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Towards a perfect K2 - 014 - Graphic inconsistencies

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There are many errors of this nature in Kotor 2.


Is there allready something done on the maps? A mod?...


Is it possible to do something?


For example:


The entrance of the elevator between the entertainment module and module 126. It is the same! We should see strictly the same thing!



The elevator cabin seen from entertainment module





The same cabin seen from the module 081

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The elevator cabin seen from entertainment module


Except that that's not an elevator. That is a shuttle entrance, thus the rows of seats. Also, if you look outside the window, you should be able to see the shuttle docked there.



The same cabin seen from the module 081


This is presumably an elevator, which leads somewhere near, if not directly to the shuttle.

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Guest DH-010


The pictures you show are just the standard door frames of Telos' doors. They're supposed to the same, they're both doors... All the doors in your house also have the same frame don't they?

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I'm not talking about the door. I don't care at all about the door.


I talk about the cabin, behind the door. It is the same !


We leave in a cabin full of seats to sit and we arrive in the same cabin... a empty cabin without any equipment inside.


When you look at the "airlock" to the reserve of Khoonda from the plain of Khoonda or from the reserve, it is not the same.


When you look at the entrance of the Harbinger from Peragus or from the Harbinger, it is not the same.


There is no consistency between the same place seen from a map or another.

Edited by ttlan

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You have no imagination. :)


Read what Varsity Puppet said. These are not the same thing. From the entertainment module, you're looking at a shuttle entrance. From the dock module, you're looking at an elevator, that presumably leads to a shuttle.


The entrance to the Harbinger has a hatch/door on the left when you look into it. This leads to a long docking connector/tunnel that sticks out into space normally. When Sion first arrived (while you walked around in the space suit) you saw the Harbinger connect to that.





So the door you see on the other side of the Harbinger is not the same room and not even the same door - there's that long docking tunnel between them.


Edited by Markus Ramikin

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You do it on purpose?


Citadel is an artificial station. Movement is done by an automated transit system or a classical transit system, as long as the automated system do not know you.


Classic movement from 81 to 126 :

I do not take an elevator in the entertainment unit, to join the transport shuttle. I go immediately into a transport shuttle with its seats. It is accessible directly from the level where I am.


And... I do not reach my destination in this shuttle!


I do not believe for a moment that the shuttle deposited me 10 or 100 floors down to get me to take a lift, especially since the entertainment module is made up of several floors (In which I managed to walk, as they actually exist on the map) while the dock module 126 seem to only have one level for passengers and visitors (we can see technicals elevators in the landing zones, to go down to the technical areas under the landing areas).


The shuttle is scheduled to arrive directly at the waiting room.


I think that designers did not consult each others when drawing the maps.


Look : The graphic work on the shuttle is of another quality that this stupid empty and square cabin where I go out on reaching the module 126.



The rear of the shuttle



The shuttle and its comfortable passengers lounge.



The nose of the shuttle


The argument would be to say "On the video of the approach to the Ebon Hawk, we see that the landing areas are at the top of a tower". This will not convince me that there has not been there, a mistake that is undermining the cohesion of Citadel maps.


Oh ... Another thing, already reported on the old forum: the Ebon Hawk, on the video, arrives on the landing zone 2, wich is that of Ithoriens. In fact, it is on the landing zone 1 that the TSF has invested and blocked up due to investigation.




And, when it arrives, I seem to see someone in white, walking in landig area 2, which makes me furiously think about Brianna. Precisely, there is a story not very clear about the Echani sisters on the Grenn console (a deleted scene for which nothing is left?).

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Citadel is an artificial station. Movement is done by an automated transit system or a classical transit system, as long as the automated system do not know you.


Classic movement from 81 to 126 :

I do not take an elevator in the entertainment unit, to join the transport shuttle.


Right, because it's docked right there. I don't see how this means the dock station can't have an elevator.



I do not believe for a moment that the shuttle deposited me 10 or 100 floors down to get me to take a lift, especially since the entertainment module is made up of several floors (In which I managed to walk, as they actually exist on the map) while the dock module 126 seem to only have one level for passengers and visitors (we can see technicals elevators in the landing zones, to go down to the technical areas under the landing areas).


The shuttle isn't taking them to lower floors, it's taking them to different modules.


The shuttle is scheduled to arrive directly at the waiting room.


No, that would be bad design, because only one shuttle would be able to dock at a time. If there was a docking room for the shuttles and THEN an elevator to go down the the actual module, that'd make more sense.


I think that designers did not consult each others when drawing the maps.


More like they weren't able to finish the maps in time.




I'm not even touching the section with the shuttle.

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The shuttle isn't taking them to lower floors, it's taking them to different modules.


No, that would be bad design, because only one shuttle would be able to dock at a time. If there was a docking room for the shuttles and THEN an elevator to go down the the actual module, that'd make more sense.


More like they weren't able to finish the maps in time.


I'm not even touching the section with the shuttle.


Hi, VP,


When you are on module 126, looking at the shuttle, a title appears in a popup :


Shuttle to Docks 126


But I can imagine the amount of job whether to alter the map.


And yes, time missing is the general problem for K2.


Thanks for the reply.

Edited by ttlan

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And, when it arrives, I seem to see someone in white, walking in landig area 2, which makes me furiously think about Brianna. Precisely, there is a story not very clear about the Echani sisters on the Grenn console (a deleted scene for which nothing is left?).


I go back on what I wrote about this story on Echani handmaidens on the Grenn terminal communication.


If your computer skills are sufficient, you can, under the eyes of Grenn, hack the terminal and discover that, in the ramifications of the investigation into the theft of the Ebon Hawk is an investigation into the "Echani handmaidens" (and, perhaps, a lost scene).


I've just come now to watch at the original text, in English, and that allusion to the handmaidens.


As I could see several times, when correcting the French translation, it seems, at the view of some texts in dialog.tlk, and even in some VOs that do not match the texts in dialog.tlk, that the dialog.tlk final version, in English, has undergone some last minute changes that have not had time to be reproduced in localized versions.


So in the actual English version, StrRef 79129 is:

"The information does appear to have been sliced, but you are unable to retrieve any useful information."


While, in the actual French version, which is probably a translation of a 79129 a little older, we read:

"The information does appear to have been sliced, but you can retrieve some lost info, including the "Echani handmaidens".


And, to emphasize this point in the French text, "Echani handmaidens" is written in capital letters.


Interesting, isn't it?

Edited by ttlan

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