietzschean preaching about "let the weak go through suffering and become stronger or die" can be addressed to the Sith philosophy, but in the end it all comes to simple confrontation of the Exile with two power hungry monsters and an old woman who lost her mind. That's all. The game leaves us in uncertainty, and this is what doesn't belong in SW universe. Especially, Kreia's idea to destroy the Force doesn't add anything to the plot. Talking about realism here... 3. Characters.. They are interesting in K2, but in K1 they are classic archetypes. Bastila is officially called "The old Republic's Leia." I don't want to give preference to any of the parties, I just wanna say that those are unfair who claim that K1's characters are less interesting. 4. To emphasize something really important one more time - IT IS NOT NECESSARILY BAD WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT FROM PEOPLE. On the contrary, it is bad when something strange happens without a proper explanation. Come on, did you like the scene where Kreia instantly kills 3 Jedi masters? Really? How was that possible? An explanation, K2, please. 5. This is why I think the story telling of K2 was worse. With mods or not, but we are left with toooo much stuff to figure out on our own. This might be good for some kind of detective plot game, but for SW this is just a clear sign of the authors' laziness. PS. Still on the scale of 10 I'd give 10 to K1 and 9 to K2(with mods). 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrdartht 0 Posted January 3, 2012 Both games have their good and bad points. For plot points K1 definately had more closure to it whereas TSL always left too many questions unanswered, K1 had some annoying characters which, even being annoying as they were, were still fun (I still chuckle at the fact that you can ask Juhani why she keeps spewing trash at you)where TSL on the other hand had much more depth to it's characters and their motivations (though Kreia was still obviously sith), definately some issues in TSL with obvious contradictions (Atris invites you to return to the Telos polar region if you work for her which is impossible given Brianna's refusal to lower the sheilds if she travels with you), K1 definately has better light/dark player controlled options whereas TSL makes some decisions for you based on your alignment (only darksiders can get Hanharr), there are definately better plot twists in K1 (You are Revan is much better than G0-T0 is Goto). For gameplay TSL has better upgradeable items but the influence system gets irritating when trying to squeeze information out of stubborn NPCs, The models for areas and characters are great in both games but the texturing is definately lacking in TSL (The change in quality is best seen in the textures for protocol droids and ithorians), There were definately odd changes to the game's mechanics by Obsidian that weren't really needed (Changes to alien voices) and I definately found reading alien subtitles harder in TSL, the larger modules in TSL are a gift and a curse in that they give more room to play around in but seem to be the cause for frame rate issues. All in all I'd say both games are equall in my opinion. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Avenger13 0 Posted October 20, 2012 Here's my take on things. KOTOR 1 - A more fun game, more "light", simple story, adventure-filled, space-opera-epic game with a few "good" characters here and there. KOTOR 2 - Gameplay wasn't as entertaining or fun. But man that story, the writing is heads and shoulders above KOTOR 1. I mean, it's not even in the same league in terms of storytelling and writing. The story in KOTOR 2 is maybe the best Star Wars story ever (I haven't read all the novels). But, I've never seen anything like this in a Star Wars game before. The dialogue is some of the best ever put in a video game. The character development and writing where you first meet Atris and discuss your past crimes is better than anything in the first KOTOR. And the thing was I thought KOTOR was a marvelous game when I first played it, now after playing KOTOR 2, I realized how simple and cliche the first KOTOR was (not that simple is a bad thing, but it's child's play compared to KOTOR 2). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites